Diarrhea is a fairly common ailment all over the world. In the United States alone, 48 million cases of food-borne illnesses occur annually, of which approximately 3,000 are fatal. This results in 128,000 hospitalizations per year, usually due to dehydration. Diarrhea can result from infectious agents such as viruses, bacteria, parasites or from non-infectious causes, such as adverse drug reactions. Many of the infectious causes are common viruses, rotaviruses and Norwalk virus. The term diarrhea refers to liquid stools or the need to discharge very often, although most doctors use it to indicate the production of watery and unformed stool. One of the most popular ways to treat diarrhea is the BRAT method, a diet-based home remedy.
Part 1 of 2: Follow the BRAT Method

Step 1. Consider this remedy
Doctors often recommend it for acute diarrhea, i.e. when it lasts less than two weeks. This method, which consists of a diet based on light foods, helps stabilize the stomach and recover from the gastrointestinal infections responsible for diarrhea. The term BRAT derives from the English acronym for Bananas - bananas, Rice - rice, Applesauce - grated apple and Toast - toast. These foods are specifically recommended because they are easy to digest, are well tolerated by most people and are low in fiber, helping the stool to solidify.
Keep in mind that this is not a weight loss diet and should not be followed for too long. This type of diet is low in protein, fat and fiber and lacks the nutrients necessary for a long life. You should only practice the BRAT method when you have diarrhea and only for those few days necessary to stabilize the gastrointestinal system. Stick to it for at least 24 hours to reduce symptoms

Step 2. Eat bananas
This is the first step of the BRAT method. This fruit is perfect when you have diarrhea, because it is light and does not burden the stomach; it is also of great help because it is rich in potassium and therefore helps to counteract the loss of nutrients caused by diarrhea. Eat a lot of them while you suffer from this disorder, but don't overdo it so as not to cause more stomach problems. Eat only what you can without feeling nauseous.
Green bananas are better because they have a higher amount of pectin

Step 3. Cook the white rice
Non-brown rice is great, because simple starch is easy for the stomach already "upside down" to tolerate. Eat it alone, without butter or salt, as adding other ingredients could aggravate the situation, especially during the first few days of diarrhea.
Don't eat brown rice; it is rich in fiber that can soften stools and aggravate diarrhea

Step 4. Eat more grated apples
This is another light food, but one that provides natural sugars and some sweetness. It is an easily digestible and tolerable food even when the digestive system is suffering. You can buy single packs (like baby food) or buy a large pack and only take one cup at a time. Eat several servings a day to increase calorie intake and restore stomach function.
Do not buy the flavored grated apple, because it has a higher sugar content and could aggravate the situation of the digestive system

Step 5. Make some toast
One of the lightest foods you can eat is bread. It is a great source of simple carbohydrates and is easy to digest when you have stomach problems. White bread is better, because the flavor is less intense and has little fiber, thus promoting the production of solid stool.
Do not add butter or sugary jams on the bread. Butter has a high fat content, while sweet jams aggravate abdominal discomfort

Step 6. Try variants
There are basically two common variations in the BRAT method. One is the BRATY method, which involves adding yogurt. Natural yogurt is rich in potassium and "good" bacteria, which are great for your digestive system. The other is the BRATT method, which involves adding tea and infusions to the basic diet. A light herbal tea allows you to stay hydrated and stabilize your stomach.
You can also combine all of the foods described so far, creating a BRATTY diet, if you think they can all help you with your ailment

Step 7. Change your approach if you need to take care of children
In recent years, some doctors have expressed the opinion that the BRAT diet is too limited for children suffering from acute diarrhea, because it lacks the nutrients the body needs to get better. Pediatricians recommend following this method in the first 24 hours after the disorder occurs. After this period, nutrition should be supplemented with other more nutritious foods, which are normally consumed by the child, while avoiding simple sugars including soft drinks, juices, jelly-based desserts or other very sugary foods, because they aggravate the problem of diarrhea. When the child is cured, it is necessary to provide him with richer foods from a nutritional point of view, to compensate for the deficiencies suffered during the illness.
- Some guidelines recommend avoiding fatty foods, but it can be difficult to maintain adequate caloric intake without these elements, in addition to the fact that they appear to be able to reduce intestinal motility. However, do not give children too many high-fat foods that are low in nutrients.
- Allow them to eat the foods provided by the BRAT method during the first 24 hours, even if in small quantities to avoid nausea. The fairly common practice of abstaining from food when the first signs of diarrhea occur is inappropriate. Eating early allows you to reduce intestinal permeability caused by the infection and consequently limit the duration of the disease and help recovery.

Step 8. Take potassium in other forms
If you don't like bananas or want to get potassium from other sources when you are sick, there are many equally light foods that can provide it. White beans, baked potatoes in their skins, dehydrated apricots, and avocados are excellent sources of potassium and can help you recover from bouts of dysentery.
Only eat these foods if you think your stomach can digest them safely. You don't have to aggravate the situation any more than it already is
Part 2 of 2: Avoid Dehydration

Step 1. Drink lots of fluids
No matter what diet you choose to follow when you suffer from diarrhea, you need to keep yourself hydrated. One of the most serious side effects of dysentery is dehydration due to the continuous loss of nutrients and fluids. You have to continually replenish these substances with electrolytes. Get drinks that are rich in it, such as Gatorade or Powerade, as well as plenty of water. Electrolytes such as potassium are vital for keeping you healthy during the healing process.
- Dehydration is much more common with diarrhea than other digestive system problems, because electrolytes and water are usually absorbed by the colon, but when the colon is inflamed it cannot perform its function.
- Pay particular attention to hydration during the first few days of the disorder. This is the period when most fluids are lost.

Step 2. Make a homemade moisturizer
There are many home solutions you can make to maintain a good level of hydration. Take a liter of water and add 6 teaspoons of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt. Sip a teaspoon of this solution every 5 minutes.

Step 3. Monitor for signs of dehydration in children
There are some categories of people who are at a higher risk of suffering from dehydration than others. Infants and young children are those most at risk for diarrhea. Pay particular attention to symptoms such as crying without tears, decreased urine in diapers or decreased urination and sunken eyes. If you experience these signs, you need to take the baby to the emergency room. Dehydration can be a serious problem and even require intravenous fluids.
Babies who are breastfed can continue to drink breast milk when they suffer from diarrhea

Step 4. Recognize the symptoms of dehydration in adults
All adults can suffer from it during bouts of dysentery; however, diabetics, the elderly and those with HIV are at greater risk. Check for symptoms such as dizziness on standing, accelerated heart rate at rest, dry mouth, and a feeling of great weakness. All the cells in our body "work" thanks to an enzyme called the sodium-potassium pump, so the lack of these minerals becomes a problem, particularly potassium. This can cause serious damage, including sudden cardiac death.
If you can't hold onto fluids, keep yourself well controlled. You may need to go to the emergency room to get intravenous fluids and electrolytes if you can't rehydrate on your own
- You can limit the spread of infections that cause diarrhea by reducing contact with people who are sick or by staying away from friends and loved ones when you are not well.
- Keep the kids home from school or stay home yourself when you have diarrhea. You don't have to spread the disease or aggravate the symptoms.