Diarrhea is not a medical condition but a symptom of another health problem, such as an infection or a virus. It can also be a reaction to a food allergy, to drugs, to protozoa (in 10-15% of cases) or to bacteria present in food or water (with an incidence of 15-20%). In most cases, it goes away on its own within a few days, but some types of diarrhea can cause serious problems. Acute diarrhea, for example, is the cause of more than 150,000 hospital admissions each year; it is also the fifth leading cause of death in the world and affects 11% of the world population. Basically, it's the body's way of getting rid of toxins. Often the best thing to do is to let it run its course as you work on treating the underlying cause, reducing the dehydration and electrolyte imbalance it causes.
Method 1 of 3: Home Remedies

Step 1. Drink water and other fluids to replenish vitamins and minerals
During an episode of dysentery, the body loses the fluids that contain the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. It is therefore important to restore balance and replenish lost fluids, especially with water and sports drinks.
- The first important aspect to deal with in case of diarrhea is dehydration. If you also suffer from vomiting, be sure to sip small amounts of liquid frequently rather than drinking large amounts each time.
- Liquids you can drink to overcome dehydration include chicken or beef broth, flavored mineral waters, or moisturizing solutions like Pedialyte.
- Decaffeinated drinks are best, because caffeine is diuretic and causes dehydrating effects. In case of diarrhea, choose fluids that do not further aggravate dehydration.

Step 2. Get more sleep
This is obviously common sense behavior, rather than a real cure, but remember that sleep is very important when you have to manage a diarrhea problem. Its presence indicates that there is an underlying disease that your body is fighting, for example against a virus. Sleeping and resting is one of the best ways to help the immune system.

Step 3. Implement the BRAT diet
If you have no vomiting or little rejection, you can start following this diet, whose name derives from the English acronym Banana (banana), Rice (rice), Applesauce (grated apple) and Toast (toast). They are all low-fiber foods that help solidify stool. They are also quite light, so you don't run the risk of burdening your stomach any further.
Banana also helps replenish the potassium lost during bouts of diarrhea

Step 4. Supplement the BRAT diet with other foods
Although it is an effective basic remedy for fighting diarrhea, it is not actually a balanced diet. Savory crackers, boiled potatoes, light soups, skinless baked chicken, boiled carrots, and other fairly light types of foods can also help, while you still have stomach problems.
Some people find yogurt helpful. However, the lactose it contains can be difficult to digest when you suffer from dysentery. However, if you decide to take it, choose the variety with probiotics (with live lactic ferments) to restore the intestinal flora and help you in the healing process

Step 5. Avoid foods that can aggravate symptoms
Knowing what to avoid is just as important as knowing what to eat. Generally speaking, you should exclude fatty, spicy, or sweet foods as well as those rich in fiber from your diet. Milk and other dairy products can be difficult for some people with this problem to digest. Also you should avoid:
- Chewing gum with sorbitol, because it is a laxative substance;
- Spicy foods, fruit and spirits at least up to 48 hours after the diarrhea subsides;
- Foods containing caffeine, such as chocolate - caffeine has dehydrating effects.

Step 6. Take zinc supplements
Studies have shown that this element improves the results of diarrhea treatment. In fact, zinc is a micronutrient that helps synthesize proteins and send liquids and electrolytes to the intestine.
The World Health Organization recommends taking zinc supplements by mouth, 10 mg per day for infants under 6 months of age, 20 mg per day for those over 6 months of age. Adults should take it following the directions on the package

Step 7. Resume your normal diet
Approximately 24-48 hours after the symptoms have subsided, you can return to your usual diet. Slowly reintroduce various types of food for best results.
Use common sense. Start with light fish or chicken instead of a spicy pork shredded dish
Method 2 of 3: Medications

Step 1. Take over-the-counter anti-diarrheal medications
These are medicines that line the walls of the intestines and colon by absorbing water, which makes the stool less liquid. Follow the instructions on the leaflet.
If you have decided to take anti-diarrhea, it is important not to take any other medicines for several hours; this is because the new drug could bind to the antidiarrheal present on the intestinal lining and thus lose its effectiveness. If you want to get the maximum effect from the treatment you are undergoing, take the two types of drugs separately over time

Step 2. Get an over-the-counter bismuth compound drug
These elements, present in normal products such as Pepto-Bismol, are known for their antibiotic properties that neutralize the bacteria responsible for diarrhea, even if their mechanism of action is still unclear. Bismuth compounds are only effective for those suffering from traveler's diarrhea or those with H. pylori infection.

Step 3. Take intestinal motility medications
These slow down bowel and colon movements, so they relax the abdominal organs and allow them more time to absorb water, thereby solidifying the stool. The most common drugs against intestinal motility are loperamide and diphenoxylate. You can find loperamide in pharmacies, without a prescription, available in various formats (such as Imodium).
If the diarrhea is caused by a bacterial infection (such as in the case of E. coli) you should not take this type of medication

Step 4. See your doctor for a prescription for antibiotics
If the medications you are taking, combined with a light food diet and plenty of water, do not improve your condition within 72 hours, you should see your doctor. Your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic that can treat diarrhea caused by a bacterium or parasite. Remember that these drugs do not cure viral diarrhea.
- It is extremely important to see your doctor if over-the-counter treatments do not prove effective, because these medicines can aggravate dysentery caused by bacterial or parasitic infections.
- Your doctor will be able to prescribe the right antibiotic for your symptoms once the bacterium responsible is identified through a stool culture.
Method 3 of 3: Herbal Remedies

Step 1. See your doctor
If the diarrhea is caused by certain types of infection, natural herbal remedies can actually aggravate the situation instead of relieving the symptoms. Talk to your doctor before opting for this type of therapy.

Step 2. Take probiotics
Live bacteria in probiotics increase the concentration of "good" bacteria in the gut, which are often lost during bouts of diarrhea. Thanks to the reintroduction of beneficial bacteria, the digestive tract is able to resume normal functions faster.
Probiotics are available in supplement form, but you also find them in many yogurt brands specifically labeled as probiotics

Step 3. Drink chamomile tea
It is a remedy that has always been used to treat inflammation, including that in the gastrointestinal tract. Drink up to three cups a day, sipping small amounts, to help your body absorb the liquid better.
Keep in mind that chamomile can cause reactions in people who are allergic to ragweed and can interfere with other drugs, including hormonal ones

Step 4. Try psyllium seeds
It is a soluble fiber (ie able to absorb water) which allows the formation of firmer stools in subjects suffering from an attack of diarrhea. Make sure you always drink it with a large glass of water.
If you suffer from chronic inflammatory bowel disease, seek your doctor's advice before relying on this treatment

Step 5. Try marshmallow supplements
This plant is traditionally used as an anti-inflammatory remedy. Follow the instructions on the package regarding the dosage.
- You can make a cold brew, just like an herbal tea, by soaking two teaspoons of this herb in a quart of water overnight. Filter the liquid before drinking it.
- Marshmallow root may interfere with the mechanisms of action of some medicines, such as lithium, so consult your doctor before taking it.

Step 6. Drink a red elm powder preparation
It is a traditional remedy for soothing gastrointestinal inflammatory disorders. Always adhere to the manufacturer's directions regarding dosage.
- Infuse 4g of powdered red elm in 480ml of boiling water and wait three to five minutes. You can drink this tea up to three times a day during an episode of diarrhea.
- Some herbalists believe that the red elm has abortive properties. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, ask your gynecologist for advice first.

Step 7. Give apple cider vinegar a try
It is believed to have antibacterial properties. To use it against dysentery, mix two teaspoons into 240ml of warm water. You can drink this mixture several times a day.
If you are also taking probiotics, wait several hours before drinking apple cider vinegar. For example, yogurt is thought to be rich in good bacteria and is generally considered a good food in cases of diarrhea. In this case, after drinking apple cider vinegar, wait an hour or two before eating the yogurt

Step 8. Try astringent herbs
They are believed to be effective because they dry out the mucous lining of the intestine thereby reducing the amount of liquid stool. Most of these products are available as a supplement or herbal tea and the main ones are:
- Blackberry leaves;
- Raspberry leaves;
- Carob powder;
- Blueberry extract;
- Agrimony.
- If symptoms worsen, see your doctor.
- If diarrhea is accompanied by fever over 38.5 ° C in children or 38.8 ° C in adults, medical attention is required.
- Keep yourself adequately hydrated.
- Don't go to work or school until your symptoms have resolved and wash your hands thoroughly.
- Call your pediatrician or go to the emergency room if a baby or toddler has diarrhea for more than 24 hours or shows signs of dehydration.
- You should see your doctor if you notice any blood in your stool, if you are becoming dehydrated, if you have just finished a course of antibiotics, or if your diarrhea persists for more than 72 hours.
- Signs of dehydration include fatigue, thirst, dry mouth, muscle cramps, confusion, dizziness and decreased urine volume.