Flatulence at night is a nagging problem to deal with, especially if you share a bedroom with a friend, partner, or family member. Even if you feel like you have no control over your body, there are several ways to reduce the chances of passing intestinal gas while you sleep. You can use several strategies for a quick, but short-term remedy; while to solve the root problem, you will have to treat the cause of night flatulence. By making improvements to your daily diet and exercising regularly, you will be able to alleviate the disorder. If this is not enough, consult your doctor and consider an alternative treatment, for example based on probiotics.
Method 1 of 3: Change Your Eating Habits

Step 1. Break your meals into small snacks evenly spread throughout the day
Reduce the amount of intestinal gas by eating small portions of food. Instead of eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner, have 6 small meals evenly distributed throughout the day. Make small, nutritious snacks that take the place of the three classic (and hearty) main meals.
For example, instead of having a big lunch, try eating a fruit or handful of nuts every 2-3 hours

Step 2. Moderate your consumption of legumes and dairy products
If legumes and milk (and its derivatives) are among the main components of your diet, this could be the cause of excess intestinal gas. Try to consume these foods in small amounts and include sources of calcium and protein in your diet to help reduce abdominal bloating.
For example, Greek yogurt, rich in probiotics, is an excellent source of calcium and protein; moreover, its bacteria improve the functionality of the digestive system

Step 3. Limit your consumption of vegetables that belong to the cabbage family
Try not to eat an excessive amount of vegetables such as kale, asparagus, broccoli and Brussels sprouts, as they tend to produce a lot of intestinal gas during digestion. You don't have to completely eliminate them from your diet, but alternate them with vegetables of other varieties, such as spinach, tomatoes, peppers and carrots.
- Among those responsible for the excess intestinal gas there are also rocket, horseradish, turnips, savoy cabbage and Chinese cabbage.
- When eating any of these vegetables, try taking a digestive enzyme supplement to aid in digestion.

Step 4. Try to eliminate gluten from your diet
Gluten is mainly contained in wheat and its derivatives and can induce symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating and meteorism. Moderate your consumption of wheat, barley, and rye, as they may be the primary cause of your problem. Exclude foods that contain gluten from your diet for 1 to 2 weeks to see if your condition improves. If you feel better, try gradually reintroducing gluten-containing varieties of grains to evaluate their effects.
If nocturnal flatulence doesn't subside, gluten most likely isn't causing it

Step 5. Adopt the "FODMAP" diet
It is a diet poor in fermenting substances. "FODMAP" is the acronym for "Fermentable Oligo-, Di- and Mono-saccharides and Polyols", which in simpler terms represent the carbohydrates that our body has difficulty in absorbing or digesting and consequently can contribute to the production of gas. intestinal. Foods that ferment include high fructose corn syrup, sugary carbonated drinks, artificial sweeteners, and fruit. Try to limit the consumption of foods that belong to the "FODMAP" list to reduce the amount of intestinal gas.
- Consult your doctor before starting the "FODMAP" diet to ensure a healthy transition for the body.
- Many chewing gums contain fermenting substances that are banned from the "FODMAP" diet. Also, chewing them tends to ingest a lot of air which can contribute to the formation of intestinal gas.

Step 6. Don't eat for 4 hours before bedtime
Since gases are released during the digestive process, you need to keep your digestive system from starting just when it's time to sleep. So try not to eat anything during the last 4 hours of the day. You may not be able to completely solve the problem of nocturnal flatulence, but most likely they will be greatly reduced.
For example, if you plan to go to bed around 11pm, try not to eat anything after 7pm

Step 7. Calm your stomach with ginger and fennel seeds
Try incorporating them into your diet. While not having miraculous properties, ginger can help you feel better if you feel nauseous or have an upset stomach, while fennel can help reduce wind. Try incorporating the two ingredients into your diet and see if you notice any differences.
Coriander seeds can also help relieve bloating and abdominal gas
Did you know that?
Ginger is effective in several forms, especially in herbal teas.

Step 8. Avoid fizzy drinks to limit gas intake
If you consume a large amount of fizzy drinks, try to reduce the daily amount. You can try replacing them with something else, such as non-carbonated fruit juices or flavored water. If you drink a lot of fizzy drinks, your digestive system will fill with excess gas which will cause flatulence.
- For example, if you like orange soda a lot, try replacing it with orange juice.
- Being carbonated, beer also leads to the formation of excess gas in the digestive system.

Step 9. Drink a cup of herbal tea before bed to get rid of excess gas
Make a cup of peppermint tea or chamomile tea if you feel particularly bloated. If flatulence starts to appear when bedtime approaches, try drinking a cup of herbal tea in an attempt to relax the muscles of the digestive system. If the muscles are more relaxed, the expulsion of gas will be more discreet.
Chamomile tea is great for relaxing before bed

Step 10. Try using a digestive enzyme supplement
Digestive enzymes are proteins that facilitate the digestion of food and consequently reduce the formation of gases responsible for flatulence. Take a digestive enzyme supplement before meals so it starts working as you eat. Continue for 2-3 weeks to see if the problem of nighttime flatulence is reduced.
Consult your doctor before starting to use digestive enzymes, as they can interfere with some medicines, such as blood thinners
Method 2 of 3: Change Your Lifestyle

Step 1. Make a weekly exercise program and stick to it
Start exercising regularly to improve digestive function. Whenever you exercise, you give your body an excellent opportunity to excrete excess gas in a healthy and discreet way. For maximum benefits, try to exercise for 30 consecutive minutes several days a week to activate circulation (and expulsion of gas).
- Ideally, you should work out 3-4 times a week.
- You can also try going for a walk after meals to help expel excess gas.

Step 2. Practice different yoga positions to relax the body
Relax and stretch your muscles with yoga asanas and techniques. When the body is in tension, it cannot prioritize its basic functions, such as digestion, so the expulsion of gases can occur at inappropriate times. Focus your attention on your breath for a few minutes, letting your body relax and taking away the worries that make you anxious. Try to practice yoga every day or at least every other day.

Step 3. Take a walk before bedtime
Try to release excess intestinal gas by exercising. You don't need to keep a high pace and you don't even need to go outside, you can walk indoors as well. Concentrate on the steps to relax your mind, thus promoting the release of excess gas.
You can use this simple technique whenever you feel bloated

Step 4. Relieve the discomfort caused by swelling with heat
Fill a hot water bottle and hold it against your abdomen to relieve the discomfort caused by the swelling. If you feel bloated before going to bed, it is very likely that you will have to struggle with the problem of nocturnal flatulence. To avoid this, try holding a hot water bottle on your abdomen for a few minutes. It will help relieve pain and swelling so you can rest better and more peacefully.
The hot water bottle can be especially useful for reducing bloating and intestinal gas caused by the menstrual cycle

Step 5. Chew slowly and carefully every time you eat
Take the time to enjoy your food, both with meals and when you have a simple snack. If you eat quickly, you ingest a lot more air which sooner or later will have to go out. So try to chew each bite at a slow pace so you don't feel bloated after a meal.
Chewing slower will also help you avoid burping

Step 6. Stop smoking or limit the number of cigarettes if you are a smoker
Try reducing your daily consumption of cigarettes or tobacco products. You draw in a lot of air with each puff, so try to smoke less to have less air to expel during the night.
Smoking is not the only habit you should eliminate, for example the habit of chewing gum after another can also contribute to the formation of excess gas
Method 3 of 3: Prevent Night Flatulence with Medicines and Supplements

Step 1. Take a probiotic supplement every day to make your digestive system healthier and more efficient
If nocturnal flatulence is the result of abdominal bloating, you need to try to restore balance in the intestinal flora. Probiotics improve digestive processes, so they can help you reduce the amount of intestinal gas.
Ask for advice at a pharmacy, drugstore, or health food and food store to purchase a probiotic supplement
if you don't want to take pills, you can try to increase your consumption of fermented foods, such as kimchi, to increase the levels of good digestive bacteria.

Step 2. Take flatulence medication before bed
If you feel bloated when it's time to go to bed, chances are you'll need to expel excess gas during the night. In order not to feel embarrassed, take a flatulence medication that calms the digestive system.
- For example, you can take a simethicone tablet, an active ingredient indicated for fighting aerophagia, bloating and flatulence.
- Ask for advice at the pharmacy to buy a product that suits your needs.

Step 3. Try using activated charcoal to relieve bloating and excess intestinal gas
Ask for advice at a pharmacy or a store specializing in natural products to choose the most suitable activated carbon supplement for you. Activated charcoal is not as powerful as drugs, but taken regularly it can offer concrete help against bloating and the problem of nocturnal flatulence.
If you use any medications, consult your healthcare provider before starting any type of supplement

Step 4. Talk to your doctor if none of these methods help you relieve the problem of nighttime flatulence
If after improving your diet, lifestyle and trying to take a drug or supplement, excess intestinal gas is still a problem, see your doctor. If you suffer from a pathology of the digestive system, he may prescribe a specific therapy to cure the disease and solve the problem of nocturnal flatulence once and for all. If the disorder is not attributable to a pre-existing condition, your doctor may suggest that you see a specialist.