Although the leakage of intestinal gas and its smell can be uncomfortable and embarrassing, this is actually completely normal. On average, people produce gas between 10 and 20 times a day, and most patients who complain of excessive flatulence fall within this range. This is a problem that not only creates embarrassment, but can also lead to abdominal bloating and pain. Gas can also exit the body in the form of a belching and leave the stomach through the esophagus.
Part 1 of 2: Managing Gas Production

Step 1. Try over-the-counter remedies
In pharmacies you will find various products for free sale that help reduce gas production. In particular, look for those that contain beta-galactosidase, an enzyme that breaks down some sugars found in beans and vegetables like broccoli. Some scientific studies have shown that this enzyme is able to reduce flatulence.

Step 2. Try activated charcoal
This is a different product than the one you use for the barbecue grill. You can buy it at the pharmacy and use it to relieve your ailment, although its effectiveness for this purpose is still a matter of debate in several scientific studies.
Some research has found that taking it by mouth can actually reduce the gas released by the colon, while other studies have found no difference. From this it follows that activated carbon can have minor beneficial effects in certain circumstances; it can therefore be effective only for flatulence with certain etiologies, but not for others

Step 3. Use a deodorant
Many different deodorants can be used to hide the smell of abdominal gas. There are commercial undergarments that contain activated charcoal and are advertised as being able to reduce this unpleasant factor, even if their efficacy from a clinical point of view has not been studied.

Step 4. Trust Mother Nature
The leakage of intestinal gas is a completely natural phenomenon, which aims to eliminate the gaseous waste present in the body and which affects everyone without distinction. While under certain circumstances it is best not to expel it, constantly holding back could lead to abdominal cramps and discomfort.
- Apologize to the others present and go to the bathroom to release it.
- Wait and hold until you are alone or in a well-ventilated area.
- If you release the gas in the presence of other people, apologize politely.
- Use common sense. It may be appropriate not to hold back in front of close friends or family, and you can set this standard to reduce the negative stigma associated with flatulence.

Step 5. Do your best to get out of the awkward situation
If you release gas clearly in public, don't feel uncomfortable. Joke about it; for example, tell those present to move quickly to escape the smell. Truthfully, if gas stinks a lot, most people will appreciate your candor and be happy to walk away with you. Making light of a potentially uncomfortable situation is of great help if this is a chronic problem.
Part 2 of 2: Preventing Flatulence

Step 1. Reduce the amount of air you ingest
Sometimes an excess of intestinal gas production can be caused by ingesting too much air, which occurs when you eat too quickly or when you do it unconsciously. Excessive ingestion of air (aerophagia) is often associated with emotional distress; it may therefore be useful to implement techniques to reduce anxiety.
- Eat slower. Eating quickly can lead to ingesting air, thus increasing gas production. Focus on eating slowly - try chewing your food a number of times before swallowing it. This not only reduces the air entering the stomach with food, but is also believed to decrease the amount of calories consumed.
- Stop chewing gum and smoking, as both of these habits increase the air you ingest unintentionally.

Step 2. Keep a food diary
Every organism is different, and you may find that yours is more sensitive to some foods than to others. Taking note of what you've eaten and the symptoms you've had can help you identify which foods increase gas production the most.
Once you have identified the foods responsible for your problem, start eliminating them from your diet one at a time. You can also try eliminating all those that stimulate gas production and then slowly reintroduce them into your diet

Step 3. Avoid foods known to cause flatulence
Some have a greater impact on this phenomenon than others; this may be due to the body's inability to properly digest certain foods, such as those that contain short-chain carbohydrates, called FODMAPs (oligosaccharides, disaccharides, fermentable monosaccharides and polyols). In addition, starchy and soluble fibers can also contribute to the increase in gas. Below is a list of the foods you should avoid if you want to alleviate your ailment:
- Beans;
- Fruit;
- Legumes, oat bran;
- Potatoes;
- Corn;
- Pasta;
- Broccoli;
- Brussels sprouts;
- Cauliflower;
- Lettuce;
- Dairy product;
- Carbonated drinks (soft drinks and beers);
- Alcohol-sugar (sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol).

Step 4. Determine if you have food intolerances
Some people are unable to digest certain foods, which can consequently form intestinal gas. A doctor is able to understand if you suffer from any intolerance by helping you to set up a well balanced diet, which takes into account your restrictions.
- Lactose intolerance is quite common and derives from the lack of the enzyme that digests it, lactase. To understand if you suffer from it, follow these guidelines. Some lactose intolerant people find it helpful to take lactase supplements when eating dairy products. By adding these food supplements to the diet, the body is able to digest lactose, thereby reducing gas production.
- Other carbohydrate malabsorption problems can also aggravate this disorder. For example, if you often suffer from gas production after eating fructose-rich foods such as corn syrup, you probably suffer from fructose malabsorption. If you keep a food diary, as recommended above, you can better recognize the foods responsible for the increase in flatulence.

Step 5. Get a follow-up visit for more serious problems
Although rarely, excessive gas production can indicate some more serious disease, for example celiac disease (or gluten intolerance), irritable bowel syndrome or a bacterial infection. See your doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms:
- Diarrhea;
- Change in stool color or frequency of bowel movements
- Bloody stools;
- Severe abdominal pain;
- Unexplained weight loss.