How to Reduce Fat in a Woman's Arms

Table of contents:

How to Reduce Fat in a Woman's Arms
How to Reduce Fat in a Woman's Arms

If you are trying to lose weight, you may have a hard time getting sculpted and toned arms with no fat or dangling fat. To reduce the fat in the arms, the woman must perform strength exercises, carry out activities or sports that help develop arm muscles and maintain a healthy diet. Most women accumulate excess fat in the hips and central area of the body. It shouldn't be too difficult to tone your arms if you're doing targeted exercises, especially if you're also trying to reduce your weight in general.


Part 1 of 3: Exercises to Strengthen the Arms

Reduce Fat in Arms (for Women) Step 1
Reduce Fat in Arms (for Women) Step 1

Step 1. Strengthen your triceps and pecs with push-ups

These are simple exercises that work on the triceps, pectoral and shoulder muscles. If you've never done push-ups, you should modify the exercise a bit by keeping your legs on the ground to gradually strengthen your arms.

  • To do these push-ups, place your hands under your shoulders, shoulder-width apart, on a mat. Make sure your fingers are spread wide and your weight is evenly distributed across your hands. Contract your abdominal muscles and straighten your legs, lifting yourself up on your toes. Activate your leg muscles and push your heels back. The body must be supported correctly and the lower back straight; do not stoop and do not swing from side to side.
  • If you can't keep the starting position, change it by resting your knees on the ground, while keeping your arms and shoulders straight. Inhale as you lower your chin, which should be just above your fingertips. The elbows should be snug against the hips as you approach the toes. It is perfectly fine to lower the body even just a few centimeters. The more often you do this exercise, the easier it will become.
  • Exhale as you push back to return to the original position. At this point, you've done a push-up. Do three sets of eight push-ups to begin strengthening your triceps muscles.
Reduce Fat in Arms (for Women) Step 2
Reduce Fat in Arms (for Women) Step 2

Step 2. Commit to doing 2-2-2 push-ups

If you're starting to feel comfortable with tricep ones, try a few variations. Push-ups "2-2-2" are three sessions of two repetitions each that are performed by changing the position of the hands: close, normal and spread. When your hands are close together, you work more on the triceps muscles, while with your wide hands you activate your pectorals more.

  • Start from the plank position, with the shoulders directly above the hands and the hands shoulder-width apart. Keep your torso tight and activate your leg muscles so that your whole body is firm and straight.
  • Do two push-ups with your hands in the normal position. Then, spread them out by bringing them close to the edges of the mat or 3-5 cm beyond the line of the shoulders. Do two more push-ups from this position. Finally, move your hands again to place them in the center of the mat so that they form a triangle directly below the center of the chest and do two more push-ups from this position.
  • Repeat this entire sequence three times, doing two push-ups from each hand position.
Reduce Fat in Arms (for Women) Step 3
Reduce Fat in Arms (for Women) Step 3

Step 3. Do the triceps press

To do this exercise you only need a chair; it is a workout that strengthens and defines the triceps.

  • Start by placing a chair with a sturdy back against a wall, so that the seat is facing you. Alternatively, you can also use the edge of a table or exercise bench. Stand 3-5 cm from the edge of the chair seat, facing away from him. Bring your hands behind you, shoulder-width apart, and firmly grasp the edge of the chair. Bend your knees at a 90 degree angle keeping them perpendicular to your ankles.
  • Distribute your weight evenly between your legs and arms to maintain good balance. Inhale as you bend your elbows and lower your buttocks towards the floor. Look straight ahead as you lower your body and make your arms bend 90 degrees. Only bend them until you feel your arm muscles are active and working.
  • Exhale as you lift your body and bring it back to its original position. Do the exercise slowly and gently so you don't hyperextend your elbows. When you are in the starting position, you have performed a press. Repeat the exercise for two sessions of 10 presses each. Eventually, you should feel that the triceps muscles have been stimulated.
Reduce Fat in Arms (for Women) Step 4
Reduce Fat in Arms (for Women) Step 4

Step 4. Use free weights to kickback with dumbbells

For this exercise, you need to have dumbbells and an exercise bench. If you're just starting weight training now, use 2.5kg dumbbells to strengthen your arms without harming yourself.

  • Start by holding the dumbbell in your right hand. Place your left hand and left leg bent on the bench; the left hand must be exactly under the left shoulder, in order to support the body. Bend your right hand as you hold the weight, making sure your back is straight and your chest almost parallel to the floor. The upper arm and forearm should form a 90 ° angle. Keep your head up and your neck straight.
  • Exhale and use your triceps to lift the dumbbell until your right arm is fully extended behind you. Move your forearm only and don't use your left hand or leg. Pause when your arm is fully extended, inhale and then exhale again as you bring the dumbbell back to the starting position.
  • Repeat the exercise 10 times on the right side and then switch to the left. Do two 10 kickback sessions on each side.
Reduce Fat in Arms (for Women) Step 5
Reduce Fat in Arms (for Women) Step 5

Step 5. Do bicep curls

This exercise strengthens the front arm muscles, known as the biceps. To perform this, you will need a pair of 2.5kg dumbbells.

  • Start by keeping your feet shoulder-width apart, with your knees slightly flexed and your weight evenly distributed. Grab a 2.5kg weight in each hand with palms facing forward.
  • Exhale as you bring the dumbbells to your chest. Keep your eyes facing forward and support your body weight equally on both legs. Inhale and lower the weights until they reach 3/4 of the way down. With this movement you should feel that your biceps muscles are activated. At this point, you have completed a curl. Do two sets of 10 reps.
Reduce Fat in Arms (for Women) Step 6
Reduce Fat in Arms (for Women) Step 6

Step 6. Punch in the air by grabbing dumbbells

This exercise allows you to reduce the fat in the biceps and strengthen the shoulder muscles. To perform it, you need to get yourself a set of 0.5-1 kg dumbbells.

  • To begin, spread your legs slightly apart and hold a weight in each hand. Bring your fists in front of your face with your palms facing each other.
  • Keep your left hand firmly closed into a fist as you inhale and with your right hand pretend to punch as high as possible. Make sure your arms are slightly bent and don't lock your elbows during the action. Exhale and return your right hand to its original position. Then, inhale and this time punch upward with your left hand.
  • Alternate your hand movements for one minute. Gradually increase the speed until you can push your arms up as fast as possible. Repeat the exercise for 1-2 minutes every day.
Reduce Fat in Arms (for Women) Step 7
Reduce Fat in Arms (for Women) Step 7

Step 7. Try doing side planks by lifting the dumbbells

This exercise works the muscles of the arms and torso at the same time. You will need a 2.5kg dumbbell or free weight.

  • Get into the side plank position by leaning on your right elbow. This must be directly under the right shoulder and the feet must be superimposed on each other. Lift the dumbbell with your left hand.
  • Raise your pelvis so that your body forms a straight line from the shoulders to the ankles. Close your right hand into a fist to find balance and engage the arm muscles. Next, inhale as you extend your left arm directly over your right shoulder. Grab the dumbbell as you raise your arm.
  • Exhale as you return your left arm to its starting position until it is parallel to the ground. Always keep your pelvis raised as you move your upper limb. Do ten repetitions on each side.

Part 2 of 3: Practicing Sports to Strengthen the Arms

Reduce Fat in Arms (for Women) Step 8
Reduce Fat in Arms (for Women) Step 8

Step 1. Try tennis or another racquet sport

Tennis, squash and similar activities are perfect for increasing upper limb strength and as a full-body workout. Sign up for an amateur tennis tournament or take lessons from a qualified teacher. If any other family members enjoy this kind of sport, ask for lessons or to train with you. You will notice great improvements in arm strength and better definition as you continue with these activities.

Reduce Fat in Arms (for Women) Step 9
Reduce Fat in Arms (for Women) Step 9

Step 2. Go rowing or kayaking

These sports involve a lot of arm muscles and help you lose localized fat. Consider practicing a hobby that involves a lot of the upper limbs, just like rowing or kayaking which involves a lot of strength and also activates the core muscles. You can start with a rowing machine at the gym and then take lessons in the water. You can also join an amateur rowing club or team to improve your technique and train consistently every week.

Reduce Fat in Arms (for Women) Step 10
Reduce Fat in Arms (for Women) Step 10

Step 3. Take boxing lessons

This is another high intensity sport that requires strong arms and a good level of fitness in general. Sign up for some boxing classes at the gym or hang up a sack of beans and practice hitting it. In this way, you increase the strength of the arms and tone them; alternatively, trade shots with a training partner.

Part 3 of 3: Maintain a Healthy Diet

Reduce Fat in Arms (for Women) Step 11
Reduce Fat in Arms (for Women) Step 11

Step 1. Adjust the amount of calories you eat

This way, you avoid overeating or eating empty calories, which only add fat to your arms. Once you have identified the correct calories to consume each day, which are calculated based on age, weight, level of physical activity, you should consume enough daily to exercise.

  • Eat more vegetables, healthy fats, and lean proteins. Prepare your dishes so that you always have a serving of protein, a low fat content, and a source of low-starchy vegetables at every meal. Keep the amount of carbohydrates within the recommended range of 20-50 grams per day.
  • Reduce your intake of carbohydrates, sugars, and animal fats. If you overdo these foods, the body is induced to produce insulin, the main hormone that stimulates the accumulation of fat in the body. When insulin levels drop, the body starts burning fat. Low insulin levels also help the kidneys eliminate excess sodium and water, thus helping to reduce weight due to fluid retention.
  • Cut back on very starchy foods and carbohydrates, like French fries, chips, and white bread. Also avoid foods high in artificial sugars, such as sodas, sweets, candies, and junk food.
Reduce Fat in Arms (for Women) Step 12
Reduce Fat in Arms (for Women) Step 12

Step 2. Make a weekly meal plan

Create a meal plan for the whole week that includes the three main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner), always respecting the same time every day, and two small snacks (one between breakfast and lunch, the other between lunch and dinner), also at fixed times. By setting up a meal plan, you can be sure that you always eat at regular times and that you don't skip or miss any meals. By consuming around 1400 calories a day and combining regular physical activity, you can reach your goal of losing weight in a healthy way.

Write your shopping list according to the meal plan you have defined and go to the supermarket at the beginning of the week. Store all the ingredients you need for your meals of the week in the refrigerator so it's easier to prepare each dish and you're not tempted to switch or skip the meal

Reduce Fat in Arms (for Women) Step 13
Reduce Fat in Arms (for Women) Step 13

Step 3. To stay hydrated, drink water instead of sugary sodas

By doing this, you keep your immune system healthy and ensure you are adequately hydrated during your daily workout.

  • You can replace sugary drinks with water flavored with lemon or lime slices.
  • Drink green tea with no added sugar, as it is a healthy substitute for sugary drinks; it is an antioxidant-rich health drink that promotes overall health.
Reduce Fat in Arms (for Women) Step 14
Reduce Fat in Arms (for Women) Step 14

Step 4. Eat well before and after physical activity

To maintain the weight you have achieved, you must always eat healthily before and after workouts to ensure you have the energy you need during your exercise sessions.
