Rubbing between the legs can be incredibly painful and annoying. If it happens to you too, don't worry, you are not alone! This is a common problem for athletes, overweight people and anyone who wears dresses and skirts in the summer. To prevent this, be sure to keep the inner thigh area dry and reduce friction. If you feel irritation, immediately wash and moisturize sensitive skin to help it heal.
Method 1 of 3: Keep the Area Dry

Step 1. Apply alum or protective powder to the inner thigh
Moisture can break down the outermost part of the skin, causing irritation and pain. Sprinkle a thin layer of powder on the skin with your fingers that rubs when you walk or exercise.
- This solution is best if you are wearing light colored clothes, on which the dust does not stand out as it does on dark colors.
- You can also carry some powder with you and reapply it throughout the day.
- Make sure you use a talc-free powder. This substance has been linked to very serious health risks, such as cancer, so avoid products that contain it.
- For a simple and inexpensive solution, you can use cornstarch.

Step 2. Wear moisture-absorbing materials instead of cotton when exercising
Loose cotton clothes trap moisture and rub against the skin. Instead, wear sporty tight pants made of synthetic materials that absorb sweat, such as nylon, lycra, polyester, or spandex. Synthetic fibers reduce friction and dry quickly, thereby decreasing the likelihood of chafing.
- For example, you could wear a pair of tight spandex shorts to protect the inner thigh while exercising.
- You should also look for trousers with smooth, small and flat seams that do not rub against the skin.

Step 3. Take off your sweaty clothes and shower immediately after exercising
Keeping wet, sweat-filled clothes for a long time can trap moisture and cause the skin to break between the legs. After your workout, make sure you change right away. Rinse off in the shower to wipe away sweat, then pat dry so that no moisture gets trapped between your thighs.
Method 2 of 3: Reduce the Friction

Step 1. Apply petroleum jelly to the inner thigh to lubricate the skin
Smear some of this substance on the skin of your thighs, where they rub, so that there is less friction. This helps keep the skin hydrated and allows irritated areas to heal faster. Apply petroleum jelly before exercising or before heading out to work.
Step 2. Use a special lubricant to facilitate application
If petroleum jelly is too greasy for you or you always get dirty, buy a lubricant product like BodyGlide. It is specifically designed to keep skin lubricated all day and is available in sticks, which are easy to keep in your bag or gym bag. It is also very easy to apply, as you won't have to get your hands dirty.
Step 3. Apply diaper rash cream with zinc oxide to already irritated skin
If you already notice any abrasions or skin irritations and want to prevent them from getting worse, use a mild product that contains the active ingredient zinc oxide. Treating yourself with diaper rash cream may seem like a strange idea, but the soothing and antibacterial properties of these products are ideal for treating inner thigh rashes.
- Remember that products of this type can be quite dense and in some cases dirty! Do not wear dark colored pants, on which you will notice the white spots.
- Some of the more common options include Tena Zinc Cream and Fissan Pasta Alta Protection.

Step 4. Wear shorts under your dress or skirt to reduce friction
Put some cotton or cycling shorts under your clothes and you will solve the problem in a simple and discreet way. A fabric barrier between the thighs protects the skin, which will not rub.

Step 5. Change your training program to allow your thighs to heal
Change your workouts after a few days, alternating between upper and lower body exercises. If after exercise you notice skin irritation, do not repeat the same program in the following days. Alternating workouts helps you not to constantly irritate an area.
For example, you may get an irritation after running on the treadmill or after doing mountain climbers. The next time you work out, focus on upper body exercises, such as weight lifting, tricep dips, or plank

Step 6. Stay hydrated to minimize the salt concentration in your sweat
When you sweat, the salt forms crystals, which act like sandpaper on your skin, causing irritation. Hydration can reduce the amount of salts in sweat and, consequently, decrease the number of crystals that form. Drink before, during and after your workout to keep friction to a minimum.
- Drink 500-600ml of water about 2-3 hours before training, then another 250ml about 20-30 minutes before starting.
- While exercising, drink 200-300ml of water every 10-20 minutes.
- Drink 250ml of water within thirty minutes of finishing your workout.
Method 3 of 3: Taking Care of Irritated Skin

Step 1. Gently wash the irritated area with warm water
Lightly rinse your legs in the shower by letting the water run over the bruised skin. The water pressure can burn you slightly at first, but the lukewarm temperature will help clean and soothe the inflamed skin. To prevent further irritation, do not touch or rub the sensitive area while washing it. Once finished, dry the leather with a soft cloth.
- You can also use a mild, moisturizing, pH-neutral bar of soap along with lukewarm water to clean the area well.
- Make sure you don't use boiling water, which aggravates irritation.

Step 2. Moisturize irritated skin with petroleum jelly or aloe vera
Once the skin is clean and dry, apply a gentle moisturizer. For soothing relief, use petroleum jelly or pure aloe vera gel that does not contain artificial fragrances that can make inflammation worse.

Step 3. Give your skin time to heal before engaging in activities that may irritate it
Wait for the irritation to heal before doing anything that can aggravate it, such as running. While you wait, try non-rubbing exercises, such as swimming and rowing.

Step 4. Wear soft, breathable clothing as your skin heals
Try to feel as comfortable as possible and your skin will thank you! During the day, choose comfortable cotton trousers, long or short, instead of dresses and skirts. At night, put on soft cotton pajamas. Continue to wear items made of this material until the irritation has completely healed.