How to Prevent Depression (with Pictures)

How to Prevent Depression (with Pictures)
How to Prevent Depression (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Depression is a widespread mental disorder that affects over 121 million people worldwide. It is listed among the top causes of disability worldwide, but the good news for those who suffer from it is that 80% - 90% will recover. While there is no guarantee that you will completely prevent depression, there are many ways to reduce your chances of suffering from it or having a relapse.


Part 1 of 3: Taking Care of the Body

Prevent Depression Step 1
Prevent Depression Step 1

Step 1. Exercise regularly

Believe it or not, exercise is essentially a natural antidepressant. In fact, a recent study showed that exercise, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and certain medications all show similar effects. To get the most out of your workout, do weightlifting and cardio exercises, which have proven to be even more effective than just one of the two (as well as improving your waist size!).

  • Physical activity boosts your mood because endocrines are released in the brain, which makes you feel better. It also helps the brain make new neural connections.
  • 50% of people who have had a severe episode of depression will have a relapse, and the risk increases if they have experienced more than one episode. But exercise, proper nutrition, and taking care of your body can limit the chance of recurrence.
Prevent Depression Step 2
Prevent Depression Step 2

Step 2. Make sure you get the right amount of sleep

In addition to helping the body function at its best, sleep is a mood regulator and calms the mind. People, especially young people, are prone to depression and other mental illnesses if they sleep consistently little. To keep your mind and body in tip-top shape, try to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night, if not more.

  • Researchers recommend 8 hours of sleep per night for optimal performance, although it's not always possible in today's fast-paced world. Only you will know how many hours of sleep your body really needs to feel fit; So look for a way to carve out this time and do your best to get as much sleep every night as you need.
  • It turns out that the millions of stimuli your brain has to rearrange every second represent a huge amount of work. During the day, the brain accumulates so much information that at some point it has to stop. Recent research has shown that getting enough sleep allows the brain to reorganize itself, helping it to improve performance.
Prevent Depression Step 3
Prevent Depression Step 3

Step 3. Eat a healthy diet

Eat foods low in fat, rich in vitamins, nutrients, omega-3s (found in fish) and folic acid which can help regulate and balance mood. After all, you are what you eat. If you eat healthy, you will feel healthy inside and out.

Excessive sugar consumption is often linked to the most severe cases of depression. Assimilating too many sugars causes glucose levels to spike and then plummet; this can make you feel irritable, anxious and depressed. Eliminate sugary and processed products from your diet and you may start to feel much better

Prevent Depression Step 4
Prevent Depression Step 4

Step 4. Avoid drugs and alcohol

Alcohol is a sedative that can alter your mood without you even realizing it. Moreover, people at risk of depression are also at greater risk of abusing alcohol and becoming alcoholics. To be safe, in the short and long term, you really need to avoid it.

Studies have shown that a glass of red wine a day can be beneficial. We speak of a glass, or 150 ml. Not more

Prevent Depression Step 5
Prevent Depression Step 5

Step 5. Monitor your overall health

Depression is associated with an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes. Those suffering from depression and other mental illnesses tend to have higher rates of physical illness than people without mental instability. The same is true in reverse, the more you suffer from physical ailments, the more likely you are to suffer from depression. So keep yourself healthy!

  • Keep in mind that depression and some medical conditions have symptoms in common. For example, thyroid problems and hormonal imbalances can make you suspect that you are depressed. Having regular medical examinations will help you get the right treatment for your specific medical condition.
  • Maintain a regular routine of physical checkups with your doctor. This, along with proper nutrition and exercise, helps your body balance with the mind to keep you in perfect shape.

Part 2 of 3: Taking Care of the Mind

Prevent Depression Step 6
Prevent Depression Step 6

Step 1. Focus on maintaining a positive attitude

Much of life is a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you think you are going to fail, it probably will. To avoid creating a negative spiral, try to think positively. This will make you live day by day in an infinitely easier way.

If you find yourself having negative thoughts, stop them right away. Tell yourself, "I'll think about it tomorrow." And do you know what will happen? Tomorrow you will have forgotten what you were thinking

Prevent Depression Step 7
Prevent Depression Step 7

Step 2. Don't feel guilty

Taking on everything and thinking that everything that goes wrong is your fault is a one-way ticket to depression. Realize instead that the world is incredibly large, there are countless factors interacting with each other and you are just one of them. Learn to accept that you can't control everything and focus only on what you can really change.

Being depressed has to do with something getting stuck in the brain, which you cannot possibly intervene on. The only thing you are in control of is knowing who you are and how you feel. You are not to blame for other things

Prevent Depression Step 8
Prevent Depression Step 8

Step 3. Volunteer

It allows you to distract yourself and at the same time help others by staying busy; in this way the mind maintains a positive approach and you feel good about yourself and the world around you. Volunteering helps you cultivate a positive attitude and make the world better. Everyone benefits from it.

Not sure where to start? Try to find out at a local hospital, church, school, or kindergarten. You can also help out in soup kitchens, homeless shelters, kennels, and foster homes for children

Prevent Depression Step 9
Prevent Depression Step 9

Step 4. Engage in the things you are passionate about to find an outlet and to cultivate your self-esteem

Filling your time with things you enjoy and do well is really the only way you should spend your day. Not only does it help you chase away suffering, but you will feel good about yourself, as well as having learned a trade.

Don't you think of any business? Great! This is the perfect reason to pursue that hobby you've always wanted, but "never had the time to cultivate." So whether it's playing the piano, painting, archery or metal welding, do it. You are the only person who can decide in this regard

Prevent Depression Step 10
Prevent Depression Step 10

Step 5. Manage your stress with activities like yoga, acupuncture, meditation or even video games

In today's world, it's all too easy to get stressed out. It is important for everyone, not just those at risk of depression, to have habits to relieve stress. To reduce your stress levels, consider taking a yoga, Pilates class, doing meditation, acupuncture, hypnosis, seeing a therapist, or just spending time with your friends on a regular basis.

  • Don't want to do yoga or acupuncture? No problem. Activities like reading, knitting, cooking, and video games are just as good as long as you find them relaxing and not stressful!
  • Try to set aside at least 15 minutes of "you time" every day, even if it's just sitting in your office chair and isolating yourself from the world. Relaxing doesn't mean being lazy, it's about making sure you are as comfortable as possible.
Prevent Depression Step 11
Prevent Depression Step 11

Step 6. Think every day what you are grateful for

"Thinking positive" is much easier said than done. If you don't "practice" regularly, it is quite difficult to maintain it. To make this approach easier, think about 3 things you are grateful for every day. Make this commitment every morning when you get up and do it automatically. This will keep your mind in a positive spirit that will be encouraging throughout the day.

In addition to thinking about them, write them down. This way you can scroll through the pages of your diary and review all the wonderful things you have achieved. When you wake up one day and feel that you are having a hard time going through the day, re-read your diary to regain confidence and strength

Prevent Depression Step 16
Prevent Depression Step 16

Step 7. Learn about "talk therapy"

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy has proven beneficial for everyone - we all have problems and the ones we need to vent require a trained ear to hear. Going to a psychotherapist is no longer a stigma - it's simply about being proactive about your mental health. It doesn't mean being crazy; it simply means being aware of one's mental state and showing the will to improve.

  • This therapy is based on sharing your thoughts with a psychologist who will guide you through what are the possible solutions. For many, positive thinking and retraining the brain to develop new thought patterns are the focus of this type of support.
  • If you are not interested in therapy (because you can't afford it or because of too many commitments, etc.), make sure you have a friend or two you can rely on at the worst times. Having a shoulder to lean on when you need it is of immense value. But make sure you do the same with them.
Prevent Depression Step 12
Prevent Depression Step 12

Step 8. Join a support group

If you've struggled with depression in the past, you know how bleak every minute can be. Joining a support group not only allows you to keep those moments in check, it helps you find other people who know what you are going through and, better yet, are able to help you - and you will be able to help them too..

To find a group in your area, talk to your doctor, psychologist, church, or even your friends. Depression is a common problem and almost everyone knows some structure that deals with it, if they don't deal with it themselves

Prevent Depression Step 13
Prevent Depression Step 13

Step 9. Keep those who love you close

Without friends and family, all of us probably tend to deject ourselves and become prone to depression. You can subscribe to a social network to lean on to feel safer and happier. Follow it and participate when you need it and when others need you.

Even if you don't feel like seeing other people, still try not to isolate yourself. These are the moments when it matters most. When you feel sad and depressed, you cannot understand that the presence of other human beings is able to take you away from the lonely state of mind you are experiencing, you remain closed in on yourself and you do not realize that others can help you stay better

Part 3 of 3: Maintain a Balanced Routine

Prevent Depression Step 14
Prevent Depression Step 14

Step 1. Always find time to have fun

The world is increasingly hectic and "gray". Students have to study harder to be successful, workers have to work harder to advance, and the stakes are always higher. It's easy to get carried away by everyday life at school or work, thinking that "we must" or "we should", but it is incredibly far from "real" life. We all need time to spend cheerfully, while life depresses us even before we know it.

Make the effort to spend a night or two out for your own well-being. Go out with your friends and family. This will strengthen bonds with those around you and help you feel happy and confident

Prevent Depression Step 15
Prevent Depression Step 15

Step 2. Don't make too many commitments

It seems like everyone is playing some sort of balancing game these days, but most of the time it's to their detriment. Instead of getting involved in a thousand initiatives and no longer knowing how to manage them, limit your commitments. Learn to say no when necessary. Investing your time in just a couple of things will prove to be much more profitable, make you feel productive and you can live without worry.

It is good to know how to say no, sometimes, even to the favors that your friends ask of you. You can't be three places at the same time and handle three people's problems. If you see that you can't follow too many things, listen to yourself and relax. It is your body asking for it

Prevent Depression Step 17
Prevent Depression Step 17

Step 3. Know your weaknesses

Everyone goes through moments of mood swings. If you understand when you are about to go through a bad mood or feel vulnerable, you can counter it. For some it is a hormonal fact. For others, it is an old anniversary, a birthday or a death. Accept that you feel vulnerable in these moments and surround yourself with loved ones, make plans and keep your mind away from these thoughts until you pass this stage.

Being aware of your situation is the best thing you can do for yourself. Knowing how you feel when experiencing these negative moments will make it easier for you to manage some emotions and deal with them better. It will be easier to talk about it with others, to make sense of suffering and therefore it will also be easier to chase it away

Prevent Depression Step 18
Prevent Depression Step 18

Step 4. If you are worried about a relapse, don't stop taking your medications

If you have been prescribed medications for a depressive episode in the past, don't stop taking them when you feel better. In fact, you should keep taking them for up to 6 months later, to maintain the same routine as your body.

Talk to your doctor about this. Many people are anxious to cut back on drugs, but each body reacts differently. Consult with your doctor about what is best for you and follow his or her advice

Prevent Depression Step 19
Prevent Depression Step 19

Step 5. Seek treatment at the first sign of relapse

If you feel irritable and sad for more than a week, see your doctor or therapist right away. It is easier to deal with these moments if they are handled promptly.

Remember: it doesn't matter how many times you fall, what matters is how many times you manage to get up. Don't measure your success on the stability of your emotions; all you can do is just be strong and carry on


  • Make a list of all the positives.
  • Be supportive of those around you who may be experiencing some form of depression. Share these tips, not only will you help someone else, but you can create an even stronger bond with that person.
  • Create a meditation or relaxation group at work. Research has shown that a significant stressor comes from problems in the workplace. Forming a group allows you to help staff refocus on important issues, so that everyone is more positive and the environment less stressful.
  • Be optimist.


  • Don't be discouraged if you have a hard time managing stress, it will bring you even more stress. If you feel you are having problems, you should see your doctor or a counselor who may be able to help you.
  • Don't overwhelm yourself by trying all the steps at once. If you are not used to doing some activities, introduce them gradually. The chances of success are greater when you proceed at a more leisurely pace.
