3 Ways to Reduce Gynecomastia Naturally

3 Ways to Reduce Gynecomastia Naturally
3 Ways to Reduce Gynecomastia Naturally

Table of contents:


If you are a man and you are worried about developing tissue in the breast area, you are not alone. Gynecomastia is a disease that causes hypertrophy of the breasts in men due to hormonal imbalances. It is normal to suffer from this condition, which may go away on its own in the teenage years. In addition, it can be caused by certain treatments and substances, such as chemotherapy, radiation, steroids, alcohol, and marijuana. If you prefer, you can naturally treat it with diet and lifestyle changes. However, ask your doctor for advice before deciding to treat yourself, or if you develop severe symptoms and if the problem may be caused by the medications you are taking.


Method 1 of 3: Change Your Diet

Eliminate Ultra Processed Foods from Your Diet Step 9
Eliminate Ultra Processed Foods from Your Diet Step 9

Step 1. Increase your iodine intake if your doctor recommends it

Iodine is needed for the thyroid to produce hormones. Since gynecomastia is often due to hormonal imbalances, adding more iodine to your diet can help. However, it is always a good idea to have your doctor check the levels of this substance.

To get more iodine, be sure to use salt that contains it and eat foods like fish, dairy, grains, and seaweed

Follow a Healthy Diet for Multiple Sclerosis Step 13
Follow a Healthy Diet for Multiple Sclerosis Step 13

Step 2. Eat enough to maintain a healthy weight to prevent a drop in testosterone levels

If you are on a low calorie diet, testosterone levels can drop in relation to estrogen levels. As a result, you can develop gynecomastia. Make sure you are getting enough calories for your age. Most men need 2,500 calories a day to maintain their weight, although this varies with age and activity level.

Also, it's important to get the right nutrients, so your diet should consist of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains

Cleanse Your Body Naturally Step 3
Cleanse Your Body Naturally Step 3

Step 3. Limit alcohol consumption to keep hormones balanced

Alcohol can affect the body's hormone levels. It is best to avoid alcoholic beverages altogether if possible. Otherwise, only drink in moderation, less than 1 or 2 drinks a day.

Method 2 of 3: Change Your Lifestyle

Cope with a Recent Borderline Diagnosis Step 11
Cope with a Recent Borderline Diagnosis Step 11

Step 1. Ask your doctor if gynecomastia is a side effect of medications

Some medicines can cause this problem. While it's not a good idea to stop taking drug therapy out of the blue, your doctor may prescribe a different medicine that doesn't cause this side effect.

Drugs that can cause problems include antibiotics, medicines for AIDS or heart problems, anabolic and androgenic steroids, antiandrogens, chemotherapy and tricyclic antidepressants

Step 2. Lose weight if you are obese

Obesity is strongly associated with gynecomastia. If you have a BMI over 25, you have an 80% chance of developing that problem. In addition to following a healthy diet, aim for 150 minutes of physical activity per week. In particular, aerobic exercises can help you lose weight and reduce gynecomastia.

Ask your doctor or a professional dietician about the best way to safely achieve a healthy weight

Switch to Drug Test Step 6
Switch to Drug Test Step 6

Step 3. Don't take drugs

Many drugs or medications used illegally increase the chances of developing gynecomastia. Some substances that can cause the problem are heroin, marijuana, steroids, and amphetamines.

Prune and Harvest Lavender Step 2
Prune and Harvest Lavender Step 2

Step 4. Avoid products with vegetable oils, which can increase estrogen levels

Some oils, such as lavender or tea tree oils, can make gynecomastia worse. They are able to affect estrogen levels in the body, so check if they are present in lotions, shampoos and soaps.

Recognize Male Breast Cancer Step 6
Recognize Male Breast Cancer Step 6

Step 5. Consider a sports bra to flatten your chest

Usually, gynecomastia is not a medical problem. In other words, it is not a health threat. If the discomfort is mainly aesthetic, you can wear a sports bra under the shirt to hide the outline of the breasts.

Many sports bras come in standard sizes, such as small, medium and large, as opposed to traditional ones, so it will be easier to find one that fits your size

Recognize Male Breast Cancer Step 10
Recognize Male Breast Cancer Step 10

Step 6. Don't be in a hurry, as it takes time to see results

Gynecomastia often goes away on its own, particularly if it occurs in the teen years. While you should discuss this with your doctor, he or she will likely suggest that you wait. Often, it will disappear on its own within 3 years.

Step 7. Request plastic surgery once the medical causes have been eliminated

If your gynecomastia is not caused by any underlying cause, you may want to consider having the excess tissue removed with surgery. In recent years, operations have become more common in men, so this is a normal procedure.

Ask your doctor for advice on whether surgery is best for you

Method 3 of 3: When to Seek Medical Care

Step 1. Talk to your doctor to rule out health problems

Doctors can determine the underlying causes of gynecomastia to help treat symptoms better. Since this problem can be caused by various diseases, it is important to receive the proper treatments under the supervision of a doctor. Once your doctor has identified the causes of gynecomastia, he can choose the best treatment for your needs.

Some of the underlying conditions that your doctor can treat include Klinefelter's syndrome, cystic fibrosis, ulcerative colitis, chronic kidney disease, thyroid disease, and liver problems

Step 2. Call your doctor if you develop any other worrying symptoms

While gynecomastia is not normally a cause for alarm, in some cases it can be an indication of a more serious health problem. Contact your doctor right away if gynecomastia is accompanied by any of the following symptoms:

  • Swelling or soreness of the breasts
  • Pain in the breasts or nipples
  • Secretions from one or both nipples
  • Enlargement of just one breast or a hard mass inside one of the breasts, which may indicate cancer

Step 3. Tell your doctor about the medications and supplements you are taking

Since some substances can cause gynecomastia, it is important that your doctor knows exactly what you are taking. It is best to take the packages with you directly, but you can also make a list.

Don't forget to write down the dosages

Step 4. Get a blood test to identify any underlying problems

Blood tests can detect certain health problems, in addition to the levels of medications in the blood that can cause gynecomastia. This simple diagnostic test is virtually painless and can be done on an outpatient basis.

  • Your doctor will use blood tests to check testosterone levels, which if too low can contribute to gynecomastia.
  • Blood tests can rule out conditions such as kidney disease or drug side effects.

Step 5. If your doctor recommends it, get a mammogram

Your doctor may suggest this diagnostic test to determine the cause of gynecomastia. While you probably associate the test with women, it can actually be done for both genders and helps doctors examine breast tissue to help prevent and diagnose conditions such as breast cancer.

During the mammogram you may feel a slight discomfort

Step 6. Accept a biopsy if needed

If your doctor cannot identify the cause of gynecomastia, they may decide to take a tissue sample from your chest. He will then examine it under a microscope for the source of the problem. The doctor will perform the procedure under local anesthesia to make it less painful.

You will probably feel some discomfort


  • Even if it causes you embarrassment, gynecomastia is completely normal.
  • Note that gynecomastia is present in 60-90% of newborns and goes away on its own within a few weeks.
