3 Ways to Cook Redfish

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3 Ways to Cook Redfish
3 Ways to Cook Redfish

Rockfish, better known as red rockfish, is a tasty white-fleshed fish that you can cook in many different ways. For a quick meal, you can sauté it in a pan or cook it on the barbecue, while if you like the flavors of Cajun cuisine, you can try your hand at the "blackening" technique, widely used in Louisiana.


Pan-fried Redfish Fillets

  • 700-900 g of redfish fillets
  • 60 ml of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon of fresh thyme, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh basil, chopped
  • Salt and pepper, to taste

Redfish Fillets Cooked on the Barbecue

  • 1.5 kg of redfish fillets
  • 60 ml of extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1 lemon, cut into wedges

Redfish Fillets Cooked on a Cajun Style Barbecue

  • 1.5 kg of redfish fillets
  • 1 tablespoon of sweet paprika
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons (9 g) of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons ground pepper (white or black)
  • Half a teaspoon of dried thyme
  • Half a teaspoon of dried oregano
  • 170 g of melted butter


Method 1 of 3: Fry the Redfish in a Pan

Cook Redfish Step 1
Cook Redfish Step 1

Step 1. Season the fish with extra virgin olive oil, basil, thyme, salt and pepper

Massage a tablespoon (15 ml) of oil on the fillets and make sure it is well distributed, then sprinkle them with salt and pepper. Oil, salt and pepper should also be distributed on the side of the skin, while the thyme and basil only on the pulp. Chop a teaspoon of thyme and a tablespoon of fresh basil, then press them onto the redfish pulp with your fingers so that they adhere well.

In the absence of fresh herbs, you can use dried ones to give a Mediterranean flavor to the dish. For example, you can use a teaspoon of dried basil, thyme, or rosemary, or a combination of different herbs

Cook Redfish Step 2
Cook Redfish Step 2

Step 2. Heat a tablespoon (15ml) of extra virgin olive oil in a skillet over medium heat

Use a non-stick skillet to make it easier to cook the redfish. Let the oil heat up for a few minutes before cooking the fish.

Cook Redfish Step 3
Cook Redfish Step 3

Step 3. Place the fish in the pan with the skin side up and cook for 3 minutes

The pulp should take on a golden hue, but to avoid burning the herbs it is best to turn the fillets just before they change color.

You can lift a corner of the fillets to check the doneness

Cook Redfish Step 4
Cook Redfish Step 4

Step 4. Flip the fillets and cook for 4 minutes on the other side

Turn them over so that the skin is facing down. Use a thin spatula and gently turn the fillets to prevent flaking.

  • The redfish is cooked when its meat flakes easily with a fork.
  • Serve the fish accompanied by a side of sauteed rice or spinach.
  • When cooked, you can add a little butter and a squeeze of lemon on the fish.

Method 2 of 3: Cook the Redfish on the Barbecue

Cook Redfish Step 5
Cook Redfish Step 5

Step 1. Prepare the redfish fillets by rinsing and scoring from the skin side

Rinse them under cold running water and pat them dry with kitchen paper. If they remain moist, the skin will steam instead of becoming crunchy. Some cooks prefer to cut into the skin of the redfish to let the moisture escape. If you wish, you can make diagonal incisions in the skin that are shallow and a couple of centimeters apart.

If you prefer, you can cook the fillets without the skin

Cook Redfish Step 6
Cook Redfish Step 6

Step 2. Brush the skin of the redfish with extra virgin olive oil

Pour 60ml of oil into a bowl and spread it over the fish's skin using a kitchen brush. Make sure you distribute it well to get an even crust.

If you intend to reuse the leftover oil, it is mandatory to heat it to kill the bacteria

Cook Redfish Step 7
Cook Redfish Step 7

Step 3. Flip the fillets and season them

Arrange them on the baking sheet with the skin side down. Season the side of the pulp with salt and ground pepper. You can start by adding one and a half teaspoons (9 g) of salt and one and a half teaspoons of pepper.

You can also add other spices, such as a teaspoon of onion or garlic powder and a pinch of chilli or cayenne pepper

Cook Redfish Step 8
Cook Redfish Step 8

Step 4. Turn on the barbecue

Grease the grill and heat it to medium temperature (175-190 ° C), regardless of the type of barbecue (gas or charcoal). Make sure the grill is perfectly clean before you start cooking to prevent the fish from sticking.

Grease the grill to prevent the fish from sticking. Grease it well all over, being careful not to burn yourself

Cook Redfish Step 9
Cook Redfish Step 9

Step 5. Cook the fish on one side for 5-6 minutes

Place the fillets on the grill with the skin side down. After 5 minutes, check if the skin has become crunchy to decide if it is time to turn the fillets. If the skin is still not crunchy enough, wait 1-2 more minutes.

Cook Redfish Step 10
Cook Redfish Step 10

Step 6. Flip the fillets and cook for another 3-4 minutes

Gently flip them over using a spatula. They will be very soft, so move them very gently to avoid breaking them and let them cook for another 3 minutes. The redfish is ready when its meat flakes easily with a fork.

Cook Redfish Step 11
Cook Redfish Step 11

Step 7. Let the fish rest away from the heat before serving

Transfer the fillets to a serving dish and let them rest for 5 minutes. Sprinkle them with lemon juice and serve them with a side of grilled or steamed vegetables.

If you want you can also add a sprinkling of parsley

Method 3 of 3: Cook the Redfish Fillets on the Cajun Style Barbecue

Cook Redfish Step 12
Cook Redfish Step 12

Step 1. Combine spices to create a Cajun-inspired blend

Pour one tablespoon of sweet paprika, one and a half teaspoons (9 g) of salt, one teaspoon of onion powder, one teaspoon of cayenne pepper, one and a half teaspoons of white or black pepper powder, half a teaspoon of dried thyme and half a teaspoon of dried oregano in a small bowl. Stir to combine the ingredients.

You can use black or white pepper or a combination of both

Cook Redfish Step 13
Cook Redfish Step 13

Step 2. Melt 170g of butter in the microwave

Place it in a microwave safe container, cover it with an appropriate lid (or plate) and heat it every 30 seconds until completely melted.

Some recipes suggest using clarified butter, which means that you will need to heat the butter and remove the fat that will separate from the rest and accumulate on the surface using a spoon. That fat burns faster than the rest, and removing it makes for less smoke

Cook Redfish Step 14
Cook Redfish Step 14

Step 3. Season the fish with the spice mixture

Sprinkle the fillets generously on both sides. Use all the seasoning for the 6 fillets and press it onto the fish with your fingers.

Cook Redfish Step 15
Cook Redfish Step 15

Step 4. Heat a cast iron skillet to medium-high heat

If you use a charcoal barbecue, wait until the embers are faded black and covered with a thin layer of ash; at that point place the pan on it. If you're using a gas barbecue, set the burners to medium-high.

You can cook redfish on the stove if the weather does not allow you to cook in the garden, but you will have to keep the windows open, as the intense heat will produce a lot of smoke

Cook Redfish Step 16
Cook Redfish Step 16

Step 5. Put the butter in the pan

Put 170 g of butter in the pan where you are going to place the redfish fillets. Butter only 2-3 areas of the pan as you won't be able to cook all the fillets at once.

A large amount of smoke will rise from the pan, so get ready and stand back

Cook Redfish Step 17
Cook Redfish Step 17

Step 6. Place 2-3 fillets in the pan and cook on one side for 2 minutes

Place them right where the melted butter is and let them cook for a couple of minutes. Before turning them, lift them slightly to make sure they are well roasted.

Cook Redfish Step 18
Cook Redfish Step 18

Step 7. Flip the fillets and add more butter

When the underside has changed color, turn the fillets with the spatula. Pour about a teaspoon (5 ml) of melted butter over each after gently flipping them.

It is not necessary to measure the butter precisely, you can go by eye and pour a teaspoon on each fillet

Cook Redfish Step 19
Cook Redfish Step 19

Step 8. Let the redfish cook for another 2-3 minutes until completely cooked

It must also brown on the other side. To check if the fish is cooked, gently press it where it is thickest. If the meat gives way slightly and forms a hollow, it means that it is cooked.

Cook Redfish Step 20
Cook Redfish Step 20

Step 9. Cook the other 2-3 fillets the same way

After removing the cooked fillets from the pan, put the remaining fillets on to cook. If you want the first to keep warm, you can put them in the oven on the minimum (80-90 ° C).
