If you've made sandwiches ahead of time and frozen them (or stored them in the fridge), reheating them quickly is pretty straightforward. To start, take them out of the refrigerator and let them thaw at room temperature. Then, turn on a classic oven, an electric oven or a microwave oven, adjusting the temperature and time according to your needs. To flavor the sandwiches, brush them with melted butter.
Part 1 of 3: Defrosting the Sandwiches

Step 1. Before going to sleep, take the sandwiches out of the freezer and let them thaw in the kitchen at room temperature
If you covered them with foil, lift it up to allow air to circulate better.
If you placed them on a baking sheet before freezing them, you don't need to move them. Just make sure you allow them to warm slightly to room temperature before putting them in the oven

Step 2. Defrost the sandwiches for 10 minutes
If you have stored them in the fridge, then just wait a few minutes. In principle, 10 minutes is enough for sandwiches that have not been closed in a container. On the other hand, if they have been placed in a container, it may take up to 30 minutes.

Step 3. If you wrapped them individually with a wrap, remove it before you thaw them
It is preferable that the sandwiches do not touch each other. If the buns were wrapped with only one wrapper, open it slightly or remove it completely to prepare them in the oven.
Part 2 of 3: Reheating the Sandwiches

Step 1. Defrost the sandwiches, take a baking tray and lay them on the surface spreading them at a distance of at least three centimeters
Bake them at 200 ° C for 10-25 minutes, until they are heated well. How to tell if they are ready? They should have turned golden. Also, try opening one and see if the inside has warmed up.
You can also put them in a paper bag for food, pouring a few drops of water on the surface. Close it tightly and bake at 180 ° C for 10 minutes

Step 2. Use an electric oven by preheating it to 180 ° C
Distribute the sandwiches evenly inside it, spacing them well and avoiding them touching the sides of the oven. Let them warm up for two to 10 minutes, depending on the performance of the appliance.

Step 3. Use the microwave
Wrap each bun with a moistened paper towel and heat them one at a time in the microwave. Allow about 10 seconds per sandwich. Remove it carefully and proceed, being careful not to burn your hands.
You can also combine two methods. To start, heat the sandwiches in the microwave, then move them to the electric oven to make them crisp. This process is particularly suitable for French sandwiches

Step 4. After reheating them, keep the temperature of the sandwiches stable
Place them in a basket or other container, then cover them with a tea towel to keep the heat.

Step 5. Reheat the sandwiches, it is recommended to serve them immediately
Take them out of the oven and place them in a basket or on a plate. In this way it will be possible to butter them or spread other creams quickly and evenly. Also, the buns will not dry out due to cooling.

Step 6. Eat them within a few days
If you have any sandwiches left over, you can keep them in an airtight container for up to two days. You can try reheating them one more time, even if you risk drying them out and altering their flavor.
Of course, keep an eye on the look of the sandwiches as well. Do not eat them if they show signs of mold or other types of alterations
Part 3 of 3: Flavor the Sandwiches

Step 1. Using a pastry brush, spread some melted butter on the surface of the rolls before heating or after
This will keep them soft and will also be tastier.

Step 2. If you are concerned that they are bland, choose fresh herbs and chop them finely
Sprinkle them on the sandwiches before baking. Herbs such as oregano, rosemary and sage are recommended.
You can also choose herbs that go well with the other dishes you intend to serve. For example, if you want to make potatoes, then dill is recommended

Step 3. Add a pinch of salt
Reheated rolls can taste stale. To avoid this, sprinkle a pinch of sea salt on each bun. In addition to improving texture and taste, it also makes sandwiches last longer after reheating.