Roasted almonds, like most roasted nuts, have a rich and intense flavor. Buying them already toasted can be convenient, but the aroma can be affected by the time spent on the shelves and you could risk eating a stale-tasting almond. The ways to toast them in your home are many and all simple and quick why not try then? The only ingredient required, besides almonds of course, is attention, to avoid burning them.
Sliced almonds
Method 1 of 3: Toast the almond slices in the oven

Step 1. Preheat the oven to about 180 degrees

Step 2. Prepare the almond slices
Take a baking sheet and sprinkle the almond slices on the bottom. Don't overdo the quantities, but don't worry if the slices slightly overlap each other, they will still roast evenly.

Step 3. Place the pan in the oven
Do not stray as you will have to turn them often. After 2 minutes, turn the almonds by shaking the pan or with a wooden spoon. Let them cook for another 2 minutes and then repeat the operation.

Step 4. When they are ready, take them out of the oven
The roasting process should last between 5 and 10 minutes, always be very careful not to risk them burning. Remember that once removed from the oven they will continue to cook for a few seconds so do not wait until the last moment to take the pan out of the oven.
Method 2 of 3: Toast the almond slices on the stove

Step 1. Take a pan and put it on the stove, use medium-low heat
Choose a thick-bottomed pan and don't use seasonings.

Step 2. Pour the almonds into the pan
When the pan is hot, spread the slices creating an even layer. Stir or shake the pan frequently (about every 30 seconds) to prevent them from burning.

Step 3. When they are well toasted remove them from the pan
Just before they are well browned and fragrant, pour them into a dish to cool. Using a stove it will take 3 to 5 minutes for your slices to be ready.
Method 3 of 3: Toast the almond slices in the microwave

Step 1. Take a container suitable for use in the microwave and pour the almonds into it
Do not use condiments and create a layer as even as possible, do not overdo the quantities, the almonds must overlap only slightly. Put it in the microwave.

Step 2. Turn on the oven for 1 minute
Set it to the maximum available power. After a minute, mix them to redistribute them. Cook them at intervals of 30 seconds, stirring between times.

Step 3. When they are toasted, take them out of the oven
Try to remove them from the microwave just before they are scented and browned, it will take between 3 and 5 minutes to be ready, the time depends on the power of your oven.