Flax seeds are becoming increasingly popular due to the many health benefits they bring. They have a high concentration of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which belongs to the category of omega-3 fatty acids, so they help reduce the risk of various diseases, including heart disease and arthritis. Since they are rich in fiber, flax seeds are also useful against constipation. Some researchers argue that the phytoestrogens contained in flax seeds can also act as protection against some types of cancer. Adding flax seeds to your diet is simple and allows you to live a healthier life.
Part 1 of 2: Purchase the Flax Seeds

Step 1. Learn to recognize flax seeds
They are flat, very small and oval in shape. They are noticeably smaller than sunflower seeds. There are several varieties and each has its own properties.
The color varies from red to yellow depending on the type, but does not affect the nutritional content of the seeds. The flavor, on the other hand, can change slightly depending on the variety. You can try different types to determine which one you like best. Some health food stores may give you the option to sample them so you don't have to buy more than one variety

Step 2. Buy whole flax seeds
They must be intact in order to guarantee the maximum amount of fiber and last longer. Whole flax seeds also guarantee a greater number of applications. The downside is that the body has difficulty breaking down whole seeds and in many cases the nutrients are not absorbed.
You can buy whole flax seeds and grind them with your blender or coffee grinder

Step 3. Buy pre-ground flax seeds if you prefer
In this case they will already be shredded and ready for use. Flaxseed powder has a slightly coarser consistency than flour and a taste and scent reminiscent of hazelnuts. You can buy flaxseed powder or grind it at home. In this case you will have the guarantee that the body is able to absorb all the nutrients. The disadvantage is that, once ground, flax seeds have a short shelf life. After opening the package, you will have to use them quickly and store them in a cool place, away from light, to preserve their qualities. Unless sealed in a special polyester wrapper, ground flax seeds will lose much of their nutrient content and active components within 24 hours. If you want to keep them long-term, you need to use a resealable bag made of a special material called Mylar.

Step 4. Purchase flax seeds in bulk if possible
Many health food stores allow you to buy them "on tap", to save money and avoid the use of multiple packaging. You will be able to buy only the desired quantity at a generally low price.

Step 5. Try flaxseed oil
It's a simple solution to benefit from the countless health properties of flax seeds. The oil must be stored in the refrigerator so that it keeps its properties intact.
Unlike whole or ground flax seeds, the oil does not contain phytoestrogens. However, it does contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and guarantees its benefits
Part 2 of 2: Using Flaxseed in the Kitchen

Step 1. Add ground flax seeds to yogurt or smoothie
A tablespoon of flaxseed powder is enough to meet the body's daily need for omega-3 fatty acids, so you don't have to worry that they will alter the taste of yogurt or smoothie in an incisive way. The fibers contained in flax seeds also promote the expulsion of toxins from the body.

Step 2. Add flax seeds to your baked goods
You can add them in small or large quantities to your creations, sweet and savory. Their delicate taste, reminiscent of toasted hazelnuts, goes well with most flavors. For example, try incorporating them into your bread or muffin recipe. Flax seeds resist heat well, so they will keep themselves rich in nutrients and fiber. You can use them to increase the nutrient and fiber content of your baked goods without having to substantially change their texture and taste.
Since they have a high oil content, you can use them as a substitute for oil in baked goods recipes in a ratio of 3: 1. For example, use 30g of ground flaxseed to replace 10ml of oil

Step 3. Use flax seeds as a substitute for eggs
Flaxseed can replace eggs in vegan baked goods recipes. Combine a tablespoon of flaxseed powder with 3 tablespoons of water and let the mixture sit for 5 minutes. This is the dose needed to replace an egg in baked goods.
The result you can achieve by using flax seeds as an egg substitute varies depending on the recipe. In some cases the dough may be slightly chewy. The best choice is to use them for baked goods with a soft but firm texture, such as pancakes, cookies, brownies and muffins

Step 4. Add 1-2 tablespoons of flaxseed to Mexican chili, spaghetti sauce, stew, or gravy
The delicate roasted hazelnut aroma of flax seeds will blend with the rich flavor of the other ingredients in the recipe.

Step 5. Add ground flax seeds to sauces and dressings
You can easily incorporate them into the sauces you like best, such as mayonnaise, mustard, and ketchup. You can also add them to your salad dressing or use them as a decorative element. A spoonful or less will suffice.

Step 6. Make a spread
Grind about 35 g of flax seeds with the coffee grinder, add a teaspoon tip of ground cinnamon, two tablespoons of peanut butter and a little hot water to make a cream to spread on toast.
You can enrich the spread with 35 g of unroasted sunflower seeds and 25 g of raw almonds. Grind all the ingredients separately and use an extra bit of cinnamon

Step 7. Add flax seeds to drinks
Incorporate them in small doses so as not to alter the taste and texture of your favorite drinks. Repeat throughout the day to benefit from their countless nutrients.
- You can also add them to coffee. Mix well and use a travel mug for those who don't want to see the seeds floating in the coffee - that way they won't notice the difference.
- Add some to fruit juices as well.

Step 8. Purchase ready-to-eat foods enriched with flax seeds
You can find several packaged foods that contain whole or ground flax seeds. For example energy bars, sandwiches, muffins and breakfast cereals. However, keep in mind that incorporating flax seeds into your diet in this way can have some drawbacks. For example, you won't be able to accurately calculate how many you hire. Additionally, packaged foods generally contain a lot of sodium and added sugars. Read the labels carefully and remember that the first ingredients on the list are those present in greater quantity and vice versa.
- Flax seeds have the ability to reduce cholesterol, the risk of colon cancer and the risk of developing a pathology linked to a state of internal inflammation.
- Flax seeds have been consumed for centuries by the peoples of the Mediterranean area, but only recently have they gained popularity in the Western diet, thanks to the abundance of omega 3 fatty acids and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) that the body slowly transforms into eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA); a fatty acid that belongs to the category of omega 3 and is vital for cognitive and immune functions. While this conversion affects only about 5-10% of alpha-linolenic acid, it has been shown to provide the same positive effects as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).
- Flax seeds have a high content of soluble and insoluble fiber, in which important phytoestrogens are present which can produce estrogen-like effects. For this reason, consuming flax seeds is highly beneficial for women. Phytoestrogens reduce the risk of breast cancer and improve the health of the reproductive system.
- If you find whole flax seeds on offer and you have a coffee grinder at home, you can buy them and grind only the ones you need from time to time.
- It is rare to get too many flax seeds if you are on a balanced diet, but you should still be careful not to consume too many raw. Try to balance the doses between cooked and raw ones to keep the diet well balanced.
- Fresh or unripe flax seeds should never be eaten as they may be poisonous. For this reason they should never be taken directly from the plant.