How to Prepare Flax Seeds: 3 Steps

How to Prepare Flax Seeds: 3 Steps
How to Prepare Flax Seeds: 3 Steps

Table of contents:


If you want to learn how to prepare flax seeds because you care about the health of your body, read this very useful tutorial.


Prepare Flax Seeds Step 1
Prepare Flax Seeds Step 1

Step 1. Prepare flax seeds for laxative purposes

Flaxseed is an ideal laxative, inexpensive and free of additives and strange ingredients normally found in commercially available preparations.

  • Pour a teaspoon of flax seeds into a glass of cold water, let them soak overnight.

    Prepare Flax Seeds Step 1Bullet1
    Prepare Flax Seeds Step 1Bullet1
  • The next morning, they will be ready to be swallowed. Eat them directly or spread them over yogurt or breakfast cereals.

    Prepare Flax Seeds Step 1Bullet2
    Prepare Flax Seeds Step 1Bullet2
  • Repeat as needed.

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    Prepare Flax Seeds Step 1Bullet3
Prepare Flax Seeds Step 2
Prepare Flax Seeds Step 2

Step 2. Prepare flax seeds for anti-inflammatory purposes

If you have stomach or intestinal inflammation, flax seeds can help. They are also useful for relieving irritable bowel syndrome.

  • Crush the flax seeds.

    Prepare Flax Seeds Step 2Bullet1
    Prepare Flax Seeds Step 2Bullet1
  • Pour a teaspoon of flaxseed into a glass of water.

    Prepare Flax Seeds Step 2Bullet2
    Prepare Flax Seeds Step 2Bullet2
  • Drink it.

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    Prepare Flax Seeds Step 2Bullet3
Prepare Flax Seeds Step 3
Prepare Flax Seeds Step 3

Step 3. Prepare flax seeds to ensure health for your body and daily regularity for your intestines

Flax seeds are excellent allies for good health. Simply add a teaspoon of ground seeds to a daily meal.


  • Always use fresh flax seeds, once ground they quickly lose their beneficial properties.
  • Flaxseeds promote cholesterol reduction and can help fight cancer effectively.


  • An overdose of flaxseed, out of proportion to the amount of water taken, can clog the intestines. Make sure you take small amounts and drink plenty of water.
  • If you take any medications, ask your doctor for advice before ingesting flax seeds, they can sometimes inhibit the absorption of medicines.
