You can freeze ginger, whole or chopped, to keep it for a long time. The process is pretty straightforward, and if you use it extensively, you can freeze a lot of it.
Method 1 of 4: Whole Ginger
This technique is excellent for long-term storage and for those roots that are "already partially used".

Step 1. Choose a fresh, firm piece of ginger (or even more than one)
Make sure it's clean, or use a cloth to remove debris before proceeding.

Step 2. Wrap it in cling film or aluminum
Keep each piece separate.

Step 3. Place each root inside the freezer bags
Use bags of the right size, and remember to let all excess air out before sealing them.

Step 4. Put the bags in the freezer
When you need to use ginger, take it out of the freezer and thaw it. Add it to your preparations as usual.
If you need to stir-fry it and you have a good kitchen knife, slice the ginger before it's thawed - it will thaw quickly during cooking
Method 2 of 4: Chopped Ginger
This technique is great if you usually use chopped ginger.

Step 1. Choose a good piece of ginger
Peel it and chop it finely. You can use a specific grater or a food processor.

Step 2. Line a pan with parchment paper or aluminum

Step 3. Spread a spoonful of chopped ginger on the baking sheet at a time and try to form an even layer
Continue until all the ginger has been transferred to the pan.

Step 4. Cover the pan with cling film and then place it in the freezer

Step 5. After adequate time, remove the pan from the freezer and lift the frozen portions of chopped ginger
Then transfer it to airtight containers or sealable bags.
If you use bags, remember to let out as much air as possible

Step 6. Return the bags or container to the freezer
Use the ginger as usual, this way it will keep for up to 12 months.
Method 3 of 4: Chopped Ginger
This technique is useful if you use chopped ginger in your pan or oven preparations.

Step 1. Choose a good piece of ginger
It can be peeled or not, depending on your preferences. If you prefer it peeled, remove it now.

Step 2. Cut the root into small pieces
They can be cubes or sticks, depending on your taste.

Step 3. Place the ginger in freezer bags or containers
If you use bags remember to let out as much air as possible before sealing them.

Step 4. Return the bags to the freezer and use the ginger within 3 months
Method 4 of 4: Ginger slices

Step 1. Get a good ginger root
Choose one that is reasonably sized so that it is easy to cut, and peel it.

Step 2. Cut the root into circular slices
Use a sharp knife and slice it into circular slices. Continue along the entire length of the root.

Step 3. Put the washers in sealable bags
Try to "pack" them as close as possible to each other. Crush the bag to expel the air and seal it. Alternatively, you can put the ginger in a container by arranging the slices in layers.

Step 4. Put in the freezer
In this way the ginger can be kept for 3 months.