Ginger can be consumed as a delicacy or as a spice, but it can also be used for medicinal purposes, for example to treat stomach pain. In some countries it is used to give flavor to stir-fried ingredients, in others to flavor desserts, and it is also a prominent element in the world of cocktails, for example it is used to prepare the Moscow Mule. Ginger is a delicious root with many properties, but since it should be used in moderation it is essential to know how to store it. If you want it to last for weeks (or even months) you need to know how to store it in the refrigerator or freezer. Read on and put the article's advice into practice.
Method 1 of 5: Prepare the Ginger

Step 1. Choose the freshest root
If you want ginger to last a long time, the first recommendation is to buy the freshest root possible and use it quickly. To choose the freshest ginger, look at the peel and smell it. The root must have a smooth surface and a lively, pungent scent. Pick it up to make sure it's firm and heavy. If the skin is wrinkled or the pulp is soft, it means that the decline phase has already begun.
- Discard wet, damp, or moldy roots.
- Decide whether to store ginger in the refrigerator or freezer. If you know you will be using it quickly, it is best to keep it in the refrigerator for the sake of convenience. It can last a maximum of 3 weeks: if you think you will not be able to use it in this time you should put it in the freezer.
- You can keep part of it in the refrigerator and part of it in the freezer. If you plan to use only one piece in the following days, you can remove it from the rest of the root with the knife and keep it in the refrigerator. Freeze the rest of the root for future use.
Method 2 of 5: Store Ginger in the Refrigerator

Step 1. Put it in a food bag
Without removing the peel, put it in a resealable bag and let out as much air as possible before sealing it. Keep it in the refrigerator drawer reserved for vegetables: it will keep fresh and firm for a few weeks. Closed in the plastic bag, ginger will last longer than keeping it wrapped in kitchen paper or in a bread bag, as suggested in the following steps, so consider which method is best based on your needs.
This method works even if the ginger has been peeled, but its shelf life decreases

Step 2. Wrap it in kitchen paper and store it in a bread bag
Also in this case it is better not to remove the peel. Wrap it in several sheets of absorbent paper to make sure it doesn't get exposed to the air, then put it in a bread bag. Squeeze the bag before closing it to get as much air out as possible. Store it in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator and use it within a couple of weeks.

Step 3. Pack it in a bread bag
If you are in a hurry, at least find time to put it in a paper bag and store it in the refrigerator drawer reserved for vegetables. Keep in mind that in this case it won't last long, but if you intend to use it within a week this is the easiest and quickest solution. In the same way, you can also make fresh herbs, such as dill or coriander, last a little longer.

Step 4. If you have recently peeled ginger, you can store it dipped in an alcoholic drink
Place it in a glass jar or food container and submerge it with a liqueur, distillate, or liquid with high acidity. The most used are vodka, sherry, sake, rice wine, rice vinegar and freshly squeezed lime juice. Vodka and sherry are the most used alcoholic drinks for this purpose, in particular vodka is able to prolong the life of ginger by altering its taste almost imperceptibly.
This method is effective, but remember that depending on the type of liquid the flavor of the ginger will change in a more or less recognizable way
Method 3 of 5: Store the Ginger in the Freezer

Step 1. Wrap the ginger in cling film and place it in a closed bag
Without removing the peel, wrap the root with plastic wrap to isolate it from the air, then place it in a zip-lock bag, letting all the air out before sealing it. Store the ginger in the freezer and use it within a few months. When it's frozen, you can grate it very easily.

Step 2. Freeze the chopped
First remove the peel, then slice and finely chop it with a knife. Spread it on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper; you can divide it so that you have available a quantity equal to a spoon or a teaspoon. Place the pan in the freezer and wait for the ginger to become completely hard before transferring it to an airtight food container or glass jar. Store the chopped ginger in the freezer and use it within 6 months.

Step 3. Cut it into pieces and freeze it
If you already know how much you will need to use each time, you can freeze it by cutting it into pieces as large as a thumb or a matchstick. You can create different cuts so that they are suitable for different preparations. It is not necessary to peel it; put it in an airtight container and store it in the freezer until you are ready to use it.

Step 4. Freeze it cut into slices
In this case it is best to peel it before slicing it. Depending on the use you intend to make of it, you can choose to cut it into uniform slices and store it in a glass jar or other food container suitable for the freezer. But first place the slices on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, leaving some space between them, and put them in the freezer until they are completely frozen (you can turn them upside down after an hour if you wish. speed up the process). In this way, at the time of use, you will be able to withdraw only the desired quantity. Use ginger within 3 months.
Method 4 of 5: Vacuum-Packed Ginger in a Jar
Thanks to this method, the ginger will keep fresh for several weeks.

Step 1. Use a vacuum machine suitable for packaging food in glass jars

Step 2. Add the desired amount of ginger to the jar

Step 3. Place the lid on loosely

Step 4. Set up the machine and generate the vacuum
Put a label on the jar indicating the contents and the packaging date.

Step 5. Store the ginger in the refrigerator
Use it within a few weeks.
Method 5 of 5: Vacuum-packed Ginger in a Bag
This method guarantees a longer duration of the ginger than the previous one.

Step 1. Put the desired amount of ginger in the bag

Step 2. Set up the machine and create the vacuum

Step 3. Write the date and contents on the bag using a permanent marker
Store ginger in the freezer to have it always on hand when you need it.
- Ginger should be grated with the appropriate ceramic grater, much less tiring to use than the one for cheese. You can buy one online for a cheap price. One of the advantages of this type of grater is that it has edges to prevent the ginger from slipping. Furthermore, being in ceramic it is impossible for rust to form. You can also use it to grate chocolate and nutmeg.
- If you want, you can chop or blend the ginger before submerging it with sherry. In addition to taking full advantage of the space inside the jar, it will be easier to use for cooking. If you intend to blend it, pour a little sherry into the blender to make it easier for the blades to work.