How to Make Vanilla Custard

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How to Make Vanilla Custard
How to Make Vanilla Custard

Are you going to a family reunion, a lunch with friends or just want to prepare something delicious? Why not cook a vanilla custard? It is a great dessert.


  • 6 yolks
  • 100 g of sugar
  • 230 ml of milk
  • 230 g of cream
  • 1 vanilla pod


Make Vanilla Custard Step 1
Make Vanilla Custard Step 1

Step 1. Begin by cutting the vanilla bean lengthwise

Scrape the inside pulp and put it together with the pod in a saucepan

Make Vanilla Custard Step 2
Make Vanilla Custard Step 2

Step 2. Place the pan on medium heat and add, stirring gently, the cream and milk

Be careful not to let the mixture boil.

Make Vanilla Custard Step 3
Make Vanilla Custard Step 3

Step 3. In a bowl, mix the sugar with the egg yolks using a whisk

You need to get a pale yellow compound.

Make Vanilla Custard Step 4
Make Vanilla Custard Step 4

Step 4. Continue to work the sugar with the egg yolks and slowly add the milk mixture, a little at a time

Make Vanilla Custard Step 5
Make Vanilla Custard Step 5

Step 5. Return everything to the heat and stir slowly with a wooden spoon

Make Vanilla Custard Step 6
Make Vanilla Custard Step 6

Step 6. Immediately after removing the cream from the heat, sift it through a colander

It must be smooth but sticky.

Make Vanilla Custard Step 7
Make Vanilla Custard Step 7

Step 7. Serve the cream, both hot and cold, with fresh berries or pudding


  • The cream is thick enough when you can draw a line on the surface of the spoon with your finger and it remains visible.
  • The cream must never reach a boil. When it starts to thicken, remove it from the heat. If it overcooks, it goes crazy and you'll have to start over.
