How To Make Vanilla-Free French Toast

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How To Make Vanilla-Free French Toast
How To Make Vanilla-Free French Toast

Vanilla extract is not necessary for making French toast. If you've run out of it or don't like it, check out this delicious alternative recipe.


  • Bread (of the kind you want)
  • 3 eggs
  • 3 tablespoons of white sugar
  • A pinch of kosher salt
  • 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon
  • Toppings like powdered sugar, cinnamon, fruit, etc.
  • Olive oil to grease the pan


Make French Toast Without Vanilla Step 1
Make French Toast Without Vanilla Step 1

Step 1. Grease a pan with olive oil

Make French Toast Without Vanilla Step 2
Make French Toast Without Vanilla Step 2

Step 2. Turn on the gas and turn the heat down

Make French Toast Without Vanilla Step 3
Make French Toast Without Vanilla Step 3

Step 3. Break 3 eggs and beat them vigorously with a fork or whisk

Make French Toast Without Vanilla Step 4
Make French Toast Without Vanilla Step 4

Step 4. Add the other ingredients and beat them

Make French Toast Without Vanilla Step 5
Make French Toast Without Vanilla Step 5

Step 5. Slice all the bread you need

Make French Toast Without Vanilla Step 6
Make French Toast Without Vanilla Step 6

Step 6. Dip each slice of bread into the egg amalgam

Place the bread on the pan.

Make French Toast Without Vanilla Step 7
Make French Toast Without Vanilla Step 7

Step 7. After 30 seconds, turn it over

If it's not golden, then it's not ready. Let it cool when cooked.
