If you are one of the many hunters who like to hunt deer in game reserves or on private land, read this guide carefully to know what to do immediately after capturing the animal to preserve its excellent meat. You will be able to transport it home properly processed and stored without danger to health.

Step 1. Hang the deer carcass, head up

Step 2. Put on rubber gloves before starting

Step 3. Use a circular saw, or bone hacksaw, to remove the legs from the carcass at the knee joint

Step 4. Pull the skin to make a series of incisions:
inside the four legs, up to the center line of the chest, all around the neck and along the chest up to the pelvic area.
Pull the skin starting from the neck. It may be necessary to use a knife to sever the connective tissue that connects the animal's skin and muscles

Step 5. Remove the front legs of the animal
Cut the muscle bundles that start from the leg and go up to the shoulder. Use your free hand to support the paw while cutting with the other hand.

Step 6. Remove the loin, making a cut along both sides of the spine, from the neck to the pelvis
Cut along the bottom of the ribs to make a long, thin piece of meat. Use a knife to separate the meat from the spine and the top of the ribs.
- Remove the layer of connective tissue that wraps around the loin (or loin).
- The cut of meat called loin tapers as you get closer to the animal's neck.
- Cut the loin into three parts to make it easier to transport, store and prepare in the kitchen.

Step 7. Find the joint that connects the hind legs to the body

Step 8. Remove the hind legs
With the hacksaw, separate the leg by making a cut at the hip. After having boned it, cut steaks from the animal's thigh using a sharp knife.

Step 9. Remove the animal's head by using a hacksaw and cutting at the base of the skull
Then repeat the operation to remove the animal's neck from the rest of the body.
You can use neck meat to make stews or soups.
Butcher Deer Step 9Bullet1