How to Slaughter a Cattle (with Pictures)

How to Slaughter a Cattle (with Pictures)
How to Slaughter a Cattle (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


The slaughter of a cow is usually done in slaughterhouses and rarely by the final consumer. Sometimes someone raises their animal and slaughters it to produce meat and sausages for their own use. Slaughtering a cattle is a very long process, it takes at least two weeks to cut and cure the meat, in addition to the fact that many tools are required. This article tells you how to slaughter a cow.

This article refers to the Anglo-Saxon slaughter and, at times, the various cuts do not perfectly coincide with the Italian nomenclature.


Butcher Cattle Step 1
Butcher Cattle Step 1

Step 1. Before slaughtering the cattle, the animal must be killed and gutted

You can do some research online or ask for the support of an expert butcher to proceed quickly and "humanly".

Butcher Cattle Step 2
Butcher Cattle Step 2

Step 2. Slaughter begins

Once the carcass has been hanging for a few days or weeks, it is time to divide it into cuts and sections.

  • Make sure you have all the right materials, knives need to be sharp, wear clean clothes and an apron before starting.

    Butcher Cattle Step 2Bullet1
    Butcher Cattle Step 2Bullet1
Butcher Cattle Step 3
Butcher Cattle Step 3

Step 3. Divide the carcass into quarters

Cut it between the twelfth and thirteenth rib first with a large pointed knife and then with a meat saw. The area where you go to cut is the typical area of ribs.

Butcher Cattle Step 4
Butcher Cattle Step 4

Step 4. Hang the lower quarter of the animal from the ceiling with the help of a hoist

Alternatively, place all the quarters on a large table that is at a comfortable height. Begin to divide the carcass from the hind legs.

Butcher Cattle Step 5
Butcher Cattle Step 5

Step 5. Remove the leg with the meat saw

Start from the hip and move towards the tail bone. Score along the top to outline the round or cut off a large area of muscle for roasts.

The most muscular part of the leg is the rump. Debone it or leave it as it is when you remove it

Butcher Cattle Step 6
Butcher Cattle Step 6

Step 6. Remove the belly from the side of the carcass

This is the muscular part of the abdomen. Eliminate the large pieces of fat. Place your belly on the table and store the fat to melt if you wish.

Butcher Cattle Step 7
Butcher Cattle Step 7

Step 7. Remove the sirloin

Remove the grease with a sharp knife and cut the sirloin to the size of your choice. You can make it into stews or leave it whole and make steaks out of it.

Butcher Cattle Step 8
Butcher Cattle Step 8

Step 8. Remove the piece of meat from the spine:

the fillet. You can leave it intact or slice it into steaks.

Butcher Cattle Step 9
Butcher Cattle Step 9

Step 9. Choose whether you want to cut the meat from the ribs with a knife or with a saw to leave the bones inside

You can also keep the area from the sixth to the twelfth rib, which is the most valuable.

Butcher Cattle Step 10
Butcher Cattle Step 10

Step 10. Cut the steaks from the back (right after the rump)

These are the sirloin, the rib, the entrecôte.

Butcher Cattle Step 11
Butcher Cattle Step 11

Step 11. Remove any remaining meat on this part of the carcass and use it to make mince or stews

Butcher Cattle Step 12
Butcher Cattle Step 12

Step 12. Slaughter the forequarter

Lift the leg and cut under the shoulder blade until the limb is detached from the body.

Butcher Cattle Step 13
Butcher Cattle Step 13

Step 13. Remove the meat from the shoulder

This cut is called royal.

Butcher Cattle Step 14
Butcher Cattle Step 14

Step 14. Peel off the top of the paw

This area includes the brione and the heel of the collar. You can use them for excellent braised meats and stews. It is also possible to make steaks with or without bone. The lower portion of the muscle can be used for mince or steak.

Butcher Cattle Step 15
Butcher Cattle Step 15

Step 15. Remove the meat from the front of the leg

This is the brisket.

Butcher Cattle Step 16
Butcher Cattle Step 16

Step 16. Remove the neck and place it with the rest of the braising meats

Butcher Cattle Step 17
Butcher Cattle Step 17

Step 17. Divide the shoulder ribs

Butcher Cattle Step 18
Butcher Cattle Step 18

Step 18. Season the meat in the brine, if you have decided to follow this procedure

Butcher Cattle Step 19
Butcher Cattle Step 19

Step 19. Prepare minced meat or sausages with the help of a meat grinder

Butcher Cattle Step 20
Butcher Cattle Step 20

Step 20. Wrap the cuts separately with cling film

Butcher Cattle Step 21
Butcher Cattle Step 21

Step 21. Store the meat in the freezer or refrigerator if you plan on eating it quickly


  • Don't worry about the greenish liquid coming out of the neck, it's the cow's bolus.
  • Always direct the knife away from your body.
  • Ask a friend to help you, you will often need cooperation to move or hold the carcass while you cut.
