Chives is an aromatic plant that belongs to the same family as leeks and onions. Versatile and delicious you can use it in many ways, for example you can sprinkle it on baked potatoes or add it to scrambled eggs. You can store it in the refrigerator or dry it or freeze it. Fresh chives have a more intense aroma and scent, but dried or frozen chives last longer.
Method 1 of 3: Store the Chives in the Refrigerator

Step 1. Wrap the chives in cling film
Line it neatly on a piece of cling film and wrap it softly around it like you want to roll a burrito. Don't squeeze the package too tight to prevent it from trapping moisture, or the chives may get moldy.
- Wrap the chives first in a sheet of kitchen paper and then in plastic wrap if you want to make sure the moisture doesn't cause it to rot prematurely.
- You can use cling film or a food bag, but in this case make sure you leave it slightly ajar.

Step 2. Place the chives in the refrigerator door and use within a week
The shelves of the refrigerator door are the ones where the temperature is highest. Do not put the chives near the back wall of the refrigerator, where the temperature is lower, otherwise it will dry out and may partially freeze.
If chives change color, dry out or mold while in the refrigerator, throw them away without hesitation

Step 3. Wash the chives only when it's time to use them
Do not wash it before putting it in the refrigerator as the residual moisture could cause it to rot quickly. When you're ready to use it, rinse it thoroughly with cold water to remove soil residue and any other possible impurities.
Wash the chives even if there are no visible traces of soil to eliminate bacteria that cannot be seen with the naked eye
Method 2 of 3: Store the Chives in the Freezer

Step 1. Wash and dry the chives
Rinse it with cold water and run your fingers along the stems to get rid of any possible impurities. Dry it by pressing it gently between two sheets of kitchen paper to absorb all the excess water without damaging it.
- If you have a small salad spinner at home, you can use it to dry the chives. After washing it, put it inside the centrifuge and activate the manual mechanism to dry it.
- Make sure the chives are perfectly dry. If the stems remain moist, they will stick to each other during the freezing process.

Step 2. Cut the chives into pieces about half an inch long with a pair of scissors or a kitchen knife
If you want to use scissors, hold the stems in one hand and cut them into evenly sized pieces with the other. Alternatively, you can line them up on the cutting board and cut them with the knife.
If some stems have yellow or brown parts, discard them and throw them away

Step 3. Transfer the chives to a baking sheet
The pieces of chives must not overlap and must not touch each other. Spread them evenly across the bottom of the pan and make sure they are separated to prevent them from sticking together as they freeze.
You can line the pan with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat. This way you can make sure the chives won't stick to the pan

Step 4. Place the pan in the freezer for 5 minutes
This process is known as "flash freezing". The chives will freeze before you put them in a container and the individual pieces will remain separate instead of forming a single block.
Make sure the pan is perfectly horizontal. If you put it in the freezer at an angle, the chives may slip and stick together

Step 5. Remove the pan from the freezer and transfer the chives to a container suitable for freezing food
You can use a resealable bag, airtight container, or glass jar. Either way, make sure you've sealed it properly to prevent the cold from burning the chives or damaging them.
If you decide to use a food bag, squeeze it to let out as much air as possible before sealing it

Step 6. Store the chives in the freezer and use within 6-12 months
After 6 months it will start to lose flavor, but you can still eat it without any health risks. The best place to store it is near the back of the freezer, where the temperature is lowest. The ideal temperature for keeping food fresh for a long time is -18 ° C.
Since the chives have been cut into very small pieces, it is not necessary to let them defrost before using them in the kitchen. You can remove it from the freezer when you are ready to use it
Method 3 of 3: Dry the Chives

Step 1. Wash the chives and wait until they are completely dry
Rinse it under cold running water to remove soil residue and any other possible impurities. After washing it, spread it on the kitchen paper and dry it with more paper. Leave it exposed to the air until it is completely dry.
If you have a small salad spinner at home, you can use it to dry aromatic herbs. After washing the chives in cold running water, put them in the juicer, activate the manual mechanism and continue spinning until completely dry

Step 2. Cut the chives into pieces about half a centimeter long
Use kitchen scissors or a small knife to cut the stems into tiny pieces. Line up the stems and squeeze them in one hand to cut them all simultaneously very quickly.
If you prefer to use the knife, line up the stems on a cutting board to avoid damaging the kitchen counter

Step 3. Transfer the chives to a baking sheet
The chives pieces must not overlap or touch each other. Spread them across the bottom of the pan and make sure they are far enough apart to prevent them from sticking together as they freeze.
If you want to make sure the chives won't stick to the pan, you can line it with parchment paper

Step 4. Place the pan in the freezer for 30 minutes
Make sure it is perfectly horizontal, otherwise the chives may slip and stick to each other. Wait until they are completely frozen before removing the pan from the freezer.
To see if the chives have frozen, take a few pieces and slide them under your fingers. They must be stiff and brittle

Step 5. Remove the chives from the freezer and transfer them to an airtight container
Do it now as it will begin to defrost quickly! Transfer it to a resealable food bag, container, or jar and make sure it's tightly sealed to protect it from moisture.
If you've lined the baking sheet with parchment paper, lift it up, roll it up to form a funnel, and drop the chives into the container of your choice

Step 6. Store the chives in a dry place and use within a year
Store the container in a place out of direct sunlight, away from heat sources, such as the oven or stove. The ideal is to store it in a closed kitchen cabinet so that the chives are protected from light and humidity.