3 Ways to Prepare Kefir

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3 Ways to Prepare Kefir
3 Ways to Prepare Kefir

Kefir is a fermented drink prepared with cow or goat milk, water or coconut milk. Like yogurt, kefir is rich in healthy yeast and bacteria, but in larger and different amounts. Since kefir curd has a finer grain than yogurt, it is also easier to digest. In addition to beneficial bacteria and yeasts, kefir also contains essential amino acids, complete proteins and minerals in abundance.


Method 1 of 3: Get the Necessary to Prepare the Kefir

Make Kefir Step 1
Make Kefir Step 1

Step 1. Look for kefir grains

You can find them on the web, on sale at wellness and health products stores. Kefir grains reproduce on their own, and an initial crop could last for years. If you wish, you can donate new kefir grains to friends, separating a small part with each new production. Like sourdough, kefir reproduces easily, and you'll never run out of it.

  • If you want to keep the kefir grains, you can freeze them or let them dry.
  • Exposing the kefir grains to chemicals or temperatures that are too high will kill them.
Make Kefir Step 2
Make Kefir Step 2

Step 2. Purchase a glass jar for your kefir

If you want to get into the habit of making kefir on a daily basis, it will be worth buying a jar of the size you need. For an average production of kefir, use a one-liter glass jar. Kefir needs a non-airtight lid, through which you can breathe, create it using a coffee filter and a ring gasket.

  • Do not use a plastic container, the molecules could seep into the liquid.
  • If you wish, sterilize the jar before use, boil it for five minutes, then drain it on a paper towel.
Make Kefir Step 3
Make Kefir Step 3

Step 3. Choose how to feed your kefir

Kefir is usually made with whole milk. A milk rich in natural fats gives the kefir a sour taste and a consistency similar to that of yogurt, making it perfect to be drunk alone or incorporated into other recipes (for example a smoothie). For an even thicker texture, try adding some cream. If you don't love cow's milk, try one of the following alternatives:

  • Waterfall. To benefit from all the nutritional properties of kefir, you can create a fermented water-based drink. Make sure you use pure water, tap water may contain chemicals that are deadly for kefir.
  • Goat milk. The human body digests goat milk much easier than cow's milk, making it a great alternative for lactose intolerant people.
  • Coconut milk. Fermented kefir made from coconut milk is a great base for a healthy fruit drink. Use the purest coconut milk available, making sure it's free from sugar or chemical additives. If possible, make your own coconut milk. The kefir grains in coconut milk will not reproduce, and you will need to return them to a cow's milk diet when you are no longer able to make this type of kefir.

Method 2 of 3: Prepare the Kefir

Make Kefir Step 4
Make Kefir Step 4

Step 1. Pour 2 tablespoons of kefir granules into a clean glass jar

This is a good amount of kefir to start with, capable of giving your drink a good flavor. As you become more practiced in making kefir, you will be able to experiment with different amounts, both larger and smaller. You will find that the amount of granules used greatly affects the flavor of the drink and you can make changes according to your personal taste.

Make Kefir Step 5
Make Kefir Step 5

Step 2. Pour 720ml of milk into the jar

The amount of milk used in making kefir also varies according to your personal tastes. Use the indicated amount as a starting point. Do not fill the jar to the brim, as the mixture will need to breathe during fermentation. Fill it about 2/3 of its size.

Make Kefir Step 6
Make Kefir Step 6

Step 3. Cover the jar and store it at room temperature

Give your kefir a secluded place, on the kitchen counter or in the cupboard. Storing it in the refrigerator will prevent fermentation.

Make Kefir Step 7
Make Kefir Step 7

Step 4. Let it brew for 8 hours

The fermentation process will take several hours, so the best time to prepare kefir is in the evening, just before going to bed, to be able to drink it in the morning as soon as you wake up. The longer you let the granules ferment, the more acidic and dense the kefir will be.

  • If you prefer a less intense flavor kefir, you can wait only 5 kings instead of all night.
  • Kefir fed with coconut milk will require a longer fermentation time. You will need to let it rest for more than 8 hours.
Make Kefir Step 8
Make Kefir Step 8

Step 5. Filter the kefir

Place a piece of food fabric, or a fine-mesh strainer, over the mouth of a second jar or bowl. Pour the kefir over the fabric to hold the granules and drop the liquid into the container below. Now the kefir is ready to drink or keep in the refrigerator.

Make Kefir Step 9
Make Kefir Step 9

Step 6. Rinse the granules and start the process again

Rinse the granules in distilled water (never with tap water). Place them in a clean jar, fill it with milk, and start the process again. If you are not ready to make more kefir, you can stop fermentation by pouring the granules into the jar, filling it with milk and placing the jar in the refrigerator until the appropriate time.

Method 3 of 3: Using Kefir

Make Kefir Step 10
Make Kefir Step 10

Step 1. Use cow's milk kefir instead of milk

Whenever you need to use milk or yogurt in the kitchen, replace it with kefir. Kefir is an excellent base for sauces, and can also be used in baking, replacing dairy products in a healthy way. Experiment with these options:

  • Eat your kefir with cereal for breakfast.
  • Mix the kefir with the coffee.
  • Make a kefir yogurt cake by replacing it with classic yogurt.
Make Kefir Step 11
Make Kefir Step 11

Step 2. Eat coconut milk kefir as a refreshing treat

Coconut kefir may not always be substituted for milk in your recipes, but you will find that you can make many different uses of it, as well as eating it on its own of course. Try these ideas:

  • Make a smoothie with coconut kefir by blending 240ml of kefir, a banana, and a handful of berries.
  • Use coconut kefir to make a delicious homemade pina colada.
  • Add coconut kefir to soups and sauces to make them thicker, richer and creamier.
Make Kefir Step 12
Make Kefir Step 12

Step 3. Drink some water kefir throughout the day to stay hydrated

Water kefir is lighter than other kefir varieties and you can drink it at any time of day. Use it in your soup recipes by replacing it with normal water. If you wish, you can flavor your water kefir with fruit juice, mint, or other flavors of your choice to make it even more enjoyable.


  • If the right hygienic conditions and the correct temperature are respected, the fermentation process can be repeated indefinitely.
  • Before storing the kefir in the refrigerator, you can flavor it with fruit or herbs.
  • Sterilize the glass container by washing it with soap, then soak it in a solution of water and bleach (10 parts water and 1 parts bleach) for 10 minutes before washing it again. Alternatively, wash it with soap and place it in the oven or boiling water at a temperature of 100 ° C. Wait 30 minutes and then let it cool. Do not handle it before at least 20 minutes have passed.
