Espresso is a typically Italian type of coffee appreciated all over the world. Perhaps the most famous drink that harnesses the goodness of espresso is caffellatte, which is made with coffee and hot milk. Drinking latte at the café every day can be expensive, but luckily you can learn how to make it at home with a technique called AeroPress. If you are really an avid fan of latte, you can consider buying a coffee machine equipped with a steam wand with which to froth the milk.
Method 1 of 3: Prepare a Latte using an Espresso Machine
Step 1. Grind the coffee
To prepare an espresso, the coffee must be ground very finely. The grain of the coffee powder must be similar to that of table salt. When the powder has the right consistency, it is compact and tends to clump.
- Once you have gained more experience, you can try using a different grain to achieve the perfect taste for you.
- Use a grinder instead of a blade for freshness and greater control. The grinders with grinders allow you to better adjust the grain and guarantee a more homogeneous result.
Step 2. Prepare the milk
Use about 180ml of milk for each cup of latte you want to make. As a general rule, use 180ml of milk for every 30ml of espresso.
- Skimmed milk is the easiest to whip, but it is less tasty than one with a higher fat content.
- Semi-skimmed milk is also quite easy to whip, plus it makes the latte slightly creamy.
- Whole milk is the most difficult to whip, but it makes latte a lot tastier as it has a higher fat content.
Step 3. Whip the milk
Pour the desired amount into a metal jug. Dip the steam wand diagonally and place it just below the surface of the milk. By incorporating air into the milk, with the steam wand you will be able to create the amount of foam necessary to prepare a good latte.
- Wrap a kitchen towel around the base of the metal jug to avoid burning yourself when the milk gets hot.
- Open the valve that regulates the steam output. Generally, this is a knob that needs to be rotated.
- Measure the temperature of the milk with a thermometer and bring it to about 66-68 ° C. Be careful not to exceed 76 ° C.
- Try to get a light, but at the same time full-bodied foam, made up of microbubbles rather than large bubbles (similar to those that soap creates).

Step 4. Measure the amount of coffee
Each espresso must be prepared with a specific dose of ground coffee. Generally, a double espresso is used for the latte, so the amount of coffee should be doubled.
- Use about 18-21g of ground coffee for each espresso. Place the portafilter on the kitchen scale to dose it exactly.
- Zero the scale after placing the empty filter holder on it.
- Carefully add 18-21g of coffee to each espresso.
Step 5. Press the coffee
To obtain a good espresso, it is important to press the coffee into the filter holder with the special presser. The tamper is a small weight with the knob handle.
- Grab the knob to press the coffee. Place your hand, forearm and elbow directly over the portafilter and press the coffee down.
- Press the coffee in a uniform twisting motion. For an ideal result, you should be able to apply a pressure of about 15 kg.
- Press the coffee with the portafilter resting on a kitchen or bathroom scale to realize how much force you will need to apply.
- Pressing it will make the coffee smooth and compact like a "hockey puck". It is important that it is evenly leveled and pressed for a homogeneous extraction.
Step 6. Prepare the espresso
Attach the filter holder to the coffee machine group, then press the power button to start the extraction.
- A perfect espresso has a medium dark brown shade, a minimum of body and a small amount of foam (or cream) on the surface.
- The extraction time for an espresso is about 30 seconds, but the time required may vary slightly depending on the grain of the ground and the type of coffee machine.
- If the brewing time is too long, the coffee may be bitter. On the contrary, if the extraction lasts too short, it could have a not very intense aroma.
Step 7. Pour the frothed milk over the coffee
The foam will flow slowly mixing with that of the espresso.
- Use a spoon to regulate the flow of foam into the cup. Wait until the liquid level in the cup is a few millimeters from the broth, then remove the spoon.
- The latte will be a nice brown color and will have a velvety, almost creamy texture. In addition, it will be covered with a layer of thin white foam.
- If you want to learn how to decorate latte as in the bar, read this article.
Method 2 of 3: Prepare a Latte Without Using the Coffee Machine

Step 1. Consider using the AeroPress technique
Similar to the French Press but more professional, the AeroPress allows you to prepare a filtered coffee with a strong and delicious taste.
- Boil 250-500 ml of water.
- When the water boils, let it cool for about 1 minute.
- Ideally the water should be between 80 and 90 ° C rather than boiling.
- Measure 2 doses of coffee with the measuring cup supplied with the AeroPress, then grind it with an electric coffee grinder.
- To prepare a drink like latte, the coffee must be ground very finely (like table salt). Keep in mind that when the coffee powder is of the right consistency it is compact and tends to clump.
- Assemble and moisten the AeroPress filter to prepare it for extraction and prevent the coffee from absorbing the flavor of the paper.
- Place the AeroPress on top of the cup.
- Make the coffee. You will need to add the coffee and water to the AeroPress.
- Pour the ground coffee into the press using the funnel. Add the boiling water until it reaches the indicated level.
- Stir using the special scoop or spoon.
- Insert the filter into the AeroPress and push it down until you hear a long hiss.
- Taste the coffee. If it's too strong, you can add boiling water to soften the taste.

Step 2. Make a very strong American coffee
If you don't have an espresso machine, you can use the American coffee machine.
- Use 1-2 scoops of coffee for every 250ml of water. To prepare the latte, a coffee with a very strong taste is required.
- If possible, grind the coffee to fine grain yourself.
- You need 1-2 cups of coffee to make a latte.

Step 3. Whip the milk
You don't need specific tools to froth the milk, you can use the microwave:
- Use low-fat milk, such as semi-skimmed milk.
- Pour the cold milk into a jar with a lid, filling it no more than halfway.
- Seal the jar with the lid.
- Shake the jar vigorously for 30-60 seconds, until the volume of the milk has doubled.
- Remove the lid from the jar.
- Microwave the milk on full power for 30 seconds.
- The froth formed by stirring the milk will rise to the surface.
Step 4. Pour 30-60ml of coffee into the latte cup
Add the hot frothed milk.
- Use a spoon to block the froth as you pour the milk.
- When the amount of milk is sufficient, add a spoonful of foam.
- Enjoy your latte.
Method 3 of 3: Variations to the Classic Caffellatte Recipe

Step 1. Make a vanilla latte
They serve an espresso, milk and a vanilla flavored syrup.

Step 2. Prepare the espresso
You can use the classic coffee machine, the AeroPress or the American coffee machine (in the latter case, you will need to make a stronger coffee than normal).
- For this recipe you need 45 ml of espresso.
- If you have an espresso machine, whip about 350ml of whole or semi-skimmed milk. The milk must be at a temperature between 63 and 68 ° C.
- Alternatively, you can froth the milk in the microwave. Pour it into a jar, half full, shake the closed container for 30-60 seconds so that the milk doubles in volume, and then heat it in the microwave for 30 seconds without a lid.
- Pour 2 tablespoons of vanilla-flavored syrup into the cup.
- Add the espresso.
- Pour the milk into the cup and hold the foam with a spoon. Finally, add a spoonful of foam to the surface of the latte.

Step 3. Make a caramel latte
You need a strong-flavored espresso, frothed milk, a caramel-flavored syrup (which can also be used for decoration) and possibly whipped cream.
- Pour 120ml of milk into a microwave-safe cup. Heat it on full power for 60-90 seconds.
- Stir the boiling milk with the whisk until froth is formed.
- Pour 3-4 tablespoons of caramel-flavored syrup into the bottom of the latte mug.
- Heat it in the microwave on full power for 30 seconds.
- Add 60ml of hot coffee and mix well.
- Also add the frothed milk.
- If you want, you can decorate the latte with a puff of whipped cream and caramel syrup.

Step 4. Make a cold latte
You can use espresso or American coffee. Plus, they serve milk and ice cubes.
- Make 2 cups of espresso.
- If you don't have the classic coffee machine or the AeroPress, you can use the American coffee machine.
- If you use the American coffee machine, you will need to make stronger than normal coffee using half a liter of cold water and 75 g of ground coffee.
- Mix the hot coffee with 700ml of milk. Mix well or pour the ingredients into a jar, then shake it to perfectly blend the milk and coffee.
- Spread the ice cubes into the glasses and pour the latte over them.
- If you want, you can add a syrup to flavor the cold café au lait.