Why do onions make you cry and how can you prevent it from happening? The onion bulb (layered, firm and juicy) is the edible part, it is wrapped in a drier outer layer (brown) and ends with the roots. When you remove the base of the onion with the knife, it releases an enzyme (called alliinase) that produces the odor gas typical of onions. When that gas combines with water, it creates an acid. The liquid produced by the tear glands also turns into acid when it comes into contact with gas, which is why when you cut the onion you feel your eyes burn. If that doesn't affect your passion for onions, read on and find out how to cut them without crying.
Part 1 of 2: Using a Kitchen Utensil

Step 1. Use a sharp knife when cutting onions
The enzyme is released when cells are broken or crushed. A sharp blade is able to cut the onion pulp without compressing it, therefore less alliinase is released. Even if you intend to do some other tricks to keep from crying, use a sharp knife every time you cut the onions. It will also take you significantly less time to complete the job.

Step 2. Chill the onions in the freezer for 10-15 minutes before cutting them
The cold causes less gas to be released into the air and does not affect the taste. The Food Detectives TV show has declared this method as the most effective for reducing tears when cutting onions.
You can also put them in the refrigerator, but make sure they are not near apples or potatoes, and remember to take them out within 20 minutes to prevent their smell from contaminating other foods
Step 3. Cut the onions while they are submerged in the water
This is an effective, but somewhat complicated method to apply. In the water the onion layers will separate, unless you manage to keep them together, so you will be forced to drain them to collect them negating the benefits of the method. If you decide you want to try it anyway, plan each step carefully.
Some people recommend chopping onions under running water, but obviously that's not easy. The jet of water makes the process slightly chaotic and may cause you to lose your grip on the onions
Step 4. Cut the onions next to a jet of hot water or a cloud of steam
You can use the steam that comes out of the kettle or a pot full of water. The scientific explanation for why this method works is that the steam attracts the gas released by the onions and disperses it into the air.
Step 5. Breathe with your mouth and hold your tongue out
In this way, you will draw the gas onto the moist tongue, while the olfactory nerves, which are located next to the tear canals, will be avoided and will not generate tears. If you occasionally breathe absently through your nose instead of your mouth, the tears will flow instantly and you will have confirmation that the method works.
Step 6. Soak the onions in water
The enzyme is denatured thanks to the action of water. Unfortunately, however, onions will also lose some of the taste, and they may be a little more slippery than normal and therefore more difficult to handle. If the fact that they have a slightly more delicate flavor does not affect the success of the recipe, this is a simple but effective method to avoid crying.
Step 7. Place the onion correctly on the cutting board
The onion pulp has a concentric layered structure, so direct it and handle the knife so that its juices can't get into your eyes as you cut it.
Of course, the draft can push the sprayed juices towards your face, so be careful of the air coming from the windows. If you want, you can turn on a fan and point it in the opposite direction

Step 8. Whistle as you cut
When you whistle, a noticeable flow of air is created in the opposite direction to the face, which helps to keep the juices and gases released by the onions away from the eyes. Choose a tune that makes you want to keep whistling and cut as many onions as you want.

Step 9. Put a piece of bread in your mouth
Many people claim that chewing while cutting onions, especially a piece of bread, helps to avoid crying. Chew very slowly, letting a small portion of the piece of bread come out of your mouth. Chewing like this will produce a lot of saliva, which may be a little annoying, but at least you will avoid crying.
According to some, chewing gum can also be useful. When sliced, the onion releases a chemical into the air that irritates the tear glands and stimulates tear production. Chewing gum while cutting onions helps keep you from crying because it forces you to breathe through your mouth. Furthermore, chewing gum before, during or after cutting operations stimulates the production of saliva, which absorbs the gas released by the onions, preventing it from condensing in the eyes, triggering the production of tears. You should start chewing before you start cutting onions, also try not to forget to breathe through your mouth
Part 2 of 2: Creative Solutions

Step 1. Put on a diving mask
Swimming goggles or goggles your child uses in the school chemistry lab are also fine, as long as they are your size. The eyes will be hermetically protected from the gas released by the onions, so no tears. Before you start cutting, make sure your glasses or mask fit you perfectly, otherwise they will quickly fill with tears.
Protective eyewear for sale online is very cheap, but being one-size-fits-all the chances of it fitting you perfectly are not great. And if you have vision problems it is definitely better to choose another method

Step 2. Cut the onions near a vortex of air created by an extractor hood, fan or open window
In this way the gas will be directed elsewhere, away from the eyes. Slice the onions on the stove with the extractor hood on at maximum power or simply place the cutting board near a window or directly outdoors.
Step 3. Use an acid solution
With an ionic or acid solution you can be able to cancel the effect of the enzyme on the eyes. For convenience you can use one of the products you have at home, for example:
- Sprinkle the cutting board with vinegar to annihilate the effect of the enzyme due to its acidic nature.
- Soak the onions in salted water. Being an ionic solution it alters the enzyme in onions, but keep in mind that it also affects their flavor.
Step 4. Use a candle
Light a candle and place it next to the cutting board you will use to slice the onions. The released gas will be attracted to the flame.
- Some people argue that cutting an onion next to a lit candle masks the smell, but doesn't really help keep you from crying.
- Remember to blow out the candle when you are done.
- Sweet onions cause fewer tears, so they are preferred if you want to avoid crying.
- If possible, cut the onions only at the last moment to prevent them from permeating the kitchen air with their smell.
- Chew a peppermint chewing gum while cutting the onions. Having your mouth busy will help you not cry.
- If you use frozen onions the risk of crying decreases.
- Try holding a match (unlit naturally) between your teeth with the colored tip facing out. The sulfur will absorb the gas released by the onions.
- The volatiles released by onions are naturally attracted to the nearest liquid source, in this case the eyes, which explains why we cry. Place the cutting board next to the sink and leave the tap running. In addition to not crying, you will be able to eliminate the bad smell left by the onions on your hands simply by rubbing them on the wet metal faucet.
- Cool the onions and sharpen the knife to avoid crying.
- Try not to cut into the onion root.