How to Dry Clean: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Dry Clean: 11 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Dry Clean: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Having your clothes dry cleaned can be expensive, especially if you have a lot of clothes that require specific care. Most of the clothes that bear the word "dry" on the label can still be washed at home with a kit. Learn what you can clean at home using a dry kit and get a professional result.


Part 1 of 3: Preparing for Dry Cleaning

Dry Clean Step 1
Dry Clean Step 1

Step 1. Find out which items you can dry clean at home

Consult the label of the dress in question. Those made of wool, silk and rayon with the words "dry clean only" usually shouldn't be a problem.

  • Machine washable garments, which you prefer to treat gently, are perfect candidates for home dry cleaning. Try linen, cotton, and any decorated and embroidered fabric.
  • Leather, suede and fur garments cannot be washed at home. They require special techniques that only the best professionals know about.
Dry Clean Step 2
Dry Clean Step 2

Step 2. Check the level of soiling of the clothes to be washed

The home method is only good for light soiling. A couple of stains are manageable, but if you have a suit full of mud or other substances it's best to take it to the laundry.

Dry Clean Step 3
Dry Clean Step 3

Step 3. Use a stain remover to remove stains

Dry cleaning kits include stain remover bottles or pens. Treat oil or water-based stains with stain remover before washing the dress. In any case, follow the directions on the package to avoid spreading the stains or leaving streaks.

  • Test the stain remover in a corner of the fabric before using it across the board. Check that it does not deteriorate and does not discolour.
  • Since it is assumed that you are washing delicate fabric, do not rub it too much or you could damage it.
  • Use the stain remover only on the stain. By applying it all over the fabric you risk damaging the fibers and deforming the garment.
  • Do not use the stain remover on leather, suede and fur: the indications in this guide do not refer to these materials because they cannot be dry cleaned at home.

Part 2 of 3: Start Dry Cleaning

Dry Clean Step 4
Dry Clean Step 4

Step 1. Place what you want to wash into the dry cleaning bag

Each kit has one that can hold three to four pieces. Check that the colors are similar to avoid discoloration and therefore stains. When filling the bag, pay attention to the weight of the garments: the bag can be filled halfway, because if you want to get a good wash the garments must have enough space to rotate inside. So, if you wash a sofa cover, you won't be able to add three more items.

Do not overfill the bag. If you wash clothes, arrange only two inside. You can fit up to four shirts in a larger bag, but always remember to fill it halfway to leave enough room for the garments to rotate freely

Dry Clean Step 5
Dry Clean Step 5

Step 2. Place a dry cleaning sheet inside the bag

Close it well.

  • The dry cleaning sheet contains a little emulsified water which will perfume the clothes as it disperses.
  • As soon as the dryer heats the sheet, a scented steam will be created that will fill the clothes with a delicate fragrance, smoothing the folds.
Dry Clean Step 6
Dry Clean Step 6

Step 3. Put the bag in the dryer

Run a gentle program for 30 minutes at low temperatures. As soon as the timer rings, remove the bag. Make sure the temperature isn't too high.

The more time you leave your clothes in the dryer, the more creases there will be when you take them out of the bag

Dry Clean Step 7
Dry Clean Step 7

Step 4. Remove everything from the bag

Hang them on hangers and let the creases unfold. If you are happy with the result, you can put the garments in the closet or put them on immediately.

Part 3 of 3: Preserving Clothes with a Professional Touch

Dry Clean Step 8
Dry Clean Step 8

Step 1. Examine the dress for stains

You may find that the stain remover did not do its duty well before dry cleaning. If you still find traces of stains, use it again.

Dry Clean Step 9
Dry Clean Step 9

Step 2. Iron the clothes

They won't feel stiff and compressed like when they come back from the laundry. In fact, those who do this job use chemical products to starch the fabrics, but at home it will be enough to pass the iron.

  • Make sure you use the right temperature for what you need to iron.
  • Do not spray clothes with water and use little steam.
Dry Clean Step 10
Dry Clean Step 10

Step 3. Use a vaporizer

It can be expensive, but if you have a lot of delicates it might be worth the money. It is a device that uses steam instead of direct heat to iron creases and give fabrics that typical professional and immaculate look.

Dry Clean Step 11
Dry Clean Step 11

Step 4. Arrange dry cleaned items separately

Keep them on hangers in a designated part of the closet where there is enough room for air to circulate. This way they will stay fresh longer and you won't have to rewash them often.


  • While dry cleaning kits are useful for keeping delicate items from losing shape and ruining, you should still take them to the laundry a couple of times a year. This is because home dry cleaning is fine for removing odors, but is not effective enough to remove stubborn stains, such as grease and blood.
  • You can also use the kit on jeans to prevent fading and staining other garments when you wash them in the washing machine.
  • Check the garments carefully before putting them in the bag. If they are dirty and you put them in the dryer without treating the stain, the heat will set it on the fabric and it will become almost impossible to remove it.
