If you've lost your job, or just don't feel like continuing to have a traditional job, you still have to find a way to pay the bills, right? In fact, there are a number of ways to make some money and get by. As long as you don't expect to live like a millionaire, you can certainly manage to support yourself without having to depend on a classic occupation. Small jobs and big savings: this is the key!
Part 1 of 2: Finding Sources of Income

Step 1. Make your hobby a job
As a matter of fact: whatever you do that makes money will take up your time. And the equation time + money = work. No matter what you are doing to earn enough to support yourself, it can technically be considered a job, even if it isn't in the traditional sense. If you just want to avoid a profession you don't like or the feeling of overworking, turn your hobby into a job. It doesn't matter what you do - there is still a way to make a profit.

Step 2. Do small jobs on the web
There are several websites that allow you to do quick chores for a small fee. Keep in mind that the money you earn in this way is small but, on the other hand, these are tasks that you should be able to do easily and in a short time, even while doing other things (whether it is in front of the TV, in the bathroom, or on the bus).

Step 3. Be a house-sitter or dog-sitter
When people go on vacation or business trips, especially for quite long periods, they often want to make sure nothing goes wrong in their absence, neither at home nor with their pets, so they often pay someone to check the house or look after them. to the animals until their return. Start by taking care of the homes or animals of people you know so you can get references, then post ads online and in newspapers.

Step 4. Resell junk
Go to a flea market or visit a website for free or low-priced items. Often it is enough to slightly clean up the object in question or refurbish it a little to be able to get much more out of it by reselling it. Sometimes you don't need to do anything at all - people often sell their things for less than their value just to get rid of them quickly or because they don't know what they're actually worth.

Step 5. Rent your house
If you own your own home, you can move into a cheap apartment and rent your home in the meantime. If the rent pays off, your temporary apartment is cheap, and your mortgage is paid off or the installments are low, then this can be a good way to make money. It can also be a short-term activity (for example for special events) or a longer term one.
However, be sure to check your city's rental regulations. You risk being in a lot of trouble if your municipality doesn't allow you to rent a property without issuing a specific permit

Step 6. Take advantage of your body
No, not in that sense! You can sell blood, plasma, and even take advantage of your body in other ways, such as by selling hair, eggs, sperm, or by offering yourself as a test for medical research. Some of these processes can be long and complex, but others are really simple.

Step 7. Run errands
Many people have errands or chores to attend to, but they don't have the desire or time to do them. The tasks range from shopping to mowing the lawn, from giving a ride to the doctor to sending a package. You'll typically need a clean criminal record and a car, but once you have those two things you should be able to find plenty of quick ways to make some cash.

Step 8. Take stock photos
When magazines, websites or other media need images, instead of taking their own photos, they often pay a small fee to use someone else's photos. This is a system called stock photography. With a high-quality camera, take beautiful photos and then authorize them for use on Flickr or other stock photo websites. If you take enough photos, you can make money without having to do anything else.

Step 9. Give repetitions of a subject you know well
If you are good in a certain field (for example, you were really good at math in school), you can do some quick and easy repetition work to help the kids improve their academic performance. You will find a lot of repeat advertisements on the internet. You will probably need references, but the pay can be really good in exchange for little work.

Step 10. Advertise
There are a variety of revenue opportunities by helping companies advertise. You may be paid for participating in focus groups and surveys. Sometimes you can even find work as a secret shopper, or mystery customer, after which you can also resell the products you have purchased and make money on them.

Step 11. Create some product design
If you have Photoshop and some basic art skills, you can make money by making t-shirts or other products and selling them online through dedicated sites. There are sites that allow you to design clothes and home goods, which are then produced, sold and shipped for you (in exchange for a portion of the profits, of course), but you can still make a lot of money from sales.

Step 12. Write for the web
Many internet sites pay someone to write content for the web. But for it to be worth it, you need to be able to write fast. All you need is a keyboard and something to say!

Step 13. Run a blog
It may seem like a real job, but if you do it in a way that you enjoy it then it won't be a problem. Find a topic you know and care about, and then post related posts and videos on YouTube or similar sites. Ads and video advertisements on your site can get you a tidy sum of money, and tools like Google Ads make it a really easy thing to do.
Part 2 of 2: Save money

Step 1. Buy only the things you need
We always think we need a lot of things that we don't really need, and those things can cost us a lot of money. You want all those small amounts of money you earned by following the previous tips to go up even more, right? Think about what you think is a necessity and reconsider it. Mobile phone? Phone line? TV? Candies? Fast food? Gym membership? Online subscriptions? Internet? Different people need different things, depending on how they live. Just stop and consider the things you spend your money on and think: Do I really need this thing? If you make a living from online jobs, for example, then the answer is "yes, you really need an Internet connection."

Step 2. Live in your parents' house
If you are young, stay at your parents' house. This choice can save you a lot of money and help you set aside a sum of money as a precaution, so that you can go and live on your own with more confidence in the future. If you help your parents at home, show yourself respectful and kind, they won't have much to say. However, make sure they see that you are trying to save money and be responsible.

Step 3. Keep track of how you spend the money
It's about your monthly expenses or bank statements. Do you see high numbers that stand out? When you look at your bank statements, you often find purchases that you didn't care about or didn't really need. Paying attention to how you spend money can make you a more knowledgeable consumer and save you a lot.

Step 4. Establish a budget
Plan how you will spend your money and stick to the plan. This will save you a lot in the long run. Often the money we earn seems to vanish into thin air, because we indulge in all sorts of small expenses. Give yourself a whim, but otherwise set a strict budget to save as much as possible.

Step 5. Buy items on sale
Clothes, food, household items - try to buy everything on sale. Do not be tempted, however, by discounts that would induce you to buy something you did not intend to buy: this would lead you to spend more, not less! Buy clothing at the flea markets. You can save a lot on groceries by shopping at outlets and wholesale stores.

Step 6. Don't use credit cards
Avoid credit cards and any other borrowing system. This money comes with interest that you have to pay, which means that everything you pay with your credit card actually costs you more than you are already paying for it. Over time it can really end up costing you a lot. If you think you need a credit card to pay for something, then either it isn't something you really need, or your standard of living is beyond your means.

Step 7. Use public transport
Using public transport can save you a lot of money. If you have to travel long distances, a bus pass often costs less than just fuel for the car. Once you factor in the cost of car maintenance, insurance and other expenses, you will see that public transport will save you a lot. Plus, you'll have time to relax along the way or even surf the Internet on a 3G mobile device to earn even more money by doing chores online or updating a blog while you travel.
- Try to start earning as soon as you go to live alone.
- If you live alone and don't work, you are likely to be evicted or late with your bills.
- Try moving in with a friend if your parents don't want you to come back and stay with them.
- Don't look at this lifestyle as a long-term solution. Even if you manage to pay all your bills, you still have to think about paying taxes and accumulating savings for old age. Generally, people have to set aside life-long savings if they are to retire at a reasonable age.