How to learn the reverse alphabet: 6 steps

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How to learn the reverse alphabet: 6 steps
How to learn the reverse alphabet: 6 steps

Well, you can pronounce the alphabet from start to finish without any problems. But now it's time for changes. You have to say it backwards. The only problem is that it won't be easy to visualize it in mind quickly. No problem, it might seem difficult at first but with a little training you will make it!


Learn the Alphabet Backwards Step 1
Learn the Alphabet Backwards Step 1

Step 1. Write it on a piece of paper

Read it several times.

Learn the Alphabet Backwards Step 2
Learn the Alphabet Backwards Step 2

Step 2. Divide it into groups of 3 or 4 letters

Learn the Alphabet Backwards Step 3
Learn the Alphabet Backwards Step 3

Step 3. Start with the last group (from z) and go back to the beginning

Learn the Alphabet Backwards Step 4
Learn the Alphabet Backwards Step 4

Step 4. Study it

Study the alphabet backwards and practice a lot trying to pronounce it correctly. If you learned this when you were a child, you can do it now too!

Learn the Alphabet Backwards Step 5
Learn the Alphabet Backwards Step 5

Step 5. Challenge your friends by saying 'I'm sure you can't spell the alphabet backwards

'This is however optional.

Learn the Alphabet Backwards Step 6
Learn the Alphabet Backwards Step 6

Step 6. Make it a song

For example: Uniquely Tinted Purple Zebra Went This Afternoon Where Nothing Ever Enchanted Her Hotel Playing Fiercely And Saying I'll Dance There Again


  • If you have trouble with this method and can't memorize the letters backwards, read the alphabet continuously after writing it. It might work that way.

    • Repeat the alphabet for a few days until it sticks in your mind.
    • Correct mistakes and repeat the alphabet!
  • Ask a friend or someone to ask you the letter groups to skip. After, put them together!
