Here you will find everything you need to know before leaving for your trip to Thailand, from easy-to-pronounce Thai phrases to travel tips, and then what you must and must not do, to a section to avoid trouble in the famous nightclubs.

Step 1. Learn the basics:

Step 2. Remember that if you are a man, it is polite to end sentences with "krap
" If you are a woman, with "ka." For example, Khob khun krap (men), Khob khun ka (women).
Khob khun…. ขอบคุณ ครับ
No thanks
Never ow…. ไม่ ครับ ขอบคุณ
Sawasdee…. สวัสดี ครับ
How are you?
Sabai dee mai? …. สบาย ดี ไหม
I am fine thanks
Sabai dee…. สบาย ดี ครับ
Excuse me
Khor toat…. ขอโทษ ครับ
Do you speak English?
Khun poot Angrit come on? …. คุณ พูด ภาษา อังกฤษ ได้ ไหม
Excuse me / waiter!
Phee krab / ka (if the waiter is an adult), Nong krab / ka (if the waiter is younger) พี่ ครับ, น้อง ครับ
How much it is?
Tao rie? ….. เท่า ไหร่ ครับ
Can you speak Thai?
Kun poot Thai come on? …. คุณ พูด ไทย ได้ ไหม
What's your name?
Khun cheu arai? …. คุณ ชื่อ อะไร
My name is ……
Phom (men) / Chan (women) / Cheu ………. ผม ชื่อ …. ครับ
I don't speak Thai very well
Phom (men) / Chan (women) pood Thai mai geng …
Do you want to come to lunch / dinner with me?
Yark phai gin khao duay gun mai?
Can you sell it to me for less (price)?
Lot noy come on?
buddiel (Budd-Di-E-i-l) or pap nueng / Khoy pap nueng
Method 1 of 1: Hi

Step 1. Sawadika - Hello
- The Thai equivalent for ladies and gentlemen must end with krap or ka. However, in Thailand, it is the sex of the speaker and not the interlocutor that determines whether a sentence should end with krap or ka. So, whether you are addressing men or women, if it is a man speaking it will be a krap, if it is a woman a ka. Therefore, in the following sentences, women will replace the krap with a ka.
- These phrases were chosen to help you during your first few weeks in the kingdom. The basic sounds of the Thai language have been simplified and divided into syllables. By reading what has been written on this page, a Thai person should understand the context.
- The first useful thing to learn in ANY language is 'no thanks!' It will help you avoid all the pushy salespeople at the international airport and will save you a lot of time and money. 'No, thank you!' - 'Mai ow krab' or 'Mai ow ka'
- Thai people are very friendly; do not be shy and you will find yourself very well. A Thai person could read a sentence equivalent to an Italian in his language.
- It is not a tonal question and grammatically it is not a 'correct' translation from Italian into Thai. There are now many guides / phrasebooks and schools that offer excellent services for those wishing to deepen their knowledge of this language. But this is a good start.