Memorizing the locations of nations on the world map is a difficult undertaking, but there are many ways to make it easier. Make sure you are using an up-to-date map and break down the task by continent to better deal with the study. Use current news to make mental associations with what you are studying. Have fun while studying, downloading geography applications, visiting educational websites and hanging maps around the house. Complete coloring maps and use them to take a quiz, as well as try to solve puzzles featuring the world map.
Method 1 of 2: Study the Map

Step 1. Use an updated map
Make sure you study on correct material. Look for maps on sites that are updated on a regular basis, then print them if you prefer to have paper support. Alternatively, you can purchase a new map to study at stationery stores, bookstores, or on the internet.
For example, visit the National Geographic website at this address to find accurate and up-to-date world maps

Step 2. Study the nations by continent
To avoid feeling overwhelmed by the amount of information, just focus on one or two continents at a time while you study. By trying to memorize the entire world map at once, you will lose focus and the operation will become much more difficult. If necessary, cover the parts of the map you are not focusing on, so that you only keep your eyes on the sections that interest you.
For example, spend each day of the week studying one of the seven continents: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North (including Central) and South America

Step 3. Prioritize nations you can't remember well
Isolate the countries you have major problems with and focus your attention on them during your study (for example, note the countries and bodies of water that surround them). Make a list of all the states you get wrong more than three times before guessing. As you test your knowledge, try to identify the nations you struggle to recognize first, rather than the ones you remember best.

Step 4. Try to remember the countries in alphabetical order
To memorize the position of countries on the world map, try to find them in alphabetical order. Choose a continent and try to list all its states. By making the study process more complex, you will be more focused on the material and the challenge will be more demanding for you.
You may find it helpful to have a friend or relative question you to make the exercise even more challenging. The questions must not be in alphabetical order. Instead, they might ask you, "Which countries border Laos?" or "What is the southernmost state in South America?"

Step 5. Leverage associations with current news
Use current global news and events to match information to the nations you try to remember. For example, search and learn the location of the states that appear in the newspaper to give a better geographical context to that news. Alternatively, if there are countries that you struggle to place on the world map, search for them on Google News to find information about them and create stronger mental associations.

Step 6. Use the memory palace technique
To memorize the position of nations on the world map, try using this mnemonic technique developed by Roman speakers to remember long speeches. Imagine the states of a continent within a building you know well (for example your home or office). Imagine events that are easy to remember in every room, section or corridor and assign nations accordingly. Create a story memorable enough to remember well and call up the associations you have established with the world map.
For example, associate the countries of Europe with your colleagues' workstations in the office and imagine an absurd story to help you remember them (for example, you can remember Spain and Portugal by imagining a miniature colleague's workstation, with a desk). and a children's armchair, located in the corner of another colleague's office, large enough to accommodate flamenco dancers
Step 7. Create a nursery rhyme
These are funny phrases or rhymes that help you remember the order of things. They may not make sense and, in some cases, they are very bizarre and easy to remember. Try creating a nursery rhyme to remember the order of some nations from north to south or west to east.
For example, a sentence that can help you remember the states of Central America from north to south is: "Kids Watch Huge Burgers, Not Talking Carrots." The sentence contains the initials of each country: Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama
Method 2 of 2: Having Fun with Geography

Step 1. Download geography apps
In the app stores, you can find many applications that can help you remember the position of various countries on the world map. Using these tools, you will have the opportunity to study comfortably wherever you are and whenever you have the time (for example, during a bus trip). Download these free apps to try:
- Learn World Geography, a free app for iPhone and iPad that offers educational cards that can facilitate memorization;
- TapQuiz Maps World Edition, a free app for iPhone and iPod that helps master geography with a fun quiz game;
- World Map Quiz, a free app for Android that allows you to play with the world map, flags and capitals.

Step 2. Visit educational websites
There are many geography sites that can help you learn the nations of the world in a fun way. These web pages offer games, quizzes, and questions to make memorizing states a less tedious and more interactive task. To learn while having fun, visit:
- Seterra Online, a website that offers free geography trivia games and uses country perimeters to aid memorization;
- Lizard Point, an educational website offering quizzes and questions;
- World Atlas, an interactive website that allows you to explore the world map, state by state, with detailed visual aids.

Step 3. Decorate the walls with maps
To create a strong visual reminder of the map of the world and the various nations, try hanging a large map on the walls of your home. To make learning more interactive, post a large map on a cork board so that you can pinpoint countries as you study. You can find everything you need in stationery stores or on the internet.

Step 4. Print maps to color and study
To memorize nations, print copies of a world map to color or use for study. Associating various continents and countries with a color can help you create visual associations, and it can also be a relaxing and fun activity. Blank maps can be useful for studying and testing your geographic knowledge.
Visit the Mapchart site to create a custom world map, where you can choose colors and descriptions

Step 5. Try to complete a world puzzle
Puzzles stimulate various areas of the brain at the same time, especially those dedicated to reasoning, sequencing and problem solving. Although doing a puzzle already allows you to train your brain muscles, it makes even better use of your time by integrating the study of the world map into this activity. By examining the puzzle for a long time, as well as making your mind work analytically, you will be able to better remember the position of nations.