The bulb is made up of a filament that heats up until it becomes incandescent; the best known models are the incandescent bulbs which are widely used in homes. This article shows you how to build one.
Method 1 of 2: Making a Simple Graphite Light Bulb

Step 1. Go to the stationery and buy some mines
You should buy the thin ones which are usually sold in packs and which are used for automatic pencils (mechanical pencils). The thinner they are, the better; look for ones that are about 0.5mm thick.
These leads are made of graphite, which is an excellent conductor of electricity, so they are perfect for becoming the filaments of handcrafted light bulbs

Step 2. Collect everything you need
The listed material is available at any hardware store if you don't already have it. Here's what you need:
- Two copper wires, each 30-60 cm long;
- Four electrical terminals;
- A glass jar;
- At least five batteries.
Step 3. Connect the copper wires to the terminals
Each end of the threads should have one; if you don't have them, you can still make the bulb, just curl each end of the copper wire into a sort of hook.
Step 4. Connect the batteries in series
This means that you have to tape them together, one end to the other, so that they all together provide electricity. Remember to line up the positive with the negative and then use electrical tape to form a long stick of batteries.
You have to arrange them so that the positive pole of each battery is connected to the negative pole of the next.
Step 5. Join the copper wire to one end of the power pack
Typically, you should have one wire with red terminals and one with black terminals. Hook one red to the positive pole of the batteries and leave the other free for the moment; if you close the circuit, you power the bulb before it is ready, with the risk of burning yourself if you are not careful.
- If you wish, you can swap the red clamp with the black one - you just need to make sure there are two different wires at the ends of the power pack.
- Remember that for the moment you have to join only one thread.
Step 6. Take the two remaining clamps and secure the graphite together
Imagine having to make an "H" structure, in which the two clips are on the sides and the graphite lead forms the horizontal bar.
- The longer the lead, the longer the life of the bulb.
- Use tape, glue, or play dough to hold the clamps.
Step 7. Place the glass jar over the clamps and lead
This step is not essential, since the graphite becomes incandescent even without the jar; however, the process generates smoke and the mine could shatter. In addition, the glass shell makes the light more uniform.

Step 8. Connect the last wire to the other pole of the power pack to turn on the light
You are closing a simple circuit by connecting the batteries to an electrical ring. Light is emitted from the mine, as electricity passes through it and heats it, energy is released in the form of light and heat. You just built a light bulb!

Step 9. Make changes to get a brighter light
If the light bulb is dim or not working, there are things you can do to fix the problem.
- Check the thickness of the graphite. While thicker mines also work, 0.5mm ones seem the most suitable.
- Add more batteries. Also check that they are connected in series.
- Check the connections between the wires and the batteries.
Method 2 of 2: Using Iron Filaments

Step 1. Cut a copper wire into two segments, each about 30-60 cm long
Copper is an excellent conductor of electricity and most of the wiring of the systems is made with this metal; you need two strands about 45cm long.
Use a small wire cutter to cut the wire
Step 2. Remove about 2-3 cm of insulation from each end of the wire
The sheath is that thin rubber tube that covers the copper core; you can remove it by carving it carefully with the nippers, taking care not to cut the copper and at the end you can simply remove it with your fingers.
Step 3. Use the nail to drill two holes in the cork
They should be in the center about 15mm apart from each other; the cap holds the wires in place, imagine that it is the equivalent of the metal base of a normal light bulb.
Step 4. Thread each end of the copper wire into the cap
Let it protrude about 2 inches from the top of the cork.

Step 5. Bend the threads on the inside of the cap so that they form a hook
Make both ends have a similar curvature, because they have to hold the filament, the part of the bulb that lights up.

Step 6. Cut the wire into 4-5 cm segments
You need five pieces, the thinner the better; thin filaments produce better light.
Step 7. Twist the five threads together using your fingers
You need to create a braid with very compact coils.
Step 8. Place the iron filament between the two copper hooks making sure the connection is secure
To improve the quality of the electrical connection, you should tighten the copper hooks around the iron "braid". The larger the contact surface, the better.
Step 9. Place the jar on top of the cork
This element represents the light bulb that protects you from shocks and focuses the light.
Step 10. Wrap the ends of the two wires each to one pole of the battery to turn on the light
If you have electrical terminals, be aware that they are safer to use; if you don't have them, wear rubber-soled shoes and insulated gloves. Connect a wire to each end of the battery to close the circuit and "turn on" the light bulb.
- You can use any type of battery, but it's generally best to start with low-voltage ones; the 1.5 volt C or D models should be perfect.
- If you don't get bright enough light, you can connect the batteries in series.

Step 11. Make adjustments if you don't get enough light
You have just built an elementary device, so there are simple methods to check and fix any malfunctions.
- Check that all ends are well connected. The circuit must be perfectly closed in order to turn on the light bulb.
- Thin the filament. Try using only 3-4 iron wires or replace them with a piece of graphite as described in the previous section.
- Increase the power of the power supply. Use a larger battery or connect several in series for more power and therefore more light.
- If the bulb does not turn on after connecting the ends of the copper wire to the battery, check the connections.
- By using more than five iron wires to make the filament you can increase the brilliance of the craft bulb.
- A battery with a voltage of less than 6 volts is not able to turn on the light bulb; a stronger one could be dangerous, given the fragility of the artisan circuit.
- Do not touch the filament immediately after it lights up; remains hot for at least 10 minutes after use.
- The filament (the twisted wire) may move when you put the cork in the jar; make sure the components are secure before sealing the container.