Writing a letter of authorization for the bank may be necessary when you do not have the opportunity to go to your bank in person. A letter of authorization will allow a person of your choice to act on your behalf at your banking institution. Through your authorization, your representative can deposit, withdraw and make other monetary decisions on your behalf. Follow these steps to write an authorization letter to your bank.
Method 1 of 1: Write the Authorization Letter to your Bank

Step 1. Type the authorization letter on your machine or computer, rather than manually
A handwritten letter can be difficult to read, and may be rejected by the bank if it is illegible.

Step 2. Use an appropriate tone
The tone of the letter should be courteous and professional. The letter should be part of a business correspondence outlining directions for what you want to do with your bank account.

Step 3. Keep the instructions short and to the point
Formal letters should be written concisely and with as few words as possible.

Step 4. Write the letter using a business letter format
- Enter your name and address on the upper left side of the page. Your name should appear on the first line, the address on the second line, the city, the province and the postal code on the third line of the document. The written lines should be well spaced and placed one under the other.
- Skip a line and enter the current date in the next line on the left side of the sheet. Do not shorten the date.
- Enter the recipient's name and address on the left side of the page. This information should be under the date, with the recipient's date and name separated by a space. Your information and that of the recipient should be the same size and format.
- Begin the letter with the formal name of the recipient, or with "To Whom". Address specific people in the letter with "Mrs." or "Mr.", rather than using their own names.
- Conclude the letter with "Yours sincerely", then enter 2 to 4 lines of space and write your name. Sign the letter with a blue or black ink pen.

Step 5. Write the body of the letter
Using single line spacing, include your full name, your bank account information, and the full name of the person authorized to do the banking on your behalf. Be sure to include your bank name.
- Include the start and end dates for this authorization.
- Explain the reasons for the authorization letter. Tell the recipient why your representative needs to work on your behalf. The reasons may indicate that you are sick or out of town for a short period of time, making it impossible for you to complete your financial transactions without assistance from your representative.
- Specify the duties the representative is authorized to perform on your behalf. Some examples could include making deposits and withdrawals to your bank account, transferring funds from one account to another, and logging into your safety deposit box.