Voters elect hundreds of individuals from all over the country to parliament. Candidates run different election campaigns and learn how to do a good campaign through trial and error. At the same time, interested people can study alternative and successful ways of formulating a plan that gets them elected to Parliament.

Step 1. Build the right resume
Elected candidates do not have identical resumes, but they all have a life experience which is a good reason for their candidacy. Parliament is full of lawyers, but there are also many other deputies or senators who have done different studies. Candidates with a Bachelor of Political Science can use their specialist knowledge as an added bonus, even though many excellent politicians come from very different backgrounds.
Avoid mistakes. Candidates in the past may have cheated or lied, and voters may ignore the candidates' past rumors if they are far enough away. In the past, candidates lost the support of the electoral base when they did not reveal mistakes made in previous years. If a rival candidate has reliable testimonials, even the smallest indiscretion could undermine a candidacy

Step 2. Go to the University and study the structure of the Parliament
Higher education is not an essential requirement but other applicants are likely to have a Bachelor's degree. A solid education in government policies helps every candidate.

Step 3. Apply locally to gain experience and to get your name recognized
Candidates for the House or Senate have not all started locally before aiming for Parliament, but it remains a good path nonetheless. An active and effective member of communal life will impress voters. Running for local elections offers the opportunity to test the dynamics of the electoral campaign.

Step 4. Raise Funds
Candidates need money to promote their application. In fact, to be able to run they have to pay contributions and to get votes they have to spend money on consultancy, travel and personnel expenses.
Hire trained staff. Candidates benefit from the work of assistants, speechwriters and pollsters. Some partnerships will be voluntary, but hiring staff remains a necessity

Step 5. Complete the documents required to apply
Make sure your residence meets the election requirements for your membership and that your age is within the statutory provisions.

Step 6. Implement your election campaign
Organize an electoral strategy that will guarantee you success. Winning candidates typically encounter hundreds of voters during elections. Meeting voters personally can be tiring, but it's a great way to get their votes.
Prepare the necessary electoral materials in accordance with your electoral strategy. Voters judge candidates by their personal presence but also by how they appear on television or in newspapers. Hire experts to produce flyers and posters or to write speeches for TV appearances

Step 7. Vote and wait for the results
Don't forget that you can and must vote for yourself!