How to Survive University, a Job and a Boyfriend

How to Survive University, a Job and a Boyfriend
How to Survive University, a Job and a Boyfriend

Table of contents:


Balancing three important things in life can be difficult, especially if you've just finished high school. This article will help you understand that it is possible to have fun even if you are often busy. It all depends on how you organize your time, but don't worry, you won't have to plan every minute of your life.


Survive College, Work, and a Boyfriend Step 1
Survive College, Work, and a Boyfriend Step 1

Step 1. Remember that even though many people expect a lot from you, in the end you are the one who has to decide

Your happiness comes first and you shouldn't do something just because everyone thinks it's best for you. Only you can decide what is best for you.

Survive College, Work, and a Boyfriend Step 2
Survive College, Work, and a Boyfriend Step 2

Step 2. Establish the order of priorities

Find out what is most important but don't forget about the rest of the activities, try to understand what (if necessary) should be your priority and what you should give up.

Survive College, Work, and a Boyfriend Step 3
Survive College, Work, and a Boyfriend Step 3

Step 3. Plan the hours to devote to studying

If your working hours are flexible, your study hours can be more flexible, but you should try not to change it too much. Never plan anything else in the hours to devote to university.

Survive College, Work, and a Boyfriend Step 4
Survive College, Work, and a Boyfriend Step 4

Step 4. Check the educational program

Use it to plan ahead. The more difficult tasks will be less so if done little by little, rather than concentrated one night before the exam or delivery.

Survive College, Work, and a Boyfriend Step 5
Survive College, Work, and a Boyfriend Step 5

Step 5. If you realize that you are tired at work (or at school) you are probably not getting enough sleep

Study (or sex) is important but so is eight hours of sleep every night. If you really can't change the situation, drink coffee or exercise for 10-20 minutes before going to work (or class). This way you should be more awake and active throughout the day.

Survive College, Work, and a Boyfriend Step 6
Survive College, Work, and a Boyfriend Step 6

Step 6. Find something you like about your job

It's easier to work if you think about what you like rather than what you hate about your job.

Survive College, Work, and a Boyfriend Step 7
Survive College, Work, and a Boyfriend Step 7

Step 7. Try not to get too distracted at work

It's easy to start thinking about that important exam or movie you're going to see with your boyfriend but these thoughts can hurt your productivity. It is difficult to work with the mind elsewhere, and also time will seem to pass slower.

Survive College, Work, and a Boyfriend Step 8
Survive College, Work, and a Boyfriend Step 8

Step 8. Talk to your boss

It's not about licking your feet, it's making an effort to get to know him as a person. He will appreciate your effort and it will be easier to get a weekend off when you really need it.

Survive College, Work, and a Boyfriend Step 9
Survive College, Work, and a Boyfriend Step 9

Step 9. Have fun when you can

Once all the duties are done it's time to indulge yourself, so enjoy the little time you have available!


  • An understanding guy will understand that you have a lot to do and how important these things are to you. If, rather than support you, it holds you back and discourages you, it may be time to find a new boyfriend.
  • Try not to study late at night if you have to work early the next day or your productivity will suffer.


  • If you hate your job, maybe it's time for a change. As you work (don't quit) you can start looking for another one that you would like more. When you find it, notify your boss and then change (make sure we've hired you for the new job before you leave).
  • If you fail an exam, even if you have studied hard, you may need outside help. Don't be discouraged, it's normal and it happens to everyone sooner or later. Many universities have tutors who can help you understand the most difficult concepts.
  • Work 8:00 - 15:00;
  • Relax 15:00 - 17:00;
  • Studio 17:00 - 20:00;
  • Dinner with the boy 20:00 - 23:00;
  • Bed 23:00;
  • If one planner doesn't work, you may need to buy another one (other than the one you use for college or appointments) to clearly divide your day into chunks.
