How to Build a Sign in Minecraft: 8 Steps

How to Build a Sign in Minecraft: 8 Steps
How to Build a Sign in Minecraft: 8 Steps

Table of contents:


Minecraft is a sandbox-type video game in which you can let your imagination run wild. Among the objects present in the game are the signs, which allow the player to write messages that can be posted anywhere and which, once arranged, are visible to anyone. If you don't know how to build a sign, then the article you are reading is the right one for you!


Part 1 of 3: Collect the Materials

Make a Sign on Minecraft Step 1
Make a Sign on Minecraft Step 1

Step 1. Get the necessary materials

Building a sign means collecting wood. Use an ax or sword to cut down the nearest tree. To build a sign, you will need:

  • 6 blocks of wooden planks.
  • 1 stick.
Make a Sign on Minecraft Step 2
Make a Sign on Minecraft Step 2

Step 2. If you haven't already or have some already, turn your raw wood into wooden planks and sticks

If you already have these materials, go straight to the next step. If you don't know how to turn wood into wooden planks and then into sticks, read on.

  • Use raw wood to make wooden planks. A block of rough wood, placed in the construction grid, will turn into 4 wooden planks. To make a sign, therefore, you will need at least 2 blocks of rough wood to work with.
  • Use 2 wooden planks to make sticks. Place 2 wooden planks in a vertical line in your construction grid to get 4 sticks.

Part 2 of 3: Building the Cartel

Make a Sign on Minecraft Step 3
Make a Sign on Minecraft Step 3

Step 1. Place your cane in the center box of the bottom row of the workbench construction grid

Make a Sign on Minecraft Step 4
Make a Sign on Minecraft Step 4

Step 2. After setting the stick, fill the top two rows of the grid with 6 wooden planks

This way, the bottom row should only contain the stick in the center, while the other two rows should be completely filled with wooden planks.

Make a Sign on Minecraft Step 5
Make a Sign on Minecraft Step 5

Step 3. Complete the construction of your sign

Grab the sign from the output box on the right and build as many signs as you want (as long as you have the necessary materials).

Part 3 of 3: Place and Use the Sign

Make a Sign on Minecraft Step 6
Make a Sign on Minecraft Step 6

Step 1. Place your sign in the place you prefer

If you place it on the ground or on the floor, it will look like a signal, that is, it will be supported by a stick. If you post it to a wall, it will look more like a plaque or a notice and the stick will not appear. Furthermore, the sign will always face in your direction: for example, if you are looking at the block where you place the sign diagonally, it will also be oriented diagonally.

  • You can place signs on all of the following entities in the game: any solid blocks (including fences and glass), other signs, rails, and even crates (by holding down the shift key).
  • If you place a sign underwater, you can clear the block occupied by the sign from the water. This way, you can create an air bubble that can be used to breathe underwater.
Make a Sign on Minecraft Step 7
Make a Sign on Minecraft Step 7

Step 2. Write your message

Once you have placed your sign, a text box will appear. In this box there is space for 4 lines, each of which can contain 15 characters, for a total of 60 characters per sign.

Once the sign writing interface is closed, it is no longer possible to edit the text, except by destroying the sign, picking it up and placing it again

Make a Sign on Minecraft Step 8
Make a Sign on Minecraft Step 8

Step 3. Know that liquids cannot pass through the blocks occupied by the signs

Liquids such as water and lava cannot therefore flow through the block where the sign is present. This makes signs particularly useful for stopping water flows in mines or oceans (if, for example, you want to prevent an underground stream from flooding your mine or find an air pocket underwater and want to block the flow of water. 'water).

Signs can also be used to create sofa armrests. Build two blocks of stairs and place two signs on either side to get a sofa (or, with just one block, a chair)


  • Build your base near a forest to always have trees close at hand.
  • In summary, signs are used to leave messages, build sofas and chairs and to control the flow of water.
  • Use signs to give directions (especially useful in mines) or to name areas you have passed through.
  • Any type of wood is good for building signs. It does not matter whether it is birch, oak or whatever, as long as all the planks are of the same type.
  • Signs are not considered a weapon and do not increase the damage dealt when you hold them.
