How to Install Windows 10 (with Pictures)

How to Install Windows 10 (with Pictures)
How to Install Windows 10 (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


This article shows the steps to follow to install Windows 10 on a computer. To do this, you must press the correct key during the system boot phase, in order to have access to the menu that allows you to select the drive from which to load the operating system (USB drive or CD / DVD player) and allowing, in fact, the installation of Windows 10. The following instructions will allow you to perform a clean installation, so no previously installed programs or other data will be kept. If, on the other hand, you only intend to perform a system update (from Windows 7, 8, 8.1), follow the instructions on the screen. Any kind of software not supported by Windows 10 could be lost, while all other programs and files will be kept.


Part 1 of 2: Boot Your Computer from a USB Drive or CD / DVD Player

Burn a DVD Step 10
Burn a DVD Step 10

Step 1. Make sure the media containing the Windows 10 installation file is connected to your computer

In order to proceed with the installation of the new Microsoft operating system, its files must be stored on optical media (CD / DVD) or in a USB memory drive (a key or external hard drive). In the first case, the disc must be inserted into the optical drive of the computer, while in the second case the USB drive must be connected to one of the free USB ports.

If you have not yet downloaded the Windows 10 installation tool, follow the instructions on the following page of the official Microsoft website:

Install Windows 10 Step 2
Install Windows 10 Step 2

Step 2. Access the "Start" menu

You can do this by clicking the icon in the lower left corner of the desktop or by pressing the ⊞ Win key on the keyboard.

Install Windows 10 Step 3
Install Windows 10 Step 3

Step 3. Select the "Shutdown" icon

It is characterized by a small circle intersected by a vertical segment at the top. The "Stop" icon is located in the lower left corner of the "Start" menu.

Install Windows 10 Step 4
Install Windows 10 Step 4

Step 4. Choose the Restart option from the context menu that appeared

This will automatically restart your computer.

Install Windows 10 Step 5
Install Windows 10 Step 5

Step 5. Press and hold the Delete key or F2 to display the boot menu.

The key to press varies depending on the computer and BIOS you are using. In most cases, a message similar to "Press [key] to enter setup" (or something similar) will appear on the screen in order to enter the BIOS or system boot menu. When the computer startup screen appears, focus your attention on this message to be sure which key to press.

To find out which key you need to press to access your computer's BIOS, consult your machine's user manual or the support section on the manufacturer's website

Install Windows 10 Step 6
Install Windows 10 Step 6

Step 6. Enter the BIOS Boot section or menu

To do this, you will need to use the directional arrows on the keyboard.

In some cases, instead of being present the wording Boot you will find the voice Boot Options. These differences simply depend on the company that built the computer.

Install Windows 10 Step 7
Install Windows 10 Step 7

Step 7. Choose the drive from which you want to boot the operating system

You have two options:

  • If you have chosen to use a USB drive, select the item Removable Devices;
  • If you have chosen to use the Windows installation disc, choose the option CD-ROM / DVD Drive.
Install Windows 10 Step 8
Install Windows 10 Step 8

Step 8. Press the + key until the chosen option occupies the first position in the boot options list

Once the entry Removable Devices or CD-ROM / DVD Drive is in the first place of the BIOS "Boot" menu, the computer will try to load the operating system using the one indicated as the first resource, and then move on to the next available ones.

When using some BIOS, to change the order of the items in the "Boot" menu, you need to use a function key (for example F5). The correct key to use is usually specified at the bottom or right of the screen

Install Windows 10 Step 9
Install Windows 10 Step 9

Step 9. Save your settings before exiting the BIOS

At the bottom, you should see a key (for example F10) associated with "Save and Exit". Press it to save the new BIOS settings and automatically restart the computer.

To confirm your willingness to save your changes, you may also need to press the Enter key

Windows 10 Stuck on Loading Screen
Windows 10 Stuck on Loading Screen

Step 10. Wait for the computer to restart

During the initial phase, all installation files will be loaded from the indicated media, and upon completion of this step, a screen for configuring installation options will be displayed. At this point, you are ready to proceed with the installation and configuration of Windows 10.

Part 2 of 2: Installation

Install Windows 10 Step 11
Install Windows 10 Step 11

Step 1. When prompted, press the Next button

If necessary, you can change the options on this screen (for example, the installation language and keyboard layout) before proceeding further.

Install Windows 10 Step 12
Install Windows 10 Step 12

Step 2. Press the Install button

It is positioned exactly in the center of the window.

Install Windows 10 Step 13
Install Windows 10 Step 13

Step 3. Enter the activation code of your copy of Windows 10, then press the Next button

If you don't have an activation code, select the "I don't have a product key" link at the bottom right of the screen.

Install Windows 10 Step 14
Install Windows 10 Step 14

Step 4. Select the "I accept the license terms" checkbox, then click the Next button

By doing this, you agree to the terms of the Windows 10 Licensed Use Agreement.

Install Windows 10 Step 15
Install Windows 10 Step 15

Step 5. Choose the Update option

It is the first item on the "What kind of installation do you want to perform?" Screen. In this way, the Windows 10 operating system will be installed while preserving existing personal files, settings and applications.

To perform a "clean" installation of Windows 10 choose the option Personalized. This will prompt you to select the hard drive or installation partition for formatting.

Install Windows 10 Step 16
Install Windows 10 Step 16

Step 6. Wait for the Windows 10 installation to complete

The time required for this step can range from half an hour to several hours, depending on the version of Windows previously installed on the computer and the processing capacity of the computer.

After the installation is complete, your computer will restart. If at this juncture you are asked to press a key to boot from CD / DVD, do not do so as the computer will have to load the operating system on the hard drive

Step 7. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the Windows setup

At the end of the installation, you will have the possibility to customize the settings of the operating system (for example the language, the geographical area, the regional options, etc.). Once the setup is complete, you will be redirected to the Windows desktop.

If you wish, you can also choose the option Use quick settings so that Windows 10 is automatically configured based on Microsoft's recommended options.


If you don't provide the Windows 10 activation key when prompted, the operating system will boot into free demo mode. At the end of the trial period, you will be asked to purchase the product and provide the activation code


  • Make sure the hard drive of the computer you intend to install Windows 10 on has enough free space.
  • Some computers don't have enough computing power to support Windows 10 optimally. If you have an older computer running Windows 7, you shouldn't upgrade to Windows 10.
