Arranging the car well in a parking lot can be quite a challenge, especially for a newly licensed driver. Often the parking space is tight and the parking lot is jammed with cars, which makes maneuvering even more difficult. There are different types of stalls in a parking lot: herringbone, comb and strip. If you want to pass your driving test and venture out onto the road, you need to know how to park in all types of parking lots. This article will provide you with tips on how to arrange your car in different parking spaces.
Method 1 of 3: Herringbone Parking

Step 1. Look for a space that isn't surrounded by too many cars
If there are few obstacles in your way, it will be easier to learn how to park.
- To practice, it is best to practice in a parking lot that is not too crowded.
- During the tutorials, you will certainly make mistakes.
- In a car-free area, you will hardly bump into anything while exercising.
- These tips are valid not only for those who are starting to drive, but also for those who have not driven for a long time: it is better to practice driving and parking maneuvers a little before embarking on long journeys by car.
Step 2. Set up the car
You must place your vehicle in the right space, so that it is at a correct distance from other cars and allows you to maneuver easily.
- Make sure there is at least 150-180cm between your car and other parked cars.
- If there are no other cars parked near yours, roughly calculate the correct distance to the cars that may arrive later.
- This is for the parking space. The following recommendations concern the correct ways to carry out the parking maneuver.
Step 3. When you find an empty spot, tell other drivers your intention to park in that space
- Go forward slowly until you get to the center of the space where you want to park.
- Respect other drivers. Do not occupy a space already "reserved" by someone else.
- Make sure no one is exiting a nearby space as you are about to park.
Step 4. Turn the steering wheel accurately
Start rotating it when you get to the middle of the space where you want to park.
- When you start turning the steering wheel, always keep a safe distance of 150-180cm from other cars or other spaces.
- Turn the steering wheel by making a full half turn.
- Check that there are no trolleys or other objects in the empty parking space.
- Go slowly forward within the space. Stop the car only when it has completely entered the strips.
- If the car falls off the stripes, you could be fined. Be careful.
Step 5. Straighten the wheels
You can do this when the car is already stationary.
- The wheels must be straightened to be able to exit the space without turning the steering wheel.
- You can straighten the wheels even when you leave the parking lot.
- However, it is preferable to do so when you park.
Method 2 of 3: Comb parking

Step 1. Position the car
You must be far enough away from other cars to be able to steer and comfortably fit into the stall.
- Make sure your car is at least 150 cm away from other parked vehicles, both on the driver's side and on the passenger side.
- This depends on the position of the stall, which can be on the left or right of your car.
- If there are no other cars parked next to yours, estimate a distance of approximately 180 cm between your car and the other stalls.
- Do not occupy a space already "reserved" by someone else.

Step 2. Turn on the arrow
By doing this you signal to other drivers that you intend to park in that free space.
- Quickly check for other cars, pedestrians or any obstacles.
- Advance slowly.
- Go ahead until the front bumper of your car passes a few inches past the rear lights of the car next to yours in the parking lot.
Step 3. Turn the steering wheel firmly
You have to rotate it more forcefully than the corner parking.
- Begin this maneuver just as your car's front bumper passes the rear lights of the car next to yours.
- Proceed slowly forward.
- Make sure the space is clear of any objects, carts, debris, or anything else.
Step 4. Enter the stall
Proceed until the car has fully entered the interior.
- To make sure you are completely inside, make sure that the rearview mirrors line up with those of the car next to you.
- Be careful that the front bumper does not encroach on the stall in front of yours.
- Check that the rear of the car does not protrude beyond the line.
Step 5. Straighten the wheels
Perform this maneuver when the car is fully inside the stall.
- The wheels must be straight when you exit the parking lot.
- You can also do this when you leave the parking lot, before shifting into reverse.
- However, it is advisable to straighten the wheels immediately after parking.
Method 3 of 3: Parking strips
Step 1. Find a space to park
It must be large enough to be able to park comfortably, without hitting the cars in front and behind you.
- Some car parks are made up of parallel stalls. They are generally marked with white stripes: this makes parking easier than on the street.
- If necessary, walk through the parking lot until you find a space that is large enough.
- The space must be much longer than your car.
- In larger spaces it is easier to park.

Step 2. As you approach the stall, check the rear view mirrors
- Make sure no other cars are coming at you.
- As you approach space, light the arrow, slow down and stop.
- If you have another driver behind you, hold your position, roll down the window and, with gestures, invite him to walk around you if possible.

Step 3. Align your car
to do this, take the car next to yours as reference points, remembering to keep a distance of at least 60 cm between the two cars.
- Don't get too close and don't stray too far from the other car. If you get too close, when you make the maneuver to get out of the parking lot, you risk scratching it.
- Always keep a distance of at least 60 cm from other vehicles.
- Line up your car's front bumper with that of other vehicles, or leave it 60-90cm back.
Step 4. Engage reverse
Now you can enter the parking lot in reverse.
- Check the driver's side rearview mirror to make sure the road behind you is clear.
- Look over your shoulder to check the space at your disposal.
- Reverse until the bumper of your car is 90-120cm behind that of the car next to yours.
Step 5. Release the brakes and steer all the way to the right
Slowly, it begins to reverse into space.
- Check the space in front of and around your car continuously with your eyes. Be careful that no pedestrians or cars get in the way.
- Keep a distance of 60-90cm between your car door and the vehicle next to yours to avoid bumping into it.
- Use the rear view mirrors to calculate the distance between your rear bumper and the car behind you.
- If you hit the curb, you've gone too far back. Shift into first gear and move forward a few inches.
Step 6. Turn the steering wheel to the left
Begin this maneuver when your front wheels are close to the rear bumper of the car in front.
- You should still be in reverse.
- Continue in reverse going as far back as you can.
- Look ahead and behind you to make sure you don't bump into the car ahead.
- Don't hit the bumper of the car behind you.
- Look through the rear window to calculate the distance between your car's rear bumper and the vehicle behind it. Help yourself, if necessary, with the rear-view mirrors.
Step 7. Engage first gear
Now you can place the car in space.
- Turn the steering wheel to the right again.
- Proceed slowly forward to the curb. In the meantime, straighten the car inside the space.
- Use the passenger side rearview mirror to calculate the distance from the curb. This distance should be approximately 30 cm.
- Your parking maneuver should now be finished.
- Only learn parallel parking after you have learned how to park easily in normal parking lots. To practice, go to an empty parking lot and put boxes in place of the cars that you would normally find in the spaces adjacent to the one where you want to park.
- To learn, you might want to try in an empty parking lot.
- Check the speed. Don't go too fast!
- Initially practice with a small car, then move on to a larger car.