This article will give you some tips on how to protect your car. It may never have happened to you, but sooner or later you could end up in the crosshairs of some thief and it would be good to take some precautions.

Step 1. Mechanical immobilizers
These devices, which fall into the "economic" category, are designed to limit the functions of the machine or its movements. Their greatest advantage is visibility, which discourages low-ranking thieves; unfortunately it does not have the same effect on professional thieves. Local authorities state that an immobilizer alone is not enough, and recommend the use of an additional device or a combination thereof (eg immobilizer with hydraulic lock plus siren).

Step 2. Steering lock:
produced by several houses, it is a generally inexpensive item. It is positioned on the steering wheel, which is thus locked, not allowing you to steer and, therefore, drive the car. Prices range from a minimum of around 20 euros, for the simplest ones, up to a maximum of around 250 euros: devices that cost more than 80 euros are usually quite sophisticated and resistant.

Step 3. Hood lock:
this anti-theft device, usually consisting of two additional locks, blocks access to the engine compartment, especially the battery, and aims to discourage thieves wishing to resell car components. This article in Italy is not easy to find, you have to search online or ask your trusted mechanic.

Step 4. Wheel chocks:
these tools are clearly visible and difficult to remove. They are reminiscent of those "nice" jaws that are sometimes applied to the wheels, when a car is left in an area where parking is not allowed. The assembly and disassembly of these devices require some time and also a certain physical strength, so they are not recommended for "daily" safety. Prices are around 30-40 euros for a rather simple padlock, up to 200 euros for a real jaw.

Step 5. There are other types of anti-theft, with their variants:
gear lock, steering lock pin and pedal lock.

Step 6. Electronic immobilizers
Most of the latest generation cars leave the dealership equipped with an electronic key and an anti-theft immobilizer. These integrated systems send signals to the electrical circuit, usually, to the ignition system: if the signal does not arrive, the machine will not start. Cars equipped with these systems discourage attempted theft.

Step 7. Locking the ECU:
this anti-theft system is activated to shut down a part of the engine's electrical circuit. Some vehicles are already prepared and installing the alarm is a rather simple operation. Best-selling models use a wireless transmitter to lock the ignition or power system. Other systems, on the other hand, are activated when the car is closed and remain activated until the completion of an action or a series of pre-established actions (for example, reopening the vehicle, pressing the accelerator pedal, the moment where the seat belt is fastened, etc.). First of all it is advisable to check what is stated in the vehicle warranty, because sometimes it is not allowed to make changes and install these systems; Also, remember to never leave the device in sight, otherwise a thief could easily find and disable it. To set up this type of alarm on your car, first contact your trusted mechanic for advice, not only practical, but also legal. In case you can install this system, leave it to an expert: a malfunction of the system could be dangerous.

Step 8. Sirens:
These devices are, at first glance, the most effective. Many times it is enough to point out that the vehicle is equipped with an alarm to discourage thieves: try putting stickers on the windows, both on the inside and on the outside, indicating that the alarm system is activated. It doesn't matter that you really have a burglar alarm, but the very thought of it could deter thieves and divert them to other potential victims. The alarms with siren provide for the installation of sensors, which are programmed to transmit a signal following a break-in: unauthorized access, breaking a glass, sudden movement and approaching the perimeter of the car. As soon as a threat is detected, the sensors activate the siren which starts to sound (over 120 dB), alerting the owner and anyone in the vicinity. (Beware of old or cheap systems: these non-integrated systems and monotonous sirens are unreliable because they trigger too easily and the only result is to annoy the neighborhood). It is essential to connect your alarm to an alternate power source and, in addition, to put a hood lock if possible. Many thieves manage to neutralize the alarm by turning off the power, but inserting an alternative battery into the hood and locking the hood with hooks gives them a hard time.

Step 9. Satellite anti-theft:
in case of theft, technology comes to your rescue. The latest security gimmick is vehicle position monitoring. The more expensive ones sport electronic components inside and allow the location of the stolen car via GPS. Several insurance companies provide, together with the contract, this type of device which seems to be very useful even in the event of a claim. Thanks to this system, the stolen cars, in many cases, are found in a very short time.

Step 10. Chassis number:
each vehicle is marked with a unique 17-character alphanumeric code, the VIN code or, more commonly, the chassis number. It is engraved in a specific point of the vehicle (varies according to the manufacturers) and declared in the booklet. A good deterrent against thieves could be to report, by engraving, the VIN code on the windows and other parts of the car: most likely the thieves would choose a different car to steal, not being able to resell the parts with the engraved chassis number.. Contact a professional for this type of processing.

Step 11. Tracking System:
this is the top range of anti-theft devices and, for this reason, it is not exactly cheap. The main companies offering this solution are LoJack Italia and OnStar, brought to Italy by Opel. When a theft is reported, the hidden transmitter, set up by LoJack, is activated. LoJack collaborates with law enforcement and boasts the recovery of 90% of stolen cars. OnStar offers a similar service, which, at the moment, is available as "standard" only on Opel cars. Costs vary according to the packages and their options: in addition to security against theft, these companies offer rescue services, diagnostics, connectivity, etc.
- How much is your car worth? Although it is thought that thieves are more attracted to new cars, this is not always true. The new models tend to be safer because they are equipped with the latest safety features: this entails a greater risk for thieves. Cars that are already a few years old are usually not equipped with anti-theft systems and can be easily dismantled for the resale of spare parts. Selling the car parts separately leads to three times more profit than selling the car as a whole.
- Before storming your car with anti-theft systems, consider some aspects: how much do you want to spend? Frame your budget.
- Is your area quiet? Crime is usually more widespread in cities than in the suburbs: parking areas, port areas and, more generally, less frequented and poorly lit areas can turn out to be high risk areas.
- Finally, it can certainly be said that the best anti-theft in the world, and by far also the cheapest, is cunning. Always try to park in well-lit areas or guarded parking lots. Do not leave objects in sight: navigators, CD players, bags, wallets, telephones, etc. Keep a sheet available in the trunk to cover any bags. Never leave your keys in the dashboard, not even for very short stops (it seems paranoid, but many cars are stolen this way). The safer the car seems, the more the thieves are discouraged: moreover, many insurance companies apply discounts on the policy when anti-theft devices are present; very often it is insurance companies that provide you with the devices. The text, above, is basically divided into 3 sections, each of which represents a type of alarm: "mechanical immobilizers", "electronic immobilizers" and "tracking systems".