How to Paint a Motorcycle (with Pictures)

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How to Paint a Motorcycle (with Pictures)
How to Paint a Motorcycle (with Pictures)

The customization work on the motorcycle that involves painting the bodywork are perfect for having a vehicle with a unique appearance. If you make them yourself, you can cut costs a lot and you will have more control over the personal touches you want to add. Also, painting the bike is a lot of fun if you are a keen rider. This article will tell you how to prepare, paint your motorcycle and at the same time protect the area you work in from color damage.


Part 1 of 3: Creating a Paint Booth

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Step 1. Choose a large area that you can afford to get dirty

Although you take all precautions to protect the environment, do not install a spray booth in a place where volatile paint can stain and create problems. A garage or warehouse are the best solutions.

Paint a Motorcycle Step 1
Paint a Motorcycle Step 1

Step 2. Protect the walls with plastic sheeting

You can buy them in paint shops but also in large DIY stores. Make sure you buy enough to cover the whole area.

  • Use thumbtacks or nails and a hammer to attach the sheets to the walls.
  • Secure the bottom to the floor with masking tape. In this way the sheets will not flutter and the color will not stain the walls.
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Step 3. Install an oscillating fan with variable speed

Place it somewhere in the room so that it blows the paint fumes outwards; this allows you not to inhale too many.

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Step 4. Add the lighting

It is very important that you can see what you are doing, so put some light sources in the area where you will work. Floor lamps are great, but you can also add table lamps above a high surface.

You can increase the brightness of the room by adding reflective materials on the walls, such as mirrors and aluminum foil

Part 2 of 3: Prepare the Motorcycle

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Step 1. Disassemble and set aside the parts of the bike you want to paint

In this article we use the tank as an example, but the same basic method should be applied to all other components of the vehicle. The tank is a great piece to start with if you are a beginner because it is easy to take apart and has a large, flat surface that is not too difficult to paint.

  • Check the size of the Allen key needed to unscrew the bolts that secure it to the frame.
  • Remove all the nuts holding it in place and lift the tank. Put it aside for now.
  • Store the bolts in a plastic bag with a clear label that says “tank bolts”.
Paint a Motorcycle Step 3
Paint a Motorcycle Step 3

Step 2. Sand the surface you want to paint

This phase requires some elbow grease, but it is very important. If the surface is not perfectly smooth, in the end you will end up with a layer of ugly and uneven color on the bodywork of the bike; something no one would want.

  • Purchase sandpaper at a hardware store or a large do-it-yourself center.
  • Rub the metal surface with the sandpaper in a circular motion until all the old paint has been removed.
  • You should get to bare metal once the process is finished.
  • Change arms from time to time to avoid getting too tired and sore muscles.
  • Take a break if you feel the need. You don't have to finish the project at once.
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Step 3. Clean the freshly sanded surface

Eliminates any residual dust or particles that may have remained on the bodywork. You will need to paint on a new "canvas".

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Step 4. Spread a layer of body filler on the sanded surface

By doing this you are sure to work on an element that is as smooth as possible. You can buy putty at any auto parts store and many home improvement stores as well.

  • Mix the grout well to make sure it is smooth and lump-free when you apply it. This is a fast hardening product, so work with small quantities at a time.
  • Apply a layer about 3 mm thick.
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Step 5. Sand the body piece again once the putty has dried

You will have to wait at least an hour to be sure that the surface is completely dry and ready for the second sanding.

  • If you are not satisfied with the job and believe that the surface is not ready to be painted, apply a third layer of putty and sand it again.
  • When you have achieved the desired result, move on to the next step: paint the motorcycle.

Part 3 of 3: Painting the Motorcycle

Paint a Motorcycle Step 2
Paint a Motorcycle Step 2

Step 1. Apply two coats of epoxy primer

This protects the material against moisture when you ride the motorcycle on the road and prevents the formation of rust.

  • Follow the instructions on the specific brand of product packaging to understand what type of hardener you need to mix. Remember to read them already at the auto parts shop, so you can buy the right hardener at the same time.
  • These products are very different from each other, as are the treatments they need; for this reason there are no general rules to follow, please follow the specific instructions.
  • Mix the primer with the hardener.
  • Pour the solution into the airbrush.
  • Apply an even coat on the bike, let it dry and then repeat the process.
  • Follow the recommended drying times on the primer package you bought.
  • When using an airbrush for this job, be sure to spray slowly and evenly over the entire surface.
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Step 2. Lightly sand the surface once the second coat of primer has dried

Most of these products leave a rather rough surface, as if dusty, especially when applied in several layers. For this reason it is advisable to sand and level the surface.

Use 2000 grit water sandpaper

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Step 3. Clean the body with a rag slightly moistened with thinner

Do not use so much thinner to remove the primer, just a little to clean the area that has just been sanded.

Paint a Motorcycle Step 5
Paint a Motorcycle Step 5

Step 4. Clean the airbrush

You must not let any traces of epoxy primer mix with the paint you need to apply.

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Step 5. Mix the paint with the thinner

Just like you did with the epoxy primer, also in this case you must follow the instructions that you find on the packaging of the product you purchased. Remember to mix the products well. This step avoids the formation of lumps that can block the airbrush gun and at the same time allows you to apply a smooth coat of color on the bodywork.

Paint a Motorcycle Step 4
Paint a Motorcycle Step 4

Step 6. With the airbrush, apply three or four layers of color

Before applying the last coat you must sand the surface.

  • Let each coat dry completely before moving on to the next. Always follow the drying times indicated on the package.
  • Once the third layer has dried, sand the surface with 2000 grit water sandpaper. You need to get a perfectly smooth base in view of the final color layer.
  • Always clean the body with a clean cloth after sanding.
  • Apply the final coat and let it dry.
  • Thoroughly clean the airbrush after applying the last layer of color.
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Step 7. Spray two coats of clear lacquer to finish and protect your work from the elements

Always follow the recommendations on the product packaging to understand how long you need to wait before applying the next one.

  • If, when the second coat of clear coat has dried, you are happy with the result, then you are done!
  • If there are imperfections and uneven areas, sand again with 2000 grit water-based sandpaper and apply a new coat of clear lacquer.


  • In addition to painting it, there are many other things you can do to customize the bike. A spare parts shop provides handlebars, wheel rims and many other accessories to create a motorcycle that is truly “yours”.
  • You can paint the bike with a different color from the original or use different colors for each element of the bodywork. This way the motorcycle will have a unique look.


  • The motorcycle should not have any leaks which could in turn cause slippery puddles.
  • The environment in which you paint must not be close to the living rooms of the house because prolonged inhalation of the vapors is a health hazard.
  • The paint is highly flammable. Do not use it near the kitchen or in other areas where there are open flames. Do not smoke while painting.
  • Paint vapors are toxic. Wear a respirator and direct the fumes outwards.
