Are you a child and you already want to become a famous actor? You see all those kids on TV shows and you think, "Why can't I be on TV?" Well, if so, this wikiHow is for you!

Step 1. Start at the bottom
Many child actors began to act precisely in small plays. Why not organize a fabulous "web show", or participate in a play? Someone in the audience could be a talent scout with the desire to hire you, you never know.

Step 2. Once you have gained confidence, try contacting some television broadcaster that produces children's programs by visiting their website
Appearing on TV for 5 seconds could lead you to an actor's job!

Step 3. Take yourself seriously
Search the internet for job advertisements. It may take a long time to find a job for a child, but if you can, it will be worth it.

Step 4. You must realize that finding a part for children is really difficult, but if you find an agent, he will do the research for you, making things easier

Step 5. At some point in your life someone might offer you a contract
Don't think you're signing it, getting a job, and it's done. You need to know your legal rights. Even if it will be boring, read the entire contract carefully and remember that you will be prosecuted if you fail to comply with the terms of the contract. Also, remember that, for example, if it is stated somewhere: "This contract is valid for _ year (s)", say 1 year, you will be required to comply with the terms of the contract for 1 year, unless you are fired, the company closes, breaks the law or any other legal matter (such as child abuse).

Step 6. In the event that the company you are working for breaks the law, contact the police immediately

Step 7. Talk to your legal aid agent
- BE your character! While it may seem tough, don't be yourself unless the character you are playing is yourself! Find out about the character's personality, what he likes and what he doesn't like, and keep it throughout the series.
- Be expressive! Since you will probably be assigned to a children's TV, remember that no one likes the same tone all the time.
- If you are assigned a series like Nickelodeon, there will probably be a place where your character's personality will be described (somewhere). Read carefully.
- Go ahead, be that character! Take risks, and don't make people think you're a snob. Be kindhearted!
- Keep fit! This is EXTREMELY important.
- If you get famous, don't get too crazy… you will rarely be noticed in public.
- Try not to act like your character in public, many people will not realize that you are a child actor. If you do, prepare to be chased!
- Stick to the script! You can't improvise in a TV series!
- Unless you want to study at home, don't get super famous!