The "Canzone del Bicchiere" is inspired by an old children's game called "Cup Game". The modern version was written by the British group Lulu and the Lampshades, and became famous thanks to the film Voices (Pitch Perfect in English) and actress Anna Kendrick. If you want to learn it, follow these steps.

Step 1. Find a stiff plastic cup that is heavy enough (alternatively, you can use a bottle)
You can also use a disposable plastic cup or thin plastic cup, as long as it is heavy enough not to slip out of your hands while playing.

Step 2. Place the glass upside down in front of you on a table or hard surface
Method 1 of 2: For right-handers

Step 1. Clap your hands twice

Step 2. Tap the top of the glass three times
Start with the right hand, then with the left hand and then again with the right hand. You can also tap the table.

Step 3. Clap your hands once

Step 4. With your right hand, raise the glass 5 cm off the table

Step 5. Move the glass about 6 inches to your right and place it back on the table so that it makes a noise

Step 6. Clap your hands once

Step 7. Rotate your right hand and take the glass
Place your thumb down towards the table.

Step 8. Raise your glass and tap the mouth with your left palm

Step 9. Put the glass back on the table, holding it with the mouth upwards, without letting go

Step 10. Raise the glass once more and hit the bottom with your left palm

Step 11. Hold the bottom of the glass with your left hand

Step 12. Hit the table with your right hand

Step 13. Keeping your right hand on the table, pass your left arm over your right and place the glass upside down on the table so that it makes a noise

Step 14. Repeat the entire sequence
Method 2 of 2: For left-handers

Step 1. Clap your hands twice

Step 2. Tap the top of the glass three times
Start with the left hand, then with the right hand and then again with the left hand. You can also tap the table.

Step 3. Clap your hands

Step 4. With your left hand, raise the glass 5 cm off the table

Step 5. Move the glass about 6 inches to your left and place it back on the table so that it makes a noise

Step 6. Clap your hands once

Step 7. Rotate your left hand and take the glass
Place your thumb down towards the table.

Step 8. Lift the glass and tap the mouth with your right palm

Step 9. Put the glass back on the table with the mouth upwards, without letting go

Step 10. Raise the glass once more and hit the bottom with your right palm

Step 11. Hold the bottom of the glass with your right hand

Step 12. Hit the table with your left hand

Step 13. Keeping your left hand on the table, pass your right arm over your left and place the glass upside down on the table so that it makes a noise

Step 14. Repeat the entire sequence
- Learn the lyrics of the song and you can use the rhythm you want!
- If you have decided to use a Styrofoam glass, don't hit it too hard.
- Write the song on a slip of paper to have a copy in front of you in case you forget the words.
- Try to make faster and faster movements each time you restart the song. It can get difficult but don't be discouraged.
- Tall glasses are easier to move, take this into consideration when choosing your glass.
- Race with friends. The rule is: everyone has to make 3 changes for each song. Ask other friends to judge the performance. Good luck!
- Once you have mastered the movements, you can also try singing. "You're Gonna Miss Me" is one of the hottest songs but many others are perfect too. Look for the "Canzone del Bicchiere" on Youtube to better understand the instructions.
- Do this on a hard surface for best results.
- Get a glass and a sheet of paper to write down the movements and words.
- Hum the rhythm of the song out loud or in your head. It will improve your sense of rhythm.
- If you don't have a glass at school, you can practice with your hands or by tapping on a friend's back. If you are in class and have some free time, you can try a tube of glue or an eraser.
- If you train a lot, you will become very good.