Libraries are usually large, filled with hundreds or even thousands of books. How to find the books you need? There is always a librarian present to assist you, but perhaps you prefer to find a book by yourself by searching the shelves or checking the catalog, which is usually on a computer, easily accessible to everyone.

Step 1. Do your research
If this is your first time in a certain library, take some time to look around and familiarize yourself with the place. Notice the signs inside the building and the system being used. If the building is very large, look for a map or directions near the entrance.
Please note that the shelves and sectors are marked according to the type of material they include. Pay attention to the sections that interest you.
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Step 2. Consult the catalog
Many libraries nowadays have digital catalogs available on computers accessible throughout the building. Some may have an old filing cabinet divided into tabs inside drawers. However, there are standard procedures for searching a filing cabinet.
Search by title. If you know the title of the book, you can search for it directly. In a filing cabinet you can search for it in alphabetical order. Generally, however, ignore the articles "a / a / o.." and "il, lo, la.." if they are the first word of the title. For example, "Il Conte di Montecristo" will be found in alphabetical order under "Conte". Digital catalogs are different from each other, but usually you search by title by entering the first words.
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Search by author. If you know the author of the book or if you are interested in other works by your favorite author, try searching for him. Authors are usually listed by surname.
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Search by topic. If you know what you want to read or if you are looking for specific information, but you don't know the title or book to look for, try a topic search. A topic that is too large may give too many results, including other related topics. A too narrow topic may not be cataloged. If you don't find exactly what you want on the first try, try searching for it with different words.
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Search by keyword. Most digital catalogs have a keyword search. For example, if you search for the keyword "French" you will get any book that contains this word in the title, whether it is about French cuisine, about French tourism or about French kissing.
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Step 3. Check if your book has already been taken
Many digital catalogs are linked to a handling database which informs about the availability of the book on the shelves. If it's not available, you can save yourself a visit to the shelves.

Step 4. Make a note
When you find the book you need in the catalog, write down the identification number and any other information about the location of the book. Most libraries make note sheets available next to catalogs. This information helps you find the book.
Remember that non-fiction books are arranged on separate shelves according to a certain classification system (the most famous are the Dewey Decimal Classification and the Library of Congress Classification System.) Each book is numbered, depending on its type. of topic. The books are then placed in order on the shelves, according to the numbering.
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The fiction books are arranged alphabetically by the author's surname. If you're looking for The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by title, the catalog will indicate the book in the Fiction section under Adams. Some libraries subdivide certain types of fiction, such as thrillers, love stories, westerns, and science fiction. If your book is one of these genres, write it down.
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Step 5. Look for the books you have chosen
Follow the directions, the labels at the end of the shelves and those on the back of each book to find what you are looking for.
Remember that if you have found a non-fiction book on a subject that interests you, only a few of the other related books will be in the same industry. Oversized books and special collections may be placed elsewhere.
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Step 6. Consider new possibilities
If you're not sure what you want to read, there are plenty of ways to get tips from the library as well.
Look for other books written by your favorite authors. Read summaries or browse some books to see if they are interesting, and consider getting them. Probably a writer who has written a good book has written others.
Locate a Book in a Library Step 6Bullet1 - If you can't remember a particular author, browse the shelves, picking out books at random, reading the information on the back cover, front pages, and beyond if you're interested in that book. You could narrow your search by browsing to a specific section, genre or topic that interests you.
- Look at the library exhibits, looking for some interesting books. Look around and look for a section or exhibition of new releases.
- Try it in the consultation section. In this section there are books that list, categorize, index and rate the books.
- Tell the librarian what you would like to read, maybe he could give you some suggestions.
Look at the periodicals section, where you will find magazines that contain book reviews, such as Libri and Magazines d'Italia, or the American Publisher's Weekly, People and Rolling Stone. You could also check the culture section of Corriere della Sera on book reviews. Or find out which magazines appeal to you and look for any books on those topics.
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Check digital databases. Some Italian libraries have an extensive online database on books, for example Il Portale delle Libraries.
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Look for the most awarded books. There are lists available on the Pulitzer Prizes or those awarded by literary circles. If you'd like to read something other than the usual genre, award-winning books are a good start.
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Reread one of your favorite books. Harry Potter is always light and fun to read.
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- Just because a book isn't best-selling doesn't mean it's not good. Best seller lists can be misleading, as the list calculates how many copies of books are bought by bookstores and not bookstore customers. As the library is free, it is a good opportunity to try out new authors and lesser known books.
- If you're still not sure what you want, grab a few books and leaf through them more carefully at home. It's okay not to overdo it, although one of the best things about libraries is that you can take three books home and read only what interests you. If you are looking for special information, it is a good idea to try several books on the same topic and read only the parts related to the one you are interested in.
Many libraries offer much more than just books. Look around and ask about current offers. Here is an example of what you can find available in libraries:
- Audio books on cassette, CD or MP3.
- Music on CD.
- Computer programs on CD-ROM (often educational).
- Magazines and newspapers.
- DVD and video for VHS.
- Framed artwork.
- Leaflets, brochures, maps, atlases.
- Telephone directories.
- Chalcography tools.
- In libraries there are comfortable chairs. Look for some books that may interest you, pick them up and read them while sitting.
- Ask the librarian to show you a list of the best sellers or check the external links below.
- If you are having trouble finding the book you want, ask the librarian for assistance. The library staff is there to help you.
- If the book you want has already been taken, you may be able to find out the return date. You could also pre-order it for them to put aside once it is returned. The librarian can also track him down to another library. You would then have the choice of retrieving it in that library, if it is nearby, alternatively the librarian could get you a loan through the library network if it is available in a very distant location.
- Ask the librarian about the groups, events, or speakers that will take place in the library.
- If you're not in a hurry, relax and enjoy the time spent in the library, perusing the shelves, getting information, and flipping through the books.
- Immediately mark the date you borrow a book on your calendar and make it a habit to do a weekly check of what you have checked out. Libraries immediately stop being free if you don't return the material on time.
- Make sure you have a valid card for each library, otherwise you won't be able to borrow the books. If you don't have one, then sign up first before searching for books. It only takes a few minutes. Make sure you indicate your address correctly.