How to Write the Beginning of a Love Story

How to Write the Beginning of a Love Story
How to Write the Beginning of a Love Story

Table of contents:


Writing an original story is very difficult, especially since so many authors have already exploited so many ideas and plots. How to find out if your idea is original or has already been used? And above all, how to write a truly compelling story? Don't worry anymore! It may be less difficult than you think. You just have to find inspiration, so start off on the right foot by reading this article.


Method 1 of 1: Get your romance started

Start a Love Story Step 1
Start a Love Story Step 1

Step 1. Make or print a playlist

It should be roughly the draft of the story; what you are going to write. You can find tracks online if you want to print one. It should contain the following elements.

  • Where and when does the story take place? In what period exactly? You could start from the usual "castle in a distant distant kingdom". Or you could be more creative. You can range from a club, a party, a school, a smelly cellar, to a shopping mall. Try to use a place that is familiar to you. This way you can best describe the place so that the reader can imagine it.
  • Outline the protagonists well. Who are the two lovers? Who tries to counter them? Who helps them? What are they called and what characteristics do they have? It is important to remain consistent with this information. It would be bad if the female lead had blue eyes at the beginning and at the end the mother talked about her beautiful brown eyes!
  • Make up a problem. Every story, romantic or not, needs to have a major conflict. Decide if the conflict will be between two, three people or internal to one person. It might be useful to put a few more conflicts here and there along the story. Many authors insert two conflicts into each story. Think about what the problems of two people who love each other can be. Here are some possible themes:

    • Love someone who doesn't let go
    • Cling to something that will never change
    • The end of an old relationship or the beginning of a new one
    • One of the protagonists has children from a previous relationship
    • An unexpected love
    • Lightning strike
    • Joy
    • Unrequited love
    • The classic "love triangle"
  • Think about the ending. Would you like a tragic ending to "Romeo and Juliet" or a good ending to "Cinderella"? You don't necessarily have to decide on the ending already, but it would be better to think about it before you start typing the text on the computer.
Start a Love Story Step 2
Start a Love Story Step 2

Step 2. Decide who will be the narrator

It can be the protagonist, another character or yourself. You can even change the narrator for each chapter! Reflect on your previous experiences. Did you enjoy writing in the first person or would you rather express yourself in the third person? It depends on your tastes.

Start a Love Story Step 3
Start a Love Story Step 3

Step 3. Reflect on the introduction to your story

It is one of the most difficult things. There are many ways to write the first sentence, but here are some tips.

  • You can start with a question that forces the reader to think. For example “Have you ever thought that one day you might complain that you never had a boyfriend and fall in love the next day? It all started three summers ago …"
  • Start with a dialogue. One of the protagonists is speaking. For example, you could start something like this "… 'Daniel you know I love you' replied Cristina. But how could Daniel trust the girl who repeatedly broke his heart? …"
  • It begins with a description of a character or scenario. You could describe Michele's beautiful and sparkling eyes that Saturday night or how Susan's dress perfectly wrapped her body.
Start a Love Story Step 4
Start a Love Story Step 4

Step 4. Write

Once you've made up your mind, the only thing left to do is write the story! Freely write what you hear. It's not as easy as it sounds, so make yourself comfortable before writing.


  • Remember, the eyes are the mirror of the soul. When one of the protagonists falls in love, remember to describe the eyes. The color, the tenderness they transmit, what mood they express. It is a key element in love stories.
  • Think about what you would like your love story to be and turn it into a story with romance, twists and turns and imagination.
  • Before you start writing, it's best to create the right atmosphere. This means not only anything that will calm you down, but also something that makes you feel romantic. Play a love song, take your old diary, or an item your boyfriend gave you.
  • Use inspirational images to describe the scene or character you want to include in the story.
  • If you are stuck and don't know how to resolve a conflict, ask someone older than you to tell you about their love experiences and how they have solved the problems. It can be useful to exchange ideas.
  • A ladder is not necessary but can be very useful.
