How to Get Rid of Vomiting Smell: 9 Steps

How to Get Rid of Vomiting Smell: 9 Steps
How to Get Rid of Vomiting Smell: 9 Steps

Table of contents:


Vomiting leaves one of the nastiest and most persistent odors and is also one of the hardest to get rid of. Instead of throwing away items that have become soiled, try cleaning them by removing stains and odor instead. This will allow you to save money and gain more experience in cleaning stubborn stains.


Part 1 of 3: Get rid of the vomit

Get Rid of Vomit Smell Step 1
Get Rid of Vomit Smell Step 1

Step 1. Put together the necessary tools

To eliminate traces of vomit from a surface, you need the right tools, so you can clean without running the risk of getting dirty. Get some paper towels, gloves, and a plastic bag.

Get Rid of Vomit Smell Step 2
Get Rid of Vomit Smell Step 2

Step 2. Gently collect most of the vomit

Take a couple of paper towels and fold them to increase the thickness. Use them to pick up the pieces and throw them into the bag. Take them gently, otherwise you risk pushing the vomit further into the carpet, making it worse.

Alternatively, you can use a large spoon or spatula to scoop up the regurgitated material and throw it into the bag

Get Rid of Vomit Smell Step 3
Get Rid of Vomit Smell Step 3

Step 3. Take the bag outside

Once you have collected most of the material, leaving only a wet trace on the surface, close the bag carefully and throw it in a garbage can outside the house.

Part 2 of 3: Cleaning the Vomiting Stains from the Carpet

Get Rid of Vomit Smell Step 4
Get Rid of Vomit Smell Step 4

Step 1. Clean the surface by scrubbing with a soft brush and cleaning product

The brush helps eliminate any trace of liquid residue that has solidified on the carpet over time. Rub vigorously with the cleaning solution. You can use a variety of commonly used cleaning solutions to prepare the mixture.

  • In a spray bottle, mix one part white vinegar with one part boiling water. Spray a generous amount on the stain before rubbing it.
  • Alternatively, make a similar mixture with 480 ml of water and 1 teaspoon of table salt. Once the salt has dissolved, add 120ml of white vinegar, 1 teaspoon of laundry detergent and 2 teaspoons of alcohol.
  • You can also decide to buy a special cleaning product, which you would still use in the same way as the other solutions.
Get Rid of Vomit Smell Step 5
Get Rid of Vomit Smell Step 5

Step 2. Rinse the stain

Spray the area with water and dry with a clean cloth. If you have a wet vacuum or carpet cleaner available, you can use it to make the surface drying and cleaning process easier.

  • If you put detergent in the solution, do this step twice. Dirt sticks to the detergent, so you may have problems in the future if you don't get rid of any residual detergent.
  • If you used a cloth to clean the area, place it on the ground and walk on it.
Get Rid of Vomit Smell Step 6
Get Rid of Vomit Smell Step 6

Step 3. Use baking soda to get rid of the odor

Cover the stained area with baking soda and let it sit overnight. The next day, vacuum it up. Repeat this process as needed.

  • In the meantime, to cover up the smell, you can use a product like Febreze.
  • Even a candle or incense will help eliminate traces of bad smell.
  • If possible, you should also open the doors and windows to ventilate the room.

Part 3 of 3: Cleaning Vomiting Stains from Washable Clothing

Get Rid of Vomit Smell Step 7
Get Rid of Vomit Smell Step 7

Step 1. Soak the dress

Once you have removed all traces of vomit and before washing it, soak the item of clothing in water to remove most of the stain. Add 240ml of regular detergent, and if you can, add some borax as well. Leave the garment to soak for about 2 hours.

Get Rid of Vomit Smell Step 8
Get Rid of Vomit Smell Step 8

Step 2. Clean the stain with baking soda

If it hasn't completely disappeared yet, mix a small amount of water with plenty of baking soda to create a thick, toothpaste-like paste and scrub it with a sponge. Let it sit for several minutes before rinsing it off.

Repeat if the stain is still present

Get Rid of Vomit Smell Step 9
Get Rid of Vomit Smell Step 9

Step 3. Wash the garment

At the end of this procedure, wash it as you normally would, preferably alone. Use the detergent and, if the item of clothing is white, add bleach as well.

Make sure the stain has completely disappeared before washing the garment, otherwise you risk it sticking indelibly into the fabric


  • Keep another bucket nearby, as the sight and smell of the vomit may make you sick.
  • Try to clean up immediately, as it is easier to get rid of a fresh stain than an old one that has penetrated the surface.
  • Check the entire area carefully for possible splashes or any hidden residue.
