How to Tease People: 13 Steps

How to Tease People: 13 Steps
How to Tease People: 13 Steps

Table of contents:


Learning to make fun of people in the right way is a good way to make friends with those with a sharp sense of humor, but it also helps to put those who are completely devoid of humor back in their place. You can make fun of your friends in a nice way, making conversations fun and smooth with a hint of hilarity. Start reading the article from the first step to learn how to make fun of your friends.


Method 1 of 2: Teasing Friends

Make Fun of Others Step 1
Make Fun of Others Step 1

Step 1. Use sarcasm

There is nothing faster than a sarcastic tone of voice to dismantle someone. Using sarcasm insinuates that the other person is stupid just because he asked a reasonable question, and it is quite simple to use every now and then. It's a fun and light way to make fun of someone.

  • State the opposite of what you really mean when someone asks you a specific question: "Yes, I made sparks in the test. I'm a genius of mathematics, didn't you know that? Next week I start teaching at the mathematics faculty".
  • Give blatantly wrong answers to the questions. If someone asks you: "Where have you been?", A sarcastic answer could be: "Stefano and I were in the mountains skinning rabbits and exchanging skins for materials for a rocket. The operation is top secret. And YOU, where have you been. ?"
  • Give an exaggerated answer. If someone says to you, "You don't look good today," he replies: "I'm sorry master, I'm going to the pillory immediately. Will I bring you the horse?"
Make Fun of Others Step 2
Make Fun of Others Step 2

Step 2. Learn the difference between teasing and being funny

It's usually more fun to make fun of someone for something that's not true. Don't "tease" a good friend who gets a bad grade, and may be touchy about it, by pointing it out with a cruel joke and drawing attention to the event, whereas you could when your friend gets a very high grade..

Make Fun of Others Step 3
Make Fun of Others Step 3

Step 3. Make fun of someone about their strengths

Making fun of someone for their intelligence can be fun and work well, as long as it's not a bare nerve to their identity:

  • "Are these all the words you know? Awesome."
  • "You can even stop talking now. You're making us all look stupid."
  • "If I wanted to hear all this bullshit I would have stuck my head in a cow's butt!"
  • "I'd sew my forehead to the carpet to make you stop talking."
Make Fun of Others Step 4
Make Fun of Others Step 4

Step 4. Make fun of someone for their look

Making fun of someone for their clothes or hairstyle is a way to do it kindly and have some fun. Do not touch weight or skin, they can be exposed nerves and you risk slipping into bullying. Instead, try a few digs like these:

  • "Nice shirt. Are you still shopping in the idiot section?"
  • "You dress like my dentist. You just aren't rich and you don't do anything for me."
  • "There is a strange smell, like there were mice in your hair, again. You should check".
  • "In my house, when people dress like this it is to steal the paint cans from my tool shed."
Make Fun of Others Step 5
Make Fun of Others Step 5

Step 5. Use similes and metaphors

Find the comedian in you and use similarities to make fun of people. They don't have to make sense. People will laugh out loud the stranger and funnier your metaphors are. Make them random and stupid. Get inspiration from these:

  • "You're dressed like Mao Tse Tung at a pool party. Really."
  • "You look like my uncle when he got drunk with mouthwash."
  • "You are the Michael Jordan of the boring ones."
  • "You smell the same as Hulk Hogan's shower."
Make Fun of Others Step 6
Make Fun of Others Step 6

Step 6. Make fun of someone by imitating them well

If your friend has a particular way of talking, walking, or anything else, try to imitate him. Practice until you get a perfect imitation. The next time your "victim" decides to take advantage of someone or makes the usual painful joke, start with your imitation and you will make everyone die laughing. More than accurate, it has to be fun and out of line. A good imitation could include an exaggeration of one of these things:

  • Particular gestures or positions.
  • A phrase that the person uses often.
  • His way of walking.
  • The accent or a verbal tic.
Make Fun of Others Step 7
Make Fun of Others Step 7

Step 7. Roll your eyes

You can make fun of a person even without saying anything. When your friend says something, you react dramatically, as if they said the stupidest thing you've ever heard. Roll your eyes, sigh, and pretend you're banging your head against the table. When everyone turns and looks at you, he raises his head and replies, "Now everyone in this room is dumber after hearing your exit."

Make Fun of Others Step 8
Make Fun of Others Step 8

Step 8. Work on your timing

Learning the timing of comedy is everything when you make fun of someone. The difference between being mean, making a joke that falls on deaf ears, and responding in an exemplary way to an insult is all in the timing. Waiting for the right moment to come up with a sarcastic "Wow" and rolling your eyes can have the same effect as that elaborate insult you've been thinking about for so long.

Comedians use "beats", pauses as long as a breath, to let the previous sentence settle and before making the main line. It's the most effective way to be funny, certainly better than hasty speech and repetitive jokes

Method 2 of 2: Tease

Make Fun of Others Step 9
Make Fun of Others Step 9

Step 1. Only make fun of friends

If you want to make fun of someone, make sure they are someone you are familiar with. Having fun with friends and siblings is fine, but heavily teasing complete strangers could be misunderstood. You don't know how they might react, or how personal they might take it, so be nice. Make friends first.

Make Fun of Others Step 10
Make Fun of Others Step 10

Step 2. You need to know when to stop

Even if you are just kidding, you may be exaggerating. Make sure the person you're kidding knows you're joking, and be on the lookout for signs that could indicate resentment. Don't hurt someone's feelings by teasing them over and over about the same thing. It is heavy and cruel.

If you make fun of a person and they turn away from you and your friends, apologize to them later. Let her know you were just joking and behave nice for a while, without making any more jokes

Make Fun of Others Step 11
Make Fun of Others Step 11

Step 3. Enlarge the loop

Don't make fun of just one person, they may feel targeted. Enlarge the loop. Don't make fun of a person more than once a week, just to be on the safe side. Joke around with your closest friends, and be nice to them too. Then choose someone else. If you want to continue being friends with someone, but also tease and have fun, you need to balance kindness and fun.

Make Fun of Others Step 12
Make Fun of Others Step 12

Step 4. Learn to accept teasing, not just make fun of it

If you are going to sting people, you have to expect others to do the same to you. As long as it comes to friends and you tease and tease each other, that's fine. Don't take insults and jokes personally, and you'll gain more credibility when you make fun of someone.

Make Fun of Others Step 13
Make Fun of Others Step 13

Step 5. Don't be a bully

Blame someone your size, both physically and emotionally. Make sure he can handle the joke and doesn't see it as bullying, as you may also be punished for it, especially at school. Leave your little brother or younger kids alone. They already have their problems to think about without you putting yourself in it too.

Never make fun of someone about their race, sexual orientation, or anything else they might be sensitive to. We all have battles to fight. Be gentle


  • Be considerate of the feelings of the person you are kidding. If he (or she) seems to be enjoying himself and is laughing, that's okay - you're joking the right way. However, if you see that the person in question is embarrassed or angry, STOP!
  • If you offend someone, explain that you were just trying to make them laugh, and apologize for hurting their feelings.
  • If you want to make fun of others productively, don't give up if your first few attempts are unsuccessful.
  • Creative ways to make fun of others will be better received and remembered with pleasure.
  • If you have to make fun of someone, do it in good faith. You have to make him laugh, not hurt him.
