Tapeworms are parasites that can attach themselves to the intestinal walls of pets, causing damage and stealing vital nutrients. Over time, as worms mature, some of their egg-containing segments break apart and pass from the host organism to feces. Once out of the body, the eggs hatch and other tapeworms are born that return to contaminate the environment again. If your four-legged friend is infested with these parasites, you should notice small segments in the fur around his anus, as well as fragments in the stool that resemble small grains of rice; if they have just been expelled, you may notice that they are wriggling just like worms. When you realize that the animal is infested, you must act promptly and submit it to the right treatments.
Part 1 of 3: Finding Treatments

Step 1. Look for typical symptoms
Generally speaking, it is rather difficult to detect the presence of tapeworms. The most obvious sign is the presence of small segments of parasites - which look like grains of rice - in the area around the animal's anus or in its faeces. Sometimes, it is the dog / cat behavior itself that can raise some suspicion; if you notice that it tends to drag its butt on the floor more frequently than usual, you must check it for the presence of worms; it's also possible that he has sore anus - that's why he keeps rubbing his hindquarters on the ground. In addition, although rarely, he can suffer from anemia.

Step 2. Collect a stool sample
The vet checks the actual presence of parasites before prescribing a cure. The best way to diagnose the infestation is to take a stool sample and place it in a plastic bag. be careful not to come into contact with tapeworms, just take a small amount of feces and insert it directly into the bag. In other cases, it may be necessary to collect segments of worms from the animal's butt or the vet may decide to hold the specimen for a couple of hours, in order to take the sample directly in the clinic.

Step 3. Call the vet
She may insist that you go to her office for a check-up, prescribe treatment directly over the phone, or recommend over-the-counter medications that you can find for sale in major pet stores. There are different types of medicines useful to fight these small parasites and most are based on praziquantel; among the most common are Droncit, Drontal Plus and others, which you can find in the best pharmacies and some pet supply stores. Your vet can tell you the best way to get rid of tapeworms; depending on the type of pet, its size and age, he can advise you on different therapeutic approaches.
- If you buy a dewormer at pet stores, be sure to carefully follow the directions on the package regarding dosage.
- Most treatments are administered orally, but injectable and topical formulations exist.

Step 4. Strictly follow your veterinarian's recommendations
All of these drugs have specifics that you must respect regarding the age and size of the animal. For example, most medicines cannot be given to puppies that are less than 8 weeks old or to puppies weighing less than 1 kg.
Part 2 of 3: Administer the Drug

Step 1. Hold the medication in your hand
Regardless of its formulation (liquid, tablet or topical), it must be ready in your hands; if the animal is reluctant to take the medicine and you have not already prepared it for use, your task becomes much more difficult.

Step 2. Keep your furry friend
You can block it in many different ways and depending on its size, another person may also need to intervene. Start by placing it in a corner with its hind legs towards the wall; usually, the animal tends to retreat in situations like these, but being unable to retreat, it is easier to control. Hold his head with one hand and be ready with the other to administer the drug.
If it is a medicine to be taken by mouth, insert your index finger and thumb into the sides of his mouth and tilt his head back. this is the most effective way to get him to open his mouth and give him the medicine

Step 3. Apply or enter the drug
Now that the animal is restricted in its movements, you can easily give it the medicine; if it is a topical product, you can apply it following the instructions on the leaflet - in most cases it should be placed on the back of the head or on the nape, so that the animal cannot touch it. If it's a pill instead, put it directly into his mouth.
- Once the medication is given orally, you need to close his mouth and hold it like this for about 5-10 seconds, rubbing the outer side of his throat to stimulate swallowing.
- You must also make sure that the animal has ingested the drug, as it often tends to spit it out.

Step 4. Reward him
You have to make sure that this is a pleasant experience for him; after all, it's certainly not her fault that she has tapeworms. Give him a treat and caress him a lot; by behaving in this way, you will have less difficulty during the next feeding, because the dog / cat associates the experience with your affection and a tasty morsel.
Part 3 of 3: Preventing the Infestation in the Future

Step 1. Check for fleas
Tapeworms can have an intermediate host, namely fleas, which they need to complete their life cycle and infest the next victim. Your four-legged friend can contract worms by ingesting fleas infested with tapeworm larvae or by eating a small mammal, typically a rodent, which also has parasites. To get rid of fleas, you need to have your pet treated, as well as taking steps in the home and outdoor environments that your furry friend is frequenting. There are many different products, ranging from sprays, to nebulizers to flea traps, which you can buy in major pet stores; alternatively, you can hire a professional exterminator to take care of the job.
If your pet lives in a flea-infested environment, a tapeworm infestation can recur in as little as two weeks. Since the drugs that treat these parasites are very effective, the cause of relapses is almost always to be found in the environment

Step 2. Give your wagging friend preventative treatment
Consult your vet for more details, but some medications, such as Sentinel, are very effective against fleas, heartworms, hookworms, roundworms, and tapeworms.

Step 3. Eliminate the dog's feces immediately
Since tapeworms begin their life cycle in the animal's droppings, you need to start treatment from there. Clean the cat litter box, collect the dog's feces and throw the residues in the garbage with great care; for these operations always wear gloves and use a disinfectant product whenever possible. Put the droppings in a plastic bag and throw it away. Eventually, the air in the bag runs out and the worms die of suffocation; it is also an important measure to guarantee public health. Avoid spreading parasites to other animals.

Step 4. Wash your hands after playing with the animal
A regular or antibacterial soap protects you from parasites and prevents you from inadvertently transferring tapeworms.