According to doctors and other experts, it is normal to have a bowel movement three times a day to three times a week. Defecating more than three times a day is symptomatic of diarrhea, while evacuating less than three times a week indicates constipation. Several factors, including diet, exercise and stress, can affect the delicate balance of the intestinal flora, causing irregularities. It is possible to maintain good regularity by following a balanced diet, drinking enough fluids and leading a healthy lifestyle.
Part 1 of 3: Follow a Weighted Diet

Step 1. Eat high-fiber foods
Calculate 14g of fiber for every 1000 calories ingested daily. If you are on a 2000 calorie diet, this translates to 28g of fiber. This is equivalent to 4 cups of raspberries a day or a mix of fruit, vegetables and grains. It will be useful to use a specific application to monitor what you eat, in order to help you keep under control the fibers you consume day after day. There are 2 types of fibers: soluble and insoluble. The former attract water and turn into gel during digestion. The latter increase the volume of feces and accelerate the transit of food. However, be aware that overdoing it can make the situation worse if you have constipation. Choose from the following high-fiber foods and eat them regularly:
- Fruits such as fresh or dried plums, pears, peaches and pineapples
- Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower
- Beans;
- Whole wheat, bran and other types of whole grains. Try gluten-free variants in case of intolerance;
- Flax seed;
- Peas;
- Brussels sprouts.

Step 2. Incorporate psyllium shells into your meals
Psyllium shells are very thin flakes of psyllium bran. They are usually sold by brands such as Metamucil and Citrucel. Incorporating psyllium shells into your diet helps keep stool soft and facilitates its transit.
Mix 250ml of water with 1/2 teaspoon of psyllium shells. Try adding them to a fruit and yogurt smoothie. This combination helps to maintain good regularity and to take in essential nutrients

Step 3. Incorporate the probiotics
The irregularity may be due to an imbalance of the intestinal bacterial flora. Eating probiotic-rich foods, such as fortified yogurt, helps recover these bacteria and promote proper digestion. Probiotics can be taken from foods such as:
- Yogurt with probiotics;
- Peas;
- Sauerkraut;
- Kimchi;
- Green olives;
- Gherkins.

Step 4. Avoid junk and industrially sourced food
Processed products should be eaten in moderation. They are often high in calories, full of fat and sugar. This can cause intestinal bacterial flora imbalances, causing diarrhea and constipation. Here are some junk or processed foods to avoid:
- Fast food;
- Fried foods;
- Bread, pasta and white rice;
- Milk derivatives, such as cheese, in excessive doses;
- Confectionery and baked goods.
Part 2 of 3: Keeping Hydrated

Step 1. Drink water throughout the day
Consuming too little water or overdoing it can cause irregularities. Drinking 180-240ml of water per hour helps maintain proper hydration and regularity.
- Avoid fizzy drinks and flavored waters - they can cause flatulence and bloating.
- Bring a reusable water bottle. It is useful for reminding you to drink throughout the day and also for keeping you on track with a high-fiber diet.

Step 2. Sip some fruit juice
You'll get even more fiber by drinking sugar-free fruit juice with every meal. Drink 60-120 ml of a juice such as plum or pear juice. Mix one part of the juice and one part of the water if it is too strong for your taste. Fruit juice helps maintain a correct intestinal balance and good regularity.

Step 3. Include coffee in your liquid count
Count 1 or 2 cups of American coffee in your fluid count, as caffeine is not a diuretic when consumed in moderation. It is also effective in relieving mild constipation, as it stimulates the evacuation. Avoid overdoing cream, cream (especially those of industrial origin) and sugar: they can negatively affect the functioning of the intestine and weight.

Step 4. Consume alcohol and caffeine in moderation
Overdoing it with alcohol, such as spirits, wine, and beer, can cause dehydration. This can also slow down stomach emptying and evacuation. Caffeine can have the same effect when consumed in large quantities if you are not in the habit of taking it. Dehydration can complicate intestinal transit and prevent you from maintaining good regularity. Don't drink more than 1 or 2 cups of coffee a day and don't indulge in more than one alcoholic drink a day. These steps will help you go to the toilet regularly over the long term.
Part 3 of 3: Having a Healthy Lifestyle

Step 1. Try taking fiber supplements
The consumption of fiber can be further favored by supplements. Pour a sachet of powdered fiber into the water (the doses vary according to your needs) and drink the solution. Supplements help increase stool volume and maintain proper regularity.
Respect the recommended doses. Eating too little fiber can cause irregularity, but this also happens when you consume too much

Step 2. Keep moving
Physical activity promotes proper blood circulation and stimulates the intestine. Aim for moderate exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. Be aware that moving around for 15 minutes can stimulate the intestines. Exercising favors the transit of fecal matter in the intestine and helps maintain good regularity. Try one of the following sports for good results:
- Race;
- Walk;
- Bikes;
- I swim;
- Yoga.

Step 3. Crouch on the toilet
It can be difficult to bowel while sitting on the toilet. In fact, sitting forces the anus to assume a straight position, which does not favor evacuation. Squat on the toilet with your feet hip-width apart and bringing your knees closer to your torso to keep the anorectal angle in its natural position. This helps to expel stools more easily and regularly.
Get a footrest to let them rest while you squat. This will help you bring your knees even closer to your torso

Step 4. Don't ignore the urge to go to the bathroom
Waiting or holding on to stool can cause constipation. Go to the bathroom as soon as possible if you feel the need to. This will help you prevent constipation and maintain proper regularity.
Stick to set times if you can. For example, try to go to the bathroom every morning. The body will gradually get used to the schedules and react by maintaining good regularity

Step 5. Beware of laxatives
Some people use natural oils, laxatives, and enemas to maintain good regularity. Use them only when absolutely necessary, as they can cause chronic constipation. They can also damage the muscles of the colon and anus, as well as be addictive. Ask your doctor if the use of laxatives is adequate and safe for regular bowel movements.