Dengue fever is caused by the virus of the same name. The dengue virus is transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus 'Aedes'. These mosquitoes typically bite during the day, particularly in the early morning and evening hours, but they can spread the infection at any time of the day and year. Its main symptom is a severe headache, as well as rashes, joint pain and high fever. Patients with dengue fever need a lot of care due to their highly weakened immune systems.
Step 1. Keep patients in a clean, mosquito-free place
Step 2. See a doctor on a regular basis to have the patient undergo a complete blood count (CBC)
Step 3. Dengue patients show a loss of appetite, so try offering them a wide variety of tasty, light, natural and easy-to-digest foods
Step 4. Make papaya leaf juice
It will promote an increase in the number of platelets.
Step 5. Coconut water helps cure dengue
Step 6. Get some goat milk if possible, which is great for treating dengue patients
Step 7. Feed the patient fresh kiwifruit
Step 8. Fresh wheatgrass juices promote healing from dengue
Step 9. Normally it takes about 7-8 days to begin the process of healing from dengue fever, take care of the patient for as long as necessary
Step 10. Keep mosquitoes away
Use effective repellents.
Step 11. Make sure the patient drinks plenty of fluids
Step 12. If you experience any bleeding, consult your doctor immediately
Step 13. After dengue, patients are very weak and need a healthy diet and treatment to recover quickly
Step 14. Dengue can affect other parts of the body such as kidneys, liver, lungs, etc
In this case the time required for healing will be extended.
- If symptoms worsen, see a doctor immediately.
- Consult a doctor before intervening in any way.