How to Make Vegetable Soup (with Pictures)

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How to Make Vegetable Soup (with Pictures)
How to Make Vegetable Soup (with Pictures)

Who doesn't like to eat a tasty hot vegetable soup? No matter what the occasion, vegetable soup is a healthy dish that makes everyone happy. This recipe also examines the basics of preparation in detail, but it is completely customizable since it allows you to use any type of vegetable. The only things you need are about half a kilo of vegetables you like and the urge to cook. The doses of the recipe are specific to prepare 4 servings of soup.


  • 1-1.5 l of meat (beef or chicken) or vegetable broth
  • 2 carrots, sliced
  • 350 g of rustic tomato sauce
  • 1 large potato, diced
  • 2 celery stalks, diced
  • 150 g of green beans, cut into small pieces
  • 200 g of corn (also frozen or canned)
  • Any other vegetables you want to include
  • salt
  • pepper
  • 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons of finely chopped garlic


Part 1 of 2: Prepare the Ingredients

Make Vegetable Soup Step 1
Make Vegetable Soup Step 1

Step 1. Wash the vegetables

Clean them thoroughly using cold water. If they have peel (such as potatoes or carrots), scrub them with a vegetable brush while washing them with water. After cleaning them, place them on a kitchen towel to dry.

Make Vegetable Soup Step 2
Make Vegetable Soup Step 2

Step 2. Cut the celery and potatoes into cubes

You will need a sharp, quality knife that is suitable for cutting, slicing and mincing vegetables. Place the potatoes and celery stalks on a stable kitchen cutting board, then cut them into strips a couple of centimeters thick. When done, rotate them 90 degrees and cut them again while maintaining the same thickness.

  • You will get cubes of homogeneous size.
  • The cubes do not have to have a perfect shape, but it is good that they are of uniform size.
  • The smaller the diced celery and potatoes are, the faster they will cook.
Make Vegetable Soup Step 3
Make Vegetable Soup Step 3

Step 3. Cut the green beans

First you have to remove the stalk that is at one of the two ends, you can use your hands, a pair of kitchen scissors or a knife. Then cut them into pieces about 3 cm long. Weigh them after cleaning and cutting them to make sure they are enough for the recipe. If you don't have green beans available or if you don't like them, you can replace them with peas or (thin) asparagus, depending on your preferences.

Make Vegetable Soup Step 4
Make Vegetable Soup Step 4

Step 4. Slice the carrots

If you want, you can peel them before cutting them, but it is not necessary. In any case, remove both ends with the knife. You can now cut the carrots in half (or quarters if they are large) lengthwise. When done, rotate them 90 degrees and continue cutting them to make cubes no larger than 1-1.5 cm per side.

  • You can try to use purple carrots instead of the normal orange ones, nowadays they are quite easily found. They will add a special color note to the dish.
  • Buy baby carrots if you don't want to spend too much time cutting them, you can also add them whole to the soup.
  • If necessary, you can replace carrots with pumpkin as once cooked it has a very similar texture.
Make Vegetable Soup Step 5
Make Vegetable Soup Step 5

Step 5. Chop the garlic

If you are using it fresh, you need to peel 2-3 cloves. Free it from the outer layers of peel using your hands or with the help of the knife, then squeeze it on the cutting board using the side of the blade. Once flattened it will be easier to mince. At this point, cut it coarsely, then group the pieces in the center of the cutting board and continue to chop.

  • Keep chopping until you have small, evenly sized pieces.
  • If you like your dishes to have a strong garlic flavor, you can use more than three cloves.
  • For convenience you can buy already chopped frozen garlic.
Make Vegetable Soup Step 6
Make Vegetable Soup Step 6

Step 6. Weigh the corn

You will need 200 g of pre-shelled corn. You can also use frozen or canned soup for your vegetable soup. As an alternative to corn, you can use peas.

Part 2 of 2: Cook the Vegetable Soup

Make Vegetable Soup Step 7
Make Vegetable Soup Step 7

Step 1. Simmer all the vegetables in 1-1.5 liters of water

Since this recipe does not involve adding broth, pour the water into a large pot and cook all the vegetables over low heat for 45-60 minutes. The liquid should just simmer. In addition to the vegetables, add the garlic and seasonings to the pot at the same time.

  • The pot should be large enough to hold 1-1.5 liters of water in addition to the ingredients. The ideal is to use a broth with a thick bottom.
  • The water must not reach full boiling, otherwise the vegetables may burn.
  • Stir at regular intervals.
  • When all the vegetables have softened, the soup is ready to serve.
Make Vegetable Soup Step 8
Make Vegetable Soup Step 8

Step 2. Heat the extra virgin olive oil in a large pan

To make the vegetable soup in less time, you need to toss the ingredients in the oil and use the broth. Heat the extra virgin olive oil until it begins to lightly fry.

  • Adjust the heat to medium. Too low a heat will slow down the process, while too high a heat will cause the oil to burn.
  • If you want, you can try replacing the olive oil with coconut, avocado, or another of your choice. Or you can use butter.
Make Vegetable Soup Step 9
Make Vegetable Soup Step 9

Step 3. Add chopped garlic and diced carrots, potatoes and celery to the pan

Reduce the heat slightly and fry them in hot oil for about 8 minutes. You will hear them sizzle and release their delicious aromas. Stir every minute or so.

Make Vegetable Soup Step 10
Make Vegetable Soup Step 10

Step 4. Add all the other vegetables

Add the green beans, celery, corn, and any other vegetables you have chosen to add to the soup. Skip the vegetables over medium heat for another 5 minutes. You will know they are ready when they have become soft and fragrant; be careful not to let them darken or burn.

  • Stir regularly with a long-handled wooden or metal spoon. A couple of times a minute should be enough.
  • If the vegetables start to be very hot and continue to sizzle, they are frying. In this case, lower the flame.
  • Conversely, turn it up if the vegetables aren't sizzling at all.
Make Vegetable Soup Step 11
Make Vegetable Soup Step 11

Step 5. Add the rustic tomato puree

Stir to make sure all the ingredients are evenly distributed.

Make Vegetable Soup Step 12
Make Vegetable Soup Step 12

Step 6. Add 1-1.5 liters of meat (beef or chicken) or vegetable broth

After pouring it into the pot, turn up the heat. Wait for the broth to come to a light boil, it shouldn't come to a full boil. You will need to keep an eye on the soup throughout cooking to make sure it only simmers.

  • If the broth is boiling excessively, reduce the heat.
  • You have to make sure that the liquid simmers lightly and constantly, without ever reaching full boiling.
Make Vegetable Soup Step 13
Make Vegetable Soup Step 13

Step 7. Let the soup cook for 25-30 minutes

If you have turned the heat down a lot, you may need to turn it up a little to get the broth to simmer again.

Make Vegetable Soup Step 14
Make Vegetable Soup Step 14

Step 8. Check if the potatoes and carrots are cooked

After 25-30 minutes they should have softened. Stick a small piece of carrot and a small piece of potato with your fork, if it penetrates easily without encountering resistance, the soup is ready.

Make Vegetable Soup Step 15
Make Vegetable Soup Step 15

Step 9. Add salt, pepper and any other seasonings you want

After you've poured a little of each of the spices into the pot, mix them thoroughly to distribute them evenly throughout the soup. At this point it tastes to determine if the quantity used is sufficient. In general it is best to add only a pinch at a time and then taste and make small gradual corrections.

  • Be careful because it is much easier to add more than to have to remove some because you have exaggerated.
  • If you want to add extra flavor to the soup, you can use additional spices or herbs, such as fresh or dried oregano, thyme, or parsley.
  • At the supermarket you can find numerous mixes of spices suitable for seasoning vegetables to add to the soup.
  • If you want, you can add a spicy note to the recipe by adding chilli powder or flakes.
Make Vegetable Soup Step 16
Make Vegetable Soup Step 16

Step 10. Serve and enjoy your delicious vegetable soup

Pour it into bowls using a ladle and remind your diners that it is hot.
