Many clocks display the time in binary rather than using normal numbers. This tutorial shows you how to write in binary. All you will need is some paper, a pen and a little patience.

Step 1. Write the following numbers on a sheet of paper:
128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1.

Step 2. On a second sheet of paper, start writing a sequence of numbers starting from 65, and assign a capital letter of the alphabet to each of them (A = 65 B = 66 C = 67 D = 68 and so on)

Step 3. Use another sheet and perform the same procedure as in the previous step, this time starting from the number 97, and using lowercase letters (a = 97 b = 98 c = 99 d = 100 and so on)

Step 4. Now each letter will be represented by a sequence of 8 digits which can only assume the values 0 and 1 respectively
The first sequence of numbers: 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 represents the powers of the number 2, useful for converting a decimal number to binary.
In computer science, electronics and in the computer world in general, the value '1' means 'on', while the value '0' means 'off'. Starting from this rule, the letter 'A' can be represented in binary as follows: 01000001.
Write Capital and Lowercase Letters in Binary Step 4Bullet1

Step 5. Understand the reasons behind the statement from the previous step
Each bit that makes up the binary number of our result corresponds to a power of the number 2. Assuming that the number 128 in binary is equal to 10000000, the corresponding binary of 64 is 1000000, and the number associated with the letter A is 65, you must simply add 1 to the binary number corresponding to 64, thus obtaining 1000001. To include in the sequence also the bit relative to the power of two, '128', we will obtain our final result 01000001. To fully understand the system of conversion from decimal to binary, using the powers in base 2, read the following guide: Convert a number from the decimal system to the binary one.

Step 6. Convert each of the decimal numbers associated with your letters to binary, after which you will be able to write in binary
- Use the following website '' to find out all the ASCII characters that can be expressed in binary.
- Do the opposite to read in binary.