How to Start a Fire in Your Hand: 12 Steps

How to Start a Fire in Your Hand: 12 Steps
How to Start a Fire in Your Hand: 12 Steps

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Although a lot of caution and adult supervision is always required when handling flammable liquids, there are a couple of very spectacular tricks that can be done with simple tools available at home and a little technique. You can impress your friends with these circus games or convince them that you are some kind of fire creature! Read on to learn more.

WARNING: Be extremely cautious. Handling flammable liquids unprotected is not recommended


Method 1 of 2: With a Butane Lighter

Create a Fire in Your Hand Step 1
Create a Fire in Your Hand Step 1

Step 1. Take security measures

If you want to do this trick, you need to make sure you don't set fire to the house and don't burn yourself. Do it outdoors, in a cleared area without bushes or other elements that can catch fire. You need a bucket of water close at hand, in case you need to put out the flames quickly, as well as adult supervision.

If you decide to use gloves, choose an old pair of leather or gardening ones, the important thing is that they fit snugly on the palm of your hand. While wearing fireproof gloves is often the best way to protect yourself from burns, clothes generally prevent makeup from going well and could be even more dangerous. Flame retardant gloves stifle flames before they are even fully ignited, while regular gloves absorb flammable liquid, increasing your chances of catching fire and getting burned

Create a Fire in Your Hand Step 2
Create a Fire in Your Hand Step 2

Step 2. Close the hand into a fist leaving a small gap between the little finger and the palm of the hand

You must leave enough space to insert the end of the lighter comfortably. The fingers should be relatively snug against the palm so the butane cannot escape from the fist. Use your thumb to close the opening that forms between the index finger and the hand.

Imagine having water in your hand and preventing it from coming out of your fist. The trick, in practice, is to fill your fist with butane and set it on fire as soon as you open your hand

Create a Fire in Your Hand Step 3
Create a Fire in Your Hand Step 3

Step 3. Insert the end of the lighter into your fist

You have to put the nozzle that dispenses the butane into the small gap you left between the little finger and the palm of your hand so as to fill the internal space of the fist with gas. The trick doesn't work if you place the lighter only on the edge of your hand, you just have to insert it.

Create a Fire in Your Hand Step 4
Create a Fire in Your Hand Step 4

Step 4. Press the gas supply button for approximately 5 seconds

To start your "performance", press the red button on the lighter and release the butane into your fist. Do not turn the ignition on by turning the wheel, just press the red button.

  • Different experts of this trick press the button for different times, some for more time or less, based on the size of the fireball I want to get. In the beginning it is best to be cautious and only give the gas for about 5 seconds. This allows you to have enough gas to get a short-lived fireball.
  • As you learn the technique, you can also try with larger amounts of butane and squeeze the dispenser for 10 seconds or more. However, do not overdo it at the first attempts. This is a dangerous game of skill and you do not have to take "the longest step of the leg".
Create a Fire in Your Hand Step 5
Create a Fire in Your Hand Step 5

Step 5. Remove the lighter from your fist and light the fire

Once you have counted to five you need to act quickly to prevent the butane from evaporating. Hold the lighter about 30 cm from the fist and light the spark by turning the wheel with your thumb and pressing the button.

For no reason should you operate the lighter while it is still in your fist once you have enclosed the butane in your hand. It is very dangerous

Create a Fire in Your Hand Step 6
Create a Fire in Your Hand Step 6

Step 6. Bring the flame to the opening of the fist, near the little finger

At the same time, open your hand, one finger at a time, starting with the little finger. Perform all these actions quickly. Butane will catch fire and burn quickly. You will be able to "control" the fireball by opening your hand.

It takes some practice to learn the right timing. You have to open your fingers like a "fan", away from the lighter, lifting the little finger first, then the ring finger and so on. If you open all your fingers together, butane will not catch fire, while if you leave your fist closed, you risk getting burned. Never keep your hand in a fist

Method 2 of 2: With a Flammable Hand Sanitizer

Create a Fire in Your Hand Step 7
Create a Fire in Your Hand Step 7

Step 1. Be very careful

This method describes a trick that is often shown at parties and is posted on YouTube by many guys. However, it is a dangerous "game" that should never be played without adult supervision and without proper precautions. You could get very hurt if you don't do it correctly and quickly.

Create a Fire in Your Hand Step 8
Create a Fire in Your Hand Step 8

Step 2. Purchase a flammable hand sanitizer

The trick is to set this product on fire and quickly rub it on your hands. Finally you have to smother the flames as soon as possible. For this reason you need an alcohol-based disinfectant gel, choose one that includes "ethyl" or "isopropyl" alcohol among the ingredients.

In some products there are a lot of ingredients, in others just a couple. However, it is the presence of alcohol that makes the gel flammable, regardless of the others. So, if you have an alcohol-free sanitizer, know that the trick won't work. Read the label

Create a Fire in Your Hand Step 9
Create a Fire in Your Hand Step 9

Step 3. Take all safety precautions

The concept behind the makeup is to smear a small amount of gel on a surface and then set it on fire, thus creating a small layer of blue flames. At this point you have to very quickly rub your fingers into the gel and then throw it away. For this method it is essential to wear gloves and you should also prepare a bucket of water, in case you need to put out the flames urgently.

Find a fireproof surface suitable for makeup. You should perform it outdoors, on a concrete surface and away from any flammable object. The flatter the surface, the better. Remove every piece of paper, every twig, and every sod. You have to be very careful not to ignite anything other than the disinfectant gel

Create a Fire in Your Hand Step 10
Create a Fire in Your Hand Step 10

Step 4. Smear a thin layer of gel on the concrete and turn it on

Try to form an even layer, you can use a finger for this work. Clean your hand to make sure any residue does not ignite prematurely. Before the alcohol evaporates, set the gel on fire with a lighter. A blue flame should form, sometimes not always easy to see.

  • At night, this trick is more beautiful to see, because the flames are more visible. But make sure it's not dark enough to prevent you from clearly seeing what you are doing. Perhaps late evening is the best time, when there is still a little light, which guarantees you safety, but dark enough to see the fire.
  • Do not spread the gel on your hands and then set them on fire for no reason. The trick only works because it is done quickly and not because the gel is a safe product. If you do, you will be severely burned. Avoid it!
Create a Fire in Your Hand Step 11
Create a Fire in Your Hand Step 11

Step 5. Quickly swipe your finger over the gel

If you move fast enough you will be able to collect some gel from the concrete as it burns and the audience will have the impression that your finger is covered in flames. As you perform this movement, know that you won't have much time to admire your finger, as you will burn yourself if you wait more than a second or two.

You will feel heat or a strange sensation somewhere between hot and cold. Disinfectant gels usually leave you feeling cold and may fool your senses. In truth, if you move with the right speed, you will not have time to try anything: you will have to rub your finger in the gel, take a look at the flames and put them out immediately

Create a Fire in Your Hand Step 12
Create a Fire in Your Hand Step 12

Step 6. You can get rid of the fire by quickly waving your hand

The best way to smother the flame is to get rid of the gel on your finger. If you just blow hard, you only risk moving the gel and spreading the fire. We will never repeat this enough: put out the flames as soon as you come in contact with them or you will burn yourself.

Place a bowl of water nearby and stick your hand in it if necessary. Do not let the flame burn all the alcohol or you risk doing yourself very badly


  • Also try throwing fire once you've mastered the technique.
  • You can also do this on other surfaces, such as a table or a bottle cap, preferably small. Make sure you use something fireproof.
  • Make sure you do this quickly because otherwise the gas could evaporate.


  • Make sure you are with someone when you first perform this trick so they can help you if you accidentally get burned.
  • Make sure you keep your hand away from you and your friend's body. It wouldn't be so nice to burn yourself or burn his hair.
  • Always be careful when playing with fire.

    Do not do this near flammable objects or small children.
