If you want to start journaling, you will need a notebook, a writing tool, and a pact with yourself. The first thing to do is to write the first paragraph… then you can think about keeping a diary on a regular basis! Use the journal as a way to explore your innermost thoughts and feelings, the things you can't tell anyone else.
Part 1 of 3: Prepare a Journal

Step 1. Find a notebook to write on
The notebook can be plain or decorated. If a simple diary is enough for you, then buy a regular school notebook. If you want something more serious, look for a nice leather-bound diary, maybe even one with a key and lock!
- Decide if you want a lined notebook or not. A lined notebook can help you write; one without might be more suitable for designs and other artistic elements. Think about how you prefer to put your ideas down and choose the notebook that inspires you the most.
- If you plan to keep it with you at all times (in your purse, backpack, or pocket), make sure you buy a notebook small enough to fit comfortably.

Step 2. Decorate the notebook
Make your diary unique by decorating it with your own style. Personalize the cover with phrases, images, stickers and colors. Take clippings from your favorite magazines and glue them inside or outside the journal. However, if decoration is not your thing, feel free to leave the diary as it is!
Consider numbering the pages. You can do this all at once or you can number them progressively as you fill them. This can be a great way to keep track of what you write

Step 3. Keep a digital diary
This can be a safe and easy-to-access means of storing your thoughts. Write using Microsoft Word or another word processor, then save the various documents in a specific folder or merge them into a single traditional document.
- Consider using a system that you can access with a password, whether it's in the cloud or just over the internet. This way you can open and edit your diary from any computer or device! Try WordPress or even your email client.
- Despite all the benefits of having a digital diary, you may lose the appeal of a paper one. Try it, if you are curious. You can always keep some notes in a "physical" notebook and others stored on your computer.
Part 2 of 3: Starting a Journal

Step 1. Write the first entry
The most important step in starting a diary is to write the first entry. The notebook, decoration and security are just ways to make you feel that the journal is a safe space to write. Think about the type of diary you keep. So, write down what you have in mind.
- Write down what happened to you today, including where you went, what you did, and who you talked to.
- Write down what you felt today. Write your joys, frustrations, and goals into your journal. Use the act of writing as a way to explore your feelings. Also consider keeping a dream journal.
- Keep a record of learning. Write down what you learned today. Use the journal as a way to explore and connect your thoughts.
- Turn your experiences into art. Use the journal to write stories or poems, make sketches and plan projects. Feel free to mix this up with the written parts.

Step 2. Date what you write
If you're planning on journaling on a regular basis, then it's good to establish a way to keep track of when you wrote what. Write the complete date or whatever you need to recover the memory of what you wrote (for example 4/2/2020 or 4 February 2020). If you want to be a little more precise, write down the time of day (morning, afternoon, night), your mood and / or your location. Write the date at the top of the page or at the beginning of each entry.

Step 3. Get into the flow of writing
Try not to think too critically about what you are writing. Leave doubts aside and put your truth on paper. The beauty of a diary is that you can tell events differently than you usually do with people: the deep thoughts and feelings that lie behind your daily decisions. Take the opportunity to explore yourself.
- Imagine you are talking to someone. Whether you are talking to a close friend or writing your thoughts in a journal, you are pouring them out into the world, thus making them real. It can be difficult to really understand what you are thinking until you make your thoughts real.
- Use the diary as a healing tool. If there is something haunting or bothering you, try writing about that thing and try to figure out why it doesn't leave you alone.

Step 4. Think before you write
If you are having trouble finding the flow, try taking a few minutes to quietly reflect on what you are feeling. The act of writing can help you bring out these feelings, but it can be difficult to write until you have a clear idea of how to get started.

Step 5. Use a stopwatch
Try to spend a good amount of time writing in your journal. Set a timer for 5 to 15 minutes, then let yourself go. The "deadline" of the ticking clock can motivate you to write. Don't worry about perfect style! Just write down everything that comes into your mind.
- If the timer goes off and you haven't finished journaling yet, feel free to go ahead. The purpose of the timer is not to limit you, but to inspire you.
- This can be a great way to adapt your journal writing practice to the fast pace of everyday life. If you are having a hard time finding time to write in your journal, you may need to schedule it.
Part 3 of 3: Keeping a Journal

Step 1. Take the notebook with you
This way you can record your thoughts whenever you feel the need. Keep the diary in your bag, backpack or back pocket of your pants. When you have a free moment, try taking out your diary instead of your cell phone. You may find that doing this helps keep you grounded, day in and day out.
Carrying the diary around has the advantage of keeping your words secret. Keeping it with you all the time is less likely to fall into the wrong hands

Step 2. Keep your diary private
If you've poured your deepest, most personal thoughts into this journal, you probably don't want anyone else to read it. Hide it somewhere where no one can find it. The best hiding places include:
- Behind the books in your library
- Under the pillow or mattress
- In the drawer of your bedside table
- Behind a painting
Step 3. Leave the cover anonymous
Do not label the diary as "Private!" or "DO NOT read!" This will make people curious and make them want to read it even more. It would be best to leave the cover blank or disguise it as something more boring, like "Homework" or "Shopping Lists".
If you still want to label it as "My Diary" or "Private!", Be sure to hide it well

Step 4. Write regularly
Make journaling a habit of yours. Reap all the mental health benefits of staying in touch with your emotions day in and day out. Whenever you write in your journal, remind yourself to be honest and to tell the whole truth.
Try scheduling time to write in your journal within your day. Some people write in their diary before going to bed or right after waking up, others on public transport or during lunchtime. Find the perfect time for you

Step 5. Write in your journal when you need to get better
Studies have indicated that journaling can be a very effective way to process grief, trauma, and other emotional pain. Let your writing habit hold you up when you feel like everything is falling apart.
- Consider naming your journal. It may help make you want to write if you feel like you are telling your story to someone. Instead of "Dear Diary", you could try something like "Dear Amanda", "Dear Julio", "Dear puppy", etc.
- Add some personal information on the first page, in case something happens to you and you need to know who to contact. This is also useful if you lose your diary. However, do not add information that you are not comfortable disclosing.